unfailing abundance the
i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know that
the divine presence i am is the source and
substance of all my good
i lift up my mind and heart to be aware
to understand and to know that the
divine presence iam
i am is the source and substance of
all my good
i realize the only thing i have to do
is the quantum leap in perspective
the switch
and i love that i can do that i love
that i feel different now and
a random event did that but i know
i’ve been asking
now is the time and the divine presence
i am the divine presence i am
is all that needs adjusting i know this
i know this i know i can choose to feel optimistic
i can choose the new world i want to see
i can focus i can focus i can
i lift up my mind and heart to be aware to understand
and to kno w that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of
all my good i lift up my mind and heart to be aware to understand
and to know
that the divine presence
is the source and substance of all my good
is the source and substance of all good
i lift up mind
and heart
to be aware
to understand and to know
that the divine presence ia m
is the source and substance
of all my good
i lift up my mind
and heart
to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence ia m
is the source ans
and substance of all my good
i lift up my mind and herat
to be aware to understand
and to know
that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good
i lift up
my mind
and heart
to be aware
i am aware i am aware
i know
i am aware i am aware of the
energy i am aware becuase
i am the observer
to be aware to be aware of
how life reflects the
so grateful to feel normal
so grateful it’s a good day
so gratful to feel good to
feel good to feel good
to feel the flow to feel the flow
to fee
to feel the feeling
i am
i am aware
i understand
i understand how it works
i get it i know that
it reflects me i understand it
i understand how it works
that life reflects me
and i am allowing it in
i don’ thave to feel guilty about wa
what i’ve allowe dto flow to me
i don’t have to feel guilty
i can feel good about the life and business model i chose!!
feels so good to feel good
feels so good to feel good to feel good
to feel the flow to feel the flow to feel the flow
to feel the
god self
i am aware
i understand
and i know
i know which means i don’t have to wonder
i know which means i never
have to waiver from the knowledge
i know
i know i know which means
no doubt
no question
the divine presence i am
which means
who i am what i am
the energy of me that i exist
i know that the energy that i exist
is the source and substance
from which it comes and also what
constructs it
what makes it up i know this
i understand it and i am aware of its
i lift up my mind and heart
i elevate my thoughts and emotions
to be aware
to be the watcher
to understand
which means no confusion
to know
which means no doubt about
that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good
is the source and substance of all my good
is the source and
of all my good.
i lift up my mind and heart to
be aware to understand and to now
i elevate my thoughts and emotions
to the level of
and knowledge
of the divine presence i am
i am aware
i understand and i know
it is the source
and the substance of all my good
how i feel is the source and
the substance of life
it is the source from which all things emanate
and it is the substance of life because it is life
how you feel in each moment
adds up to how you feel your whole life
and while life will change to
fit your emotions, you never have to let life
affect them
but while you stay aligned
nd lway
and always
what you feel is what you see
what i feel is what i see
i am aware i understand
and i know
ive been afraid to feel good
to expect the best but im over that now
ive let that go and ive decided to allow
all those clamouring for our work
to receive it
i allow all those clamoring for our work
to gain access
i allow them access
i allow them access
i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know that
the divine presence ia m
is the
source and substance of all my godo
i know this i know this
i know this i know this
i know this i know this
i allow the release of everything else
allow the release and allow myself
to feel good i am allowed to feel n
good no matter what i am
allowed to connect with god
no matter what
how i feel is the source
and the substance of all my good
it makes up my life and it also
make my life and i know this
i know for a fact that this
is the only work i know fht
that this is theo nly work
i know
i know that this
is the only work
the feeling work is the only work
i allow it
i allow it ipm
i’m opening the doors
i’m opening the floodgates