can always feel good now

can always make the choice right now
right now right now right now
to commune with god and know that is all there is

can always make the choice right now
can always feel good now can always feel good now can always
feel the magick of the day right now

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with the
light of truth
i know its all about where the consciousness is focused
where the energy is focused
where the feeling is focused

its all about how you feel and
being aware of how you feel making the choice to direct
every thought

trusting the feeling trusting the feeling of me
and doing what i need what

feeling how i want to feel and doing it for me
and i love that i can dot his

live life for me
i’m not afraid to live life for me
to do what i want to do to feel how i want to feel
and it feels good to amekt

to make the choice to make the choice in any moment
to feel how

i want to feel to be aware of the feeling to
be aware of everythough

through thought
and it feels good it feels good to feel good
it feels good to feel godo

to renounce my humanhood right now
and align with god i align with

my only job is focus on me
on how I feel on me on how i feel on what i want
to get out of the way on how i want to feel
to feel for it

how you would prefer to feel and then
feel for it and that’s all life is
its just
a feeling and maybe what you chose to do
when you woke up led you down a path of feeling
sluggish but you can always feel toward what you want to feel
i can

always feel the divine buzz i can always choose to feel the
divine buzz i can always choose me i can lw

feels good to feel good feels good to feel good

i am conscious of the inner presence as my
lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

therefor my consciousness if filled with the light of truth





focus on how i want to feel on the choice
and that is my power i know the power of me because

i’ve seen it so so so so so many times
i know the power of me and its

not entertaining the possibility of something i dont want
and everyt ime i hear

i hear myself think it, i correct it
i know this is my power and i’ve seen it so many times
i know this is my power i know that it

can be challenging but i know this is my power i know this
is my power i know the power of me and its i

get to decide what is and i get to decide how i feel i love
that i get to decide how i feel i lovee that i
i get to decide for me i love that i get to choose that
i can always stand up to my thoughts

i can always stand up to my reality
and do what is best

for me i can always stand up to my reality and do what is best

for me i this here and now this here and now
the main thing is i want to be alone

el oh el

just want to be left alone for maine
without someone else watching my every move
judging my every fucking move

pressuring me to do stuff when they’re ready
just becuase they want to do it right then

doesn’t mean i want to

and i can focus on me i have that right
i have that right ow

to focus on me to feel good as me i feel good as me
and that’s all i need i can focus on myself

i can trust the universe and feel good ic an t

trus the universe and feel good i know ahts
what’s going to feel good i’

i know what’s going to feel good and i can trust that
i trust what i feel s

what feels good

i trust myself

i can feel good i can feel good i can
feel good i feelt he

i feel good i feel good i feel the energy of life
flowing through me i know that life loves me i know

that life loves me i know that life
loves me i know that life
loves me i know that life loves me

i know that life is love i know that
i cn choos
can choose to feel good nwo i can

i cana lways do the work to feel good
and that is my power i know my powe ri know

i know who i am i know hwo

who i am and that i get to decide myreality

am so grateful that i don’t look outside of me
for validation anymore
and that i can always find it within

when i look toward god

its not a journey
its a looking

its an awareness

i am conscious of the inner presence as
my lavish abundance

i am concious of the

conscious of the constant activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with
the light of truth

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish

i am conscious of the constant

activity of this mind of infinite prosperity
therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

therefore my consciousness is filled with the
light of truth

its easy to come back to center to come back
to life to come back to the effortlessness of lifef


remember the vibrational bookmarks

to remember them to remember that every time
its a feeling its a

matter of standing up to your thoughts
its a matter of standing oup to y

up to your thoughts and its that easy
and not only that

its fun!!

its fun to feel good its fun to tune yourself to the vibration
of god

its fun to know its all you!
and that you get to choose!!

its fun to make the choice and allow
all of life to flow to me its fun to me
open to miracles in every second
to know that god is working magick

in every moment

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constatn
activity of thism ind

of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with
the light of truth

so grateful for this day

to feel good to feel good to feel
connected to life to feel loved to feel

thought of it feels good to feel good
to feel loved

to feel good in my life to have a normal day to have fun
to talk to take an exursion to enjoy life it feels so good
to enjoy life right now to love

so grateful to feel good to do the wrok
to say yes thank yout o see to see the
miracles all around to notice that the
miracles are all around to know that the miracles
are all around it feels good to feel good
it feels good to feel good it feels good

to feel good to feel good to focus it feels good
good to focus it feels good to focus it feels good to focus
to feel good to feel good to tune to tune the vibration of me

so grateful for right now this moment knowing
that it’s only ever this moment and how i feel in this
moment in this
in this here and now
this here and now this

ehre an dnow
this here and now this here and onw

this here and now it feels good to feel good in this h
here sn w
and now

grateful to feel good
grateful to know grateful to feel the
feeling feel the feeling of
me feel the feeling of me

feel the feeling of me feel
the feeling ofme

feel the feeling of me
feel the feeling of me
feel the
feeling of me
feeling the feeling of me

feel the feeling of me feel the
feeling of me
feel the feeling of me

feel the feeling of what i am of the
god self of the god self the focus the
focus on the gos elf

the awareness

just pay attention just
apy atte
pay attention pay attention pay

pay attention i love that tis work

working i love that its its workig
i love that its working i love that life
is what i look for what



the perfect timing with the mail man
i mean the

miracles are everywhere and that’s come

something that we’ve blown up
that’s something that we’ve blown up
and it becomes more and more

and do you have anything for me?
why yes

yes we do

thank you for the magick in
my life at every moment
thank you for the magick in my life
at every moment

thank you for the magick
for the magick unfolding of every
single thing

and i kow that
i know that i can let go and trust
the flow i let
go dna

and grust
trust the flow
i let go
and i trust the flow i let
go and i

i trust the flow i tl
let go i trust the flow i

thank you itha
thank you i thank you

thank youi thakn you
for this knowledge that its me
its the vibration of me
the xpect

expectation of me
the patterns of thought
that i create i know its all me
i nokw

i know its all me i know its all me
i know its a

all me
i know i know its all me

i love that i know i love that i know

thank you for this knowledge
to settle into the knowledget

to settle into ys
so grateful to
so grateful to know

to see the evidence of it everywhere
i am creating it i create i

create it i create it

i create it its all me
itsa ll subjective

its all
its all observation
its all expectation
it is really wht you look for it si

is really what you
create with your words your words

your thoughts feelings actions and


i know its all me i know its all me i know its
all me i know its all me i know its

all me i know itsa ll me
i know its all me

i know its me its the version i let myself tell

i love that i know i love
that i know life always unfolds perfectly
i love that i know life
always unfolds perfectly i love
that i know that life is good i love
that i know

i love that i love that i know i love
that i know i am he the
creator of all this and i get to

say thank you all i can do is say thank you
i know it i know its all mei know i

i know i am the god figure and my knowledge
of that truth is my supply i love that i know this
i love that i knowi am

i am tapped into the only supply there is i lobe
i love that i know this

i know my attention creates
i know my focus creates
and that’s why they want to harness our focus

harness our attention
its the most valuable thing!!

but no more
now i put my attention where i want it
i use my precious power to create the version i prefer
to point it where i want it and i love that

that’s my choice i knkow this
i know i am the creator and its up to me
i lovet hat its
up to me to just give attention
to the things i like the things
i prefer

i love where i am right now!!

i love where i am i love that where
working artists i love that we never had to

comprimise i love that life is good for me
i love that i know that life always working
on my side and that i can completely

let go!!

i love where i am right now
i love that i love my life love my city
love my family

i love sub payments and donations!!!

i love that the miracles are always rolling in
and its especially when you’re not looking for them or
needing them just enjoying life
just enjoying life but always

putting into the air the version you want
celebrating what you like and want more of and its that
easy i love that i get to choose i love that i get to choose
to feel the feeling and know this is th

life this is the work allowing life to do the work
just observing just
tuing in to what life

can give me in every moment


so much to be grateful for so much go
to be grateful for
so grateful for this day
partner who loves me
two cats who love me for a home
that loves me that i love
i love my home i love my home so much and i’m
so so so grateful for it

so grateful for the presents and the
people who love us and thought of us

so grateful to live by a great lake
and get to walke there
walk there whenever i want so
grateful for a wife who loves me

for beautiful weather on christmas
so grateful for the sun
so grateful for warm weather
so grateful for our big cozy bed
and our tv that we can just watch youtube videos on
so grateful our neighbor is decent

so grateful for new clothes!!
and a griddle!!
and frams!!

and bag organizers!

and a really good and space and time enough to relax enough to
get bored so grateful to want to work

so grateful for bongs

for plenty of weed
for our clean house and the laundry is done

so grateful for handed down sweaters

for the smell of offgassing on clothes

my favorite smell
one of them so grateful for that smell
as sick as that is

it’s true

grateful to not be tempted by a tone
of food and treats

just a little food and

grateful tow rok to work out to feel good
to feel good in my body to like myself
to love myself so grateful to love myself to ve

feel good now to feel the flow now

so grateful to feel the flow to feel the flow
now to do the owkr
the work now so grateufl to do the to
to do the work now to do the work right here and now

to do this work right now
to already have everything i need so grateful to be in a
place in my life where i feel like
i have everything ih ave it

i have it all i love that i already made it
i love that i’m already there i love
that life is good i love that li

life is good that i already made it i love that
i alredy made
it that i gt to feel good now
that i get
to feel go

good now so grateful life already is the way
i want it to be that i an always

cana lway s

can always suspend reality
i love that i know this i love that i know this
i love that i get to feel good that i get to feel good
that i get to feel go

good now that i get to feel good now
that i get to love life now that i get to love
life now that i
get to feel good now that i get to love life tu

now that i get to tune to self right now

it feels good to feel good to
celebrate life to celebrate love to celebrate this day

celebrate life to celebrate that
we already are where we want to be

for life already is the way i want it
to be and i love that i never have
to leave this moment i love that
i get to feel good now i love that lif

life is so good right now and i
get to celebrate that it all worked out its all working
out it always does and

i’m so very very very
for everything in my life rhgt

right now i’m so very very lucky
for everything in my life
right now

i feel good right now i feel good right now
i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel

good now i feel good now i feel good now
i feel the flow right now i feel the flow
right now i feel the
flow right now i feel the work i feel
the journey

the destination
i’m already here i’m already here

thank you thank you i’m
already here i’m already here i’m
already here

thank you

i love that i get to feel good now
to see the magick of life in everything
celebrate life in
every moment so

grateful to suspend reality and just
feel so grateful to just
feel to just

feel good now to just
feel good now

suspend reality and just
good now trust the feeling trust the feelig n
of the now relax intot he no

relax into the feeling of
the now

so grateful to feel tuned to
all the miracles in life so grateful to
see the miracles everythwere

where so grateful to see life to see life to
feel good in life
so grateful to feel good in my life
right now to do this work right now
to know this is the onlly work

right now to know this is the only work right now
so grateufl to

grateful to know so grateful to know
so grateful to know to feel the feeling
to feel the feeling of relief right now
the connection right now the enjoyment of life

right now

feels so good to remember
that nothing matters or ever will
and i can just slilp
into the here and now

live in the here and now love the
here and now love myself in the here
and now love

me in this here

this ehre and
here and now love me in the here and now
let everything else go
love that i know this love to feel the
feeling the frequencyj

and thank it for being here.

feels good to feel good

to know that life is always in my favor
to feel good now to tuen

to tune myself now
so gratefult o tune to tune myself
to tune myself ot
to the feeling of now tot he feeling of
god so grateful to know
to know the feeling of god

so grateful to feel good now to feel good now
to know the feeling right now
to know god right now to feel the god self right now

to say yes to everything hat i
that is right now knowing that the
the right now
the now is everything right now
is life and its all

there ever is

i’m tuned to god and i feel the feeling
of god i feel the feeling of god in me
i love that i get to feel it that
i get to feel the feeling of god i
get to feel the feeling of god i
get to feel the feeling of god i love that
i feeel it feel it now i love that
i know this is life

not trying to gt money

feeling of god is life and i know i have
access to it in every moment

i am god i know that i am god
and that everything is a simulatoni
i lovet hat i know ti know
this i love that i know this
i love that i get
i know thtis
thiss i am

aware of the simulation

i love that i know i love that i know
who ia m i love that i know who i am
what i am i love that i nkow who and
what i am
i love i love that i know i love that i know i love
that i get to feel good now get to feel good now

get to feel the focus get to feel the
feeling of align;ment

alignment knowing this is all there
is this is all i seek and this
is all i could eer

ever find

right nere
here and now right here and nowt his
is all i ould ever

could ever find i love that i know this
this feeling communion with god
is all there is i love that i know ths i love
i love that i know this i love that i know
this i love that i know this

i love that
i know that
i love that i know this i love

i love that i know this

thank you for this here and now
for this here and onw foe
now for the flow
for the flow for the flow

for the god self for the
god awareness so grateful for the
god awareness for life
flowing from my fingertips before
i can even fathom the words

already there

i know that life
already is and it always will bei know

i know that its all just a vibrationa nd i know
that i’m already there there’s no where
to get an i’m already there right now just enjoying this

right now is all there is enjoying this rhgi
right now is all there is and i love that i know this
i love that i know this i love that
i know

i love that i know this

feeling is all there is this feeling is all


tjere os

there is this tuning is all
there is this feeling of alignmetn
of lkn

of knowing god just aks

ask yourself how would god feel right now
and then you can feel the feeling of life that
is god the knowledge of god
the feeling of god

is god

ask yourself how god would feel right now and then feel it
and it’s that easy life is that eay

i know that life is that eay life

life is that easy i knowt hat life
is that easy i knoat ht

that is life connection with god

wti h

with god that is all there is
chooe h

choose how you want to feel that
is all there is i love that i know this i love

that i know t
i know this i love that i know this
i love that

i know this love that
i knkow t

i know h


this i love that i get
i get to feel god i get to feel god
that i get to be aware of the god self
and knowing that the

god self is right now only right now
and there only is right now

this is life this is life
nothing outside of this

nothing outside of the now
and my


work is expanding into the now loving
the now loving everything that is saying yes
to everything that is know

and knowing that life
always presents the right thing at the right time

feeling the connection to that knowledge
and trustin it completely

i trust it complete and that
is the feeling ofl ife that
is the feeling og

of god of knowing god that is
the feeling of knowing god

i love that i know i love that i know
i love that everything already is

that i’m so lucky in what i have
in that li

life already is the way i want it to be
and i have so much life
already is the way i want it to be
and i love that i know this
i already have everything i asked for
and life gave it to me

i love that i know this i lovet hat i know
that i know l

that i know life loves me i love that
i know life

loves me i love that i know this
i love that there is so much to be grateful for right now
that i already have everything right now
i love that i know this i love that i know the

secret to life
i have found the secret to life
and can

relax in the knowledget hat
the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is
continuosly easily
and effortlessly pouring froth

forth from my divine existence

and effortlessly pouring forth my

from my divine existence
my divine existence i know this i kno this
i know this i know this i know this

totally up to me

i love that i know that
my enjoyment of ife

enjoyment of the day is totally up
to me its totally up to me how i feel and ho w
i make the choice to go through life i a

and i love that i know this i love that
i get to make the choice to have a good day
i ove that i know thato

how i feel is totally up to me i know that how
i feel is totally up to me and i get to make the choice
to feel good i get to make the choice
to feel how iw atnt o
want to fee i love i love that i

i know its not up to anyone else
its up to me to be a match

a match to god and i love that i know that
that i can always turn the boat i can always turn the feeling around
i can

always make the choice to feel good ic an always
make the choice to feel good now i make the choice to feel good now
to allow the flow to flow through me i make
the choice to allow life to flow through me

to feel how i want to feelright
right now i get to make the coice t
the choicet o feel how i want to feel right now

knowing that life

life always has the ability to provide
and i know that i just want to feel good and enamoured with
life that is the feeling i crave i just want to feel good int hs moment
trust this moment
trust what life is

bringing me
instead of

giving life

expectations of what it should be i love that i know i love
that i get to choose to feel good now i love that
i get to do the work right now that i get to feel good now
i love that the feeling
is always right there
that god is always right here

with me and i love that i know this i alove
i love that i get to choose to love instead
because that is what i prefer i love that i get
to choose to line up the energy i get to choose
to line up the energy i love that i know

this owrk this is the only work this is the only
feeling and as long as i feel the feeling
i want to feel life will follow i love that i now t
i know this i know
that iw ant a

af ee

a feeling and first comes the feeling i knkow that
i always hav eaccess to the feeling

i love that i knw life is
taken care of for me i love that i get to relax into the moment i love
that i get to relax into life
i love that i get to releax in


relax into life
enjoy life right now enjoy life right now

feeling good right now enjoy
feeling good right now

enjoy feeling good i love that i gt to choose
to feelgood now

fee the

feel the feeling now
have fun now
and then you are i love that i get to choose
to have fun right now
and i already am
i love that tere’s

there’s so much to enjoy in life
so mch to be

grateful for

so much to love
and i know that i am the source
i am

the one and only source
of how i feel i love that i know ths
i love
that i know

trusting the flow is the number one way to feel good

just jump in and don’t try
jump in and don’t try
i love that i don’t have
tot r

to try i love that get to celebrate always getting what i want
in every moment

i lift up my mind and heart
to be wawa

aware to undertand and to know
that the divine presence
i am

is the source and substance
of all my good

i lift up myi mind

and heart

to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am
is the source and substancd of

of all my good i know the
feeling i know the feeling is here i know the
feeling is right here and i get to feel it
now i love that i know its always
within me and i get to choose to feel it now

tune to it right now

i lift up my mind and heart
to be waw

aware to understand and to know
that the divine prsent i am

is the source and substance of
all my good

so glad i remembered
its all me

its all me
its only ever me so glad i remember

i have so much to be grateful for and
i can choose to love instead i can choose
to feel how iw ant t

want to feel now and that’s

all it is a feeling that’s all life is
is a feeling that’s all it is is a feeling
and i get to feel it now i get to feel the

feeling of life celebrating me
i know that life is always

celebrating me and i never have to wonder
i know that life is always celebrating me

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know that
the divine presence i am

is the source and substance of all my good

so grateful to remember tis all
its all me
so grateful to remember tis

its all me

so grateful i know and its solved
so grateful i get to have a good day now

because i remembered

its all up to me itsl aways


up to me
up to me up to me

its how i feel and i get to choose that i get to choose
how i feel and i get to choose how i experience life

and i love that its that easy!!

so grateful to feel good

to know that all tha tma
that matters is feeling good and to have access to this place
so grateful to have access to the feeling good place
so grateful to feel good now to feel the flow
flowing through me right now to know god right now

to know that kowing

knowing god is all there is to feel the
feeling right now of connected to god and know that is all there
is that is all to seek that

is not
seeking but arriving
allowing allowing the connection to

with god to exist

it always does its always there and its always connected
but its more of an awareness


tune my awareness to the god self
and know that all that matters
is feeling good all that matters
is feeling good is the feeling good palce
is the feeling flowing through me
all that mtters

is feeling good now

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus

entire focus
entire focus

that means all thoughts

place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial affairs

as the subtance
of all thigns visibl

i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within

grateful to know and to have access to feeling good
to know the truth and have access to it do

sso grateful this is the only work and this
work always works
so grateful to tune myself to raise my vibrati

vibration and know that this

my access to this feeling is

therefore my supply is unlimited i love that i know that
this is the real truth to life and nothing else is

true i love that i know i am god
i love that i know i am god i lovee that i know i am god

i keep my mind and thoughts

off ths world andp lace my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity in my
financial affairs

as the substance of all things visible

i place my faith in the prinicple of abundance
in acction within me

the inner presence
is the substance of all things visible
i know that everything is god and everything is me
becaue i am

i know that this is teh the secret to life
i know that i get to look for what i want to see that i
get to feel that i get to

become it then see it
become it then see it i lov that this
is all there is

i get to stand up to my thoughts
to the reflection of the old vibration
and decide to look for something new

to rise above to feel good to feel god and only god
to feel the feel g

to feel the food

good feeling to feel the feeling of flo

of god flowing htorugh
through me to know that its

not only possible
it iis my

it is my one and only job
is to keep my mind and thoughts

off this

so grateful to feel good to feel the
energy of god coursing through me so
grateful i know i am god and

i get to celebrate this knowledge so
grateful to know and celebrate this knowledge

kknkowing that

that this day
is an event horizine


this mmoment
is an event horizon

so gratefult o do this work
to feel good now to feel the flow now
to feel the magick of life rigt n

right now

i know them agikc o
the magick of life
i know that i get to look at everything
with love i get to look
at everything like god i love that i know

i am
i know i am god

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the

this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualzed as me

the reality of me

i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose me to

get to choose life get to choose god
get to choose love get to love

to choose to love thismoment
this moment the way goe would
god is

god is

i love thati know i i know i am god

i love tha i
that i get to feel good i love that i get to feel good

i love that i get to feel god i lovee that
i know the truth i love that i know the

truth of life

its not a symbol
or metaphor

its true
its true life
how you feel

what you expect whatyou want to see

that is what you get
its science
and i knwo this i know that
i am god i know that i am god
and life ust

must reflect that i love that
i get to feel good get to feel loving

celebrating this day because i feel good!!

so grateful to feel good to have so many reasons to feel good
so grateful to have
so many reasons

to feel good so grateful i gett o

feel good now get to feel good now
get to feel the feeling right now

of love of life of celebrating life
of knowing the truth to life
of knowing ig et to

i get to become it then see it
i get to come
become it
then see it and i know

alll of life
all of life

is a feeling

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omniprsent substance of the

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

so grateful for this day
so grateful for this moment
so grateful to know

to know to remember in every moment
that i am god

and ig et to

get to celebrate that!!!

i am the only one dictating it
i am athe only
the only one

deciding it

i am the only one deciding it
and i get to choose

become it then see it!!

grateful for this feeling

grateful to feel good to know the truth to
enjoy the hourne
journey to remember every day is a gift

to feel love so grateful to feel love
so grateful to feel love to feel the love of life

so gratefult o feel t

to feel loe

love for life so grateful to
feel love for life so grateful to feel love
for life so grateful to feel lo

for life so grateful to feel love
for life to feel love for life so grateful to feel good

to feel good to feel good to feel


so grateful for this moment
for this feeling for the tuing in
tuning in of life
so grateful to tune into life

to feel this feelin to mli

milk this feeling to feel supported by
life to know that life is just always reflecting me

to fel

feel connected to life

grateful i know freate
grateful i know my job is to observe
my only job is to observe thism oment
and know that life
reflecs my

reflects my proximity to god
and that’s it i know that is my only job

and that is fun that is fun
being with god is fun
returning to god is fun

breathing is fun
counting is fun and i know this
is all there is i love that i feel
the feeling right now and i

don’t need

anything else i

only focused on the god self only focused o the god self

i love feeling good now i love
knowing the god self i love i love
knowing that god self i love
knowing the god self i love
knowing the god self i love choosing to feel
good i love choosing to feel good now
to feel good now i love

choosing to feel good now to
feel good now to feel life now i lo ve

i love i love that i get to feel the magick of now i love that
i get to feel the magick of now i love that i

feel it now i feel the god self now i love that
i fel t

feel the god self and i know that is all there is
i love that i can relax in the god self i love that
i knowlife t

life is always fw

flowing through me i feel elevated
i feel the flow

life i feel the life

tahnk y

thank you

through my conscciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply i draw into my mind and
feeling nature the very subsatnce
of spirit

this substance is my supply


my consciousness of the presence of god
within me

is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply
and iknot

i know this

is what every religion has said
i know this i know this is the truth o flife

the secret of life

i have found the secret to life and
relax in the knowledge that the
activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is
easily and effortlessly pouring forth
from my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now i nthe flow

i am now aware i am now in the flow
i am now aware i am now in the flow

i am now aware i am now in the flow
i allow life
i allow life to show up

i have found the secret to life

i keep mmy mind and thoughts off this wrold

thank you thank you thank you
thank you for the knowledge

the only thing i’ll ever need

thank you thank you
thakn you
i love that life is already perfect i love that
i can just enjoy everything that is in
this moment in hi

this here and now i get to
enjoy everything that


i’m here now i’m here now
it’s here now i know that

every ome

moment is a gift so thank you
so grateful for that so
grateful for life for all the
good moments life provides
so grateful for all the moments life provides


knowing that i can tap into that
feeling i can alaqawya

always tap into that dimension
exist where i want to i can always
exist where i want to i can always
choose to know its on the way

life caused me to ask

thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank
you thank you for this feeling
the fog

god feelig the
the god feeling the connection with god
the connection with god
thak you

thank you for this feeling the
this feeling this feeling this feeling
i love this feeling i love this
feeling the feeling
of attunement the feeling of

understanding and loving life
loving being alive really savoring this moment

so grateful to feel grateful to know
to know the se

essence of life

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and place
my entire focuson
on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the
only activity in my financial affairs
as the substance of all tings

things visible

i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action
within me

i feel good i feel good i feel
good i feel good knowing that i am

and i never have to wonder
it feels good to be aware to be aware of everything
i create it feels good to know i am
the only one creating it and i gt to

get to choose it feels good
t le

to let everything else go

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and place
my entire focus on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity in my
financial affiars
as the substance of all things visible

i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within me

feels good to do me

to do what i want to do to
do what feels good to me to follow my own bliss to feel good
in my body to love me to love this right now
to love this right now to love me

to choose how i feel over everything else i choose
how i feel over everything else

feels good to do the work to always do the work
to know that i can always do the work and now that this
feeling of resistance came from allowing myself to
be pressured to do something i didn’t want to do

and i don’t have to do it so i won’t and its that easy

its easy to feel good its easy to feel good and its easy
to ask myself does this feel good an

is this going to be fun and if it isn’t then
i don thave to do it i dont have to do anything i dont want to do

i never do and its easy to remember that its esay to
to remember that
its easy to feel good it seasy to easy to feel good its easy to feel good
its easy to feel good when i ask myself

how i feel what do i want how do i want to feel what do i
wnat to do in what order do i want to do it

and that’s all it is
just ask myself and choose and not allow myself to be pressured by others
to do the wrok and
and feel good now to do the work and feel good now

i can always feel good now and it feels much better to do me
it feels much better to do me

it feels much better
to do me to feel good and do me it feels good to do me
it feels good to do me to feel good now

i can’t stand being pressured by what other

people want to do

more than that i can’t stand when i allow it to happen
because i know its all me i know its all me
i now l

i know all of life is me i know all of life
is me i know all of life is me i know that
tis all its all me and i am
the only one who gets to sho

choose i am the only one who gets to choose
and i can do what i want

feels good to do this instead
to choose what i want to do
and do it it feels good to choose what i want to do

and do it
it feels good to feel good to feel good
it feels good

to feel good

grateful for the knowledge of self
to know what helps me feel good grateful to choose what feels good
to me to be brave enough to choose
grateful to be grave

brave enought ot

to choose grateful to choose mt

grateful to choose me to choose to feel good
rather than suffer through it

it feels good to feel good rather than suffer
through it it feels good to feel good to feel good now
to choose to feel good it feels good

to feel good now to feel the energy

to feel the divine buzzzzzzz
from making the choice
that serves me it feels good to

make the choice that serves me
it feels good to serve me
and i feel good i feel good now i feel good now
because i made that choice that serves me

i feel good now because i made the choice that
serves me i actually feel much better

going with the flow
and not being rushe and not
allowing myself to be pressured by the needs of others

it feels good to rise above

to lift up my mind and heart to be ware

awrae to understand
and to know that the
divine prsence

i am is the sourcce and substance of all my good

i lift up my mind and heart to be ware
aware to understand and to know that the
divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

i lovet hat i know this
and i’m williing to take measure
s to feel good to

notice when i don’t

i take measures
to notice when i dont
and then i change it
and i’m

proud of myself for that
i’m proud of myself for

proud to choose how i want to feel
to choose how i want to feel

to do me
to choose to be awre of my

my own needs
to be aware of my own needs

feels good to feel good
feels good
to make the choice to feel good for me
to do me
to do me

and that’s it
that’s all i have to do
that’s all i can ever do

that’s all i can ever do
is choose me
is do me is do me that’s all i can
ever do is so me
and i

don’t have to go along with things
that don’t feel good to me adn

and i love that i know this
i love that i know this and i get to
i love that i get to i love that
ig te to

get to make the choice that ‘s m

best for me that i get to choose
to have a good day

how i want to

i can choose to accept that you have
no interest in helping me with this
and do it for me

do it for me
do life for me live life
for me i get to life live for me
and that’s the most liver

liberating feeling in the world
it feels good to let go of ther est

choose my bliss in this moment
i can always choose my bliss
in this moment
choose to feel good now and now

i feel much better!!

i love that i get to feel good that i get to
enjoy this day!

so grateful

to feel the flow to feel the buzz
to feel the universal buzz to be on the frequency to
want to do the work because it works

because it feels good feels good to feel good to
into my mind and feeling nature
the verys u

very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of og odw

god within me is my supply

thank you thank you thank you thank yoiu
thank you thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank yo ta

thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you
thank you

thank you thank you
thank you

thank you

you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thankyou

thank you thank you thank you