grateful for this day

so grateful for this amazing day
for awesome and fun opportunities
so grateful to feel good
for friends for jokes for a good day
to feel good on a shitty day it feels good

so grateful for jobs!!

so grateful for work i want to do so
grateful for the flow flowing
for the flowing
for the flowing
for the

flowing for the flow flowing

so gratefult o do this work
to feel good here and now to love my life
right nowt o

to know the secret to life
to feel the secret to life to align with
the secret to life
to know the secret to life
and allow it to flow through me

it feels good to say yes
and thank you it feels good

to say yes

i love that i know the secret to life
that i get to choose the version i create the
version i ccreat

create the version i create
the version

i create the
version i create the
version i create the

i create i love that
i g

i love that i get to feel good

i can always allow life
i can

always allow life to flow
through me i can
always allow life
to fow through me i can
always allow life to feel good i can always
allow ife i can

i can always allow life
i can

always allow life i can
always allow life i

can always

feel good feel good feel good
feel good feel good feel good

feel good feel good
focused in the here and now
feeling the wind
catching a wind
catching a moment
focused in the mone t

moment choosing the viibration
and knowing that it’s allme it’s
god is a

all a simulation
its all a simulation

i’m here now

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply
my awareness understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind within
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefor my supply is unlimited

my awareness undestanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the
divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this
truth is my supply
thus my consciousness of

my consciousness of this turht
is unlimited
thereore my supply is unlmited

i’m here now ‘m god i’m god now andi know
i know it’m god now and i know it

i feel ght energy
of life if eelthe

the energy of life i feel the
energy of life flowing through me and i say yes
to everything that is
i say yes to everything that is say thank you
to everything that is
i say

thank you for everything that is i say thank you for
everything that is i

say thank you for everything that is
i say thank you fr

for everything that is

i’m hre now i’m

centered now i’m centered
now i’m

centered now i’m centered

i’m god now i’m focused no

no person place or contidion

condition is my supply

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited

therefore my supply is unlimited

my consciousness of this truth
is unlmited

thereofre my supply is

it’s all just a feeling
and i get to choose wher ei resonate

it’s all a feeling and i get to choose
to mlk

to milk the feeling of god
milk the feeling of thank you
of things going my way
and knowing

life is easy
because it all comes from within

thank you thank you thank you

thank for

getting to be a part of conversations

thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you
than kyou than kyou

i feel energized by remembering that
god is here with me that god is me
and i know that my energy is
how much i’m allowing god in
and it feels good to

let god in it feels good to celebrate this day
to celebrate my life

the life i’ve made!!!

it’s already here!!!

it’s already here and i
get to celebrate that i love
that i get to have a good
i love that i get to look for what i want to see

i love that i get to choose
i love that
i get to hcoose

it’s all me its all me
i love me i love my life i love that
it’s working out il ove that i feel good i feell

the energy so grateful for this

ehre and now

i feel good now i feel good now
i feel good in my life i feel
happy in my life i’m celebrating my life

its a good day!!!

it’s such a good day!
i love that it’s a good day i love
that life is flowing i love
that it’s easy to allow it
i love that it always comes
i love that the perfect
unfolding is always unfolding

i love that it already is the way
i want it to be!!

love my magick life love
knowing life is long

it always comes back around

so grateful to feel good
to feel the love of life to allow

it to repair the years the locusts ate

to make all things new
it feels good to return to love
to love this here and now
to celebrate this here and now

celebrate this here

so grateful to feel good now
to know the true source and

just keep celebrating that source!!

thank you god thank you source
thank you source for everything
i see you i feel you i hear you
i know you

i appreciate you i value you

i love you

i love mei love me i am god i am

i am the moment i celebrate the
moment that is me and say

thank kyou in

my awareness understanding and knowledge of
the all providing activity of the divine mind within me is my

my consciousness of this truth is
thereofre my supply is unlimited

my conscoiusness of this
truth is unlimited
therefore my supply isu nlimited