i get to feel this day i get to feel this day

i get to feel radical gratitdue
i get to put my energy toward anyting
it doesn’t have to be tha thing i thouth it was og

going to be but not matter what i can astill allow the
energy to flow throughme there is always so much that
i want to do!!

and nothing can stop me i love that i know tnothing can stop me
i love that ic an always allow the energy of the day

the energy of god to flow through me i get to feel it
i ge tto feel the flow the flow of wellb eing i get to feel the flow
of well being i get to feel the flow of well being

thankyou for this day
for this feeling for the flow flowing through me
for the enregy of life

today i get to choose to feel readically grateful i get to ch

trust the gestation period i get to trust life
say ythk

thankyou for life i get to trust the process ofl ife flowing throughme i
get to trust the process of life flwing through

grateful i get to feel the enegy of me the
art of e i get to feel good i get to feel good as myself
in my body i get to celebrate i get to feel

radical gratitdue i love that it wors and its the only work
and when i feel ti nothing elese maters i love that ig et to chosoe to feel it
i love that ig et to say yes i love that i get to

say yes to the flow to the feelign

i get to choose to love my life no matter what becuase its alreayd
created i love that it alreayd is and life is just flowing naturally to and throughme i love that
i know this i love that i kow this i l

i love that life knows this
i love that life knwos this
i love that i know that life is good i love that

that i get to choose to feel radical gratitdue in this
here adn

and now i get to chooseet eh energy of the day
i get to

decide it i get to decide it and

i get to feel the magick of today and i know that life
can only reflect me i get to choose to allow the magick
no matter what if i want that flowing feelng i get to choose it!!

i get to choose i get to choose it i

i get to choose the feeling i
get to choose the
feeling i get to choose teh feeling ig et to choose
the focus i et

get to choose teh focus i get to choose the
focus of life i get to choose the focus
of life ig et to choose the energy of lfie
i get to choose the radical gratidue
i get to choose love i get to chose love
i get to choose love i

i get to choose tehe enrgy
the energy of life flowing through mei get to
choose the energy

and i know its not outside of me
i lov that i’ve let that go and i dont even car ei love that
i kno lo

no longer have to care

i get to choose the knowing ig et to choose teh feelign i
get to choose the flow the flow of wellb eing i ch

get to chosoe teh flow of well being i get to choose life i get to choose life
i get to choosee readica

radical gratitud
which feels like the feelign which we

feels lie the

feels like the feeling of knowing life

i get to choose calm bliss
i get to choose clam bliss

the calm knowing that all of life
is on my side the calm knowing that life is always unfolding in my favor

i get to choose i get to choose the knowing
i get to choose

the knowing i get to choose the radical gratitude
i get to choose lovei

i get to choose love i get to choose


i get to choose

i get to feel it i get to feel it
becuase the energy is always flowing through me
on to the next i get to feel it

i get to allow all of it
i get to say yes to all

yes to it all yes to the entire day
i get to choose i get to choose i get to chooe i

i get to choose i get to choose it i get to

choose the flow i get to choose teh flo

the feeling i get to choose teh feeling of he
the flow i get to choose

radical gratitude!!

i get to choose i get i

i get to choose it get to choose teh flow the flow
get to

choose the clam bliss of knwoing in the here and now
that i am god and all of life reflects me

i never have to wonder or think about soething
i dont want

i can just become aware and then send the signal of what i want instead
i know ive done it before and i knwo i can do it again

i know the power of me and im ready to choose it

ready to choose it in every moment
ready to choose teh

the clam

calm bliss of being god
i am the calm bliss of god

of knwoing that all of life is in my favor i know
that all of life is in my faovr

so i say yes!!

i get to feel radical gratitude
i get to feel the flow flowing
i get to say yes to it
get to

celebrate it get to celebrate life
get to say yes to life
and i love that feeling

yes i am on i am switched on and that’s all there is

all there is is proximity to god