grateful to see the possibilities

grateful for the vision grateful for something to
feel towards it something to feel towardsa nd i
and i’m grateful for the gift of inspiration
of motivation to remember its all about how i feel and i always
get to choose how i feel right now
i always get to choose how i feel right now how i want to feel right now

what i want to focus on i get to choose where i focus
and i love that i get to choose i love that i know if

they can do it i can do it i know that
and i can be that type of person i can see that for myself
i can allow that for myself and i can do it i know i can do it

i can be it and i know its what
i desire i know its what i desire and i can allow myself
to embody it
i can allow myself ot embody it

just let it go like really
you going to let something like that ruin your
whole day its just so sad
like choose the version you prefer
and move on choose not to think aot

about it and move on and that is my true power
tha is my true power

just decide to focus on
something else decide to create the version you

just let it go just turn the focus
turn the focus and that is my power


decide to make the choce that
choice that feels good and then make it

for mulate the desire and allow
it to flow to and through you

choose to live the version i prefer
and i’m ust so

just so mad at myseflt aht i’m
that i’m comparing that

that’s what i’m going to spend my new years doing??

comparing myself to someone else
it just so pathetic and that’s what makes me feel
even more like like shit like shit
like shit

like shit
like shit

like shit

is that i’m allowing this that
i jsut keep thinking about it when i

can just let it go that easy

make the choice
that serves you next time and just let
go of it

decide to drop the pattern decide to stop
hating myself because of a choice i amde

like who fucking cares
enjoy life be grateful its just so pathetic
that i’ve spent this much time
feeling bad about something so
soooooo dumb

becuase i chose to look at
someone else’s life and body and compate m

compare myself to it
i chose to look for reasons
to feel back


and not i’m looking for reasons to feel


allowing life to return allowing
god to return the god feeling to return
the god feeling to return the god feeling
to return

the god feeling to return

i know the god self is there
but i dont feel it right now i just feel mad
and sad and ugh i just hate everyting and
everyone i just hate them

and its my own fault that i’m
not secure enough in myself that
i’m constatnly

contantly comparing

myself to toehrs
others and i know that is what is making
me feel bad

others for feeling godo

but i kow i can
i know i can get ther ei an
always return to god and that is
what this owrk helps mhelps

helps me do that is what this work heps me
helps me fod this
do this work tr

return to center tre

return to god and feel how i want to feel
return to god and feel how i want to feel

feel that know that life
is always helping me do the work
and that is a blessing
life is always helping me

helping me shore up what i really want
and that’s to not care about anyone else
what they look like or their situation

just keep feeling for it and its there
and i know is me
its me

i am brave enough to like myself
where i am i am brave enough to love myself
exactly as i am

to take my own advice ia m
i am
brave enough to take my own advice and
life ehlps me

helps me do hat
that helps me learn helps me

helps me break patterns

the feeling is always there and
i always have access to it and
the feeling is the only work

that is the only workk that
that is only work

how do you feel??
how is it going to make you feel??

are you still going to be able to
feel good if you make this choice?
or are you going to beat yourself up the
whole next day for it???

and really why the fuck am
i putting this much thought into it anyway
when it just doesn’t matter

it just doesn’t and i’d much reather
rather be

enjoying this day i’d
much rather
be enjoying this day

feeling good right now i’d much
rather be milkign a good feeling then
being down on myself and for what

because i made a couple choices that didn’t feel good
just move on and make the better choice next time!!!

so why can’t i why am
i so wrapped up in

trying to be perfect???

why is this affecting me so much

why am i allowing it to control my life??

just deicde to
decide to feel good and that is my power
i love that
is my power and that life helps me
do that i love

that its easy to choose
to choose to feel good and make that
a lifestyle

and i know that no matter what

i am always doing my best
i can

always choose to love myself
i can always

choose to love myself to love myself
right now to see myself as god would
and not stand for anything less

every moment is a choice
a choice how i see myself
how i think about myself
and my life

how i feel

how i feel about myself and my life
and that is always
just a choice

like everything else
its just a choice

and if you choose to be down on yourself
that is a choice and if you choose to feel
good about yourself, that is a choice

and it doesn’t depend on anything else
besides the choice you make in that moment

am i choosing to feel good?
then that’s all that matters
none of the rest matter
becuase i can always choose

to feel good now!