i want to let it all go

get back to before i had this weird
things stuck in my vibrational craw

that isn’t even that’s made up mbut
but my subconscious
keeps trying to make it real

im over it!
and justs like that i let it go
i feel good in my life
i feel love in my life
so grateful life is good

focus on what is wanted
focus on evidence of what you want
and i love that i get to feel it
its like i know its the

indicator but its
making me feel it

i get that i get that
its bringing it to light its bringing it to light
something ive been running over and over

wondering if im good enough
if they all hate me
all my family
all of my loved ones hate me for being me
and i must hate me for being me
which is just an indicator
of the lie
the great lie but i know the great truth
so i can turn that hate into love and love

allow love to flow through me

remembering that love is always the answer
its the answer to every question

knowing that love is the answer to
every question
so grateful i know that
so grateful i know that i can turn toward love


grateful to know the truth to remember the truth
and to let go of the

big lie

the big lie bowski

so grateful to remembe to do this work
the focus work and find the god self
to find the god se

let the contrast be the point
of transmutation
of standing up to my thoughts


that’s all i have to do

i’m not going to be run by those thoughts

i really think that stupid book
did this to me lol
it like

infiltrated my mind
and made me like that stupid ass character


just wow

powerful stuff
never again will i read a book where

i hate the way the main character thinks lol


so grateful i know me i knwo what i am i know who i am
that i get to choose to feel good about myself
that i know the

the feeling that its easy to feel and that
it comes from loving it comes from loving
no matter what
and being certain that life
is on my side

i know its only me and i know tis
easy i know tis

its easy to turn it
i love

i’m so grateful i’m aware of it
and i know its only ever me
so grateful i can turn it i can g

trannsmute i can transmute it

feel the way i want to feel

the divine presence I AM

the divine presence I AM

the divine presence i am
the divine prsence

iam i know

the divine presence

i am

is the source
and the substance of all my good

i know this i know this
and i know the feeling i know the
feeling and i know that i can let those thoughst go

the self hatred the wondering
what i did wrong
the looking for something wrong the picking
on my reality looking for something to be wrong
when it ins’t

making something out of nothing
no need to make something out of nothing

make nothing out of something

make nothing of it and i love that
i get to do that

turn back toaward

toward gratitdue
toward god toward how i want to feel

how i want to feel
i get to choose i’m tired of feeling

a way that i know is untrue

i’m over its so

made up and lame!!

i love that i know this i love
that i get to choose me i love that i am
awaare of

it i lovee that i get to choose myself
choose teh god self i love that
i have the

tools i love that i have the tools
i love that i get to transmute it i lovet he
process of doing so

feeling the other side of the wave
the wave i want to feel the
side i want to feel i get to choose it

so grateful its flowing
in every directoin so grateio


grateful life is good
so grateful to make my best work!

so grateful life is good so grateful to do the work
to feel good doing teh work
so grateful to feel good to

feel the flow the flow of life
tof cous to focus whre i want and allow the god self to rise

rise so grateful to fee the god self rise
to feel the god self rise