can always feel good now

can always make the choice right now
right now right now right now
to commune with god and know that is all there is

can always make the choice right now
can always feel good now can always feel good now can always
feel the magick of the day right now

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with the
light of truth
i know its all about where the consciousness is focused
where the energy is focused
where the feeling is focused

its all about how you feel and
being aware of how you feel making the choice to direct
every thought

trusting the feeling trusting the feeling of me
and doing what i need what

feeling how i want to feel and doing it for me
and i love that i can dot his

live life for me
i’m not afraid to live life for me
to do what i want to do to feel how i want to feel
and it feels good to amekt

to make the choice to make the choice in any moment
to feel how

i want to feel to be aware of the feeling to
be aware of everythough

through thought
and it feels good it feels good to feel good
it feels good to feel godo

to renounce my humanhood right now
and align with god i align with

my only job is focus on me
on how I feel on me on how i feel on what i want
to get out of the way on how i want to feel
to feel for it

how you would prefer to feel and then
feel for it and that’s all life is
its just
a feeling and maybe what you chose to do
when you woke up led you down a path of feeling
sluggish but you can always feel toward what you want to feel
i can

always feel the divine buzz i can always choose to feel the
divine buzz i can always choose me i can lw

feels good to feel good feels good to feel good

i am conscious of the inner presence as my
lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

therefor my consciousness if filled with the light of truth





focus on how i want to feel on the choice
and that is my power i know the power of me because

i’ve seen it so so so so so many times
i know the power of me and its

not entertaining the possibility of something i dont want
and everyt ime i hear

i hear myself think it, i correct it
i know this is my power and i’ve seen it so many times
i know this is my power i know that it

can be challenging but i know this is my power i know this
is my power i know the power of me and its i

get to decide what is and i get to decide how i feel i love
that i get to decide how i feel i lovee that i
i get to decide for me i love that i get to choose that
i can always stand up to my thoughts

i can always stand up to my reality
and do what is best

for me i can always stand up to my reality and do what is best

for me i this here and now this here and now
the main thing is i want to be alone

el oh el

just want to be left alone for maine
without someone else watching my every move
judging my every fucking move

pressuring me to do stuff when they’re ready
just becuase they want to do it right then

doesn’t mean i want to

and i can focus on me i have that right
i have that right ow

to focus on me to feel good as me i feel good as me
and that’s all i need i can focus on myself

i can trust the universe and feel good ic an t

trus the universe and feel good i know ahts
what’s going to feel good i’

i know what’s going to feel good and i can trust that
i trust what i feel s

what feels good

i trust myself

i can feel good i can feel good i can
feel good i feelt he

i feel good i feel good i feel the energy of life
flowing through me i know that life loves me i know

that life loves me i know that life
loves me i know that life
loves me i know that life loves me

i know that life is love i know that
i cn choos
can choose to feel good nwo i can

i cana lways do the work to feel good
and that is my power i know my powe ri know

i know who i am i know hwo

who i am and that i get to decide myreality

am so grateful that i don’t look outside of me
for validation anymore
and that i can always find it within

when i look toward god

its not a journey
its a looking

its an awareness

i am conscious of the inner presence as
my lavish abundance

i am concious of the

conscious of the constant activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with
the light of truth

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish

i am conscious of the constant

activity of this mind of infinite prosperity
therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

therefore my consciousness is filled with the
light of truth

its easy to come back to center to come back
to life to come back to the effortlessness of lifef


remember the vibrational bookmarks

to remember them to remember that every time
its a feeling its a

matter of standing up to your thoughts
its a matter of standing oup to y

up to your thoughts and its that easy
and not only that

its fun!!

its fun to feel good its fun to tune yourself to the vibration
of god

its fun to know its all you!
and that you get to choose!!

its fun to make the choice and allow
all of life to flow to me its fun to me
open to miracles in every second
to know that god is working magick

in every moment

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constatn
activity of thism ind

of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with
the light of truth