to this right now to
remember that i don’t have to care
and whatever feels best
in the here and now is
what’s best
in the here and now it feels good to take
the big leap and appreciate the
here and now it feels good to be brave enough to
do what feels good to look for the
best and be aware of when i am looking for the worst
it’s easy to relax into this
moment and just observe it’s
easy to relax in this moment and say t
thank you to
say thank you
its easy to sing a different tune
and feel the calm bliss of the vortex its
easy to
free fall to allow
this very moment to know everything
is everything and just enjoy this
very ;mom
moment its easy to be aware of
who i am its eay to feel the ehaling
healing powers of life
flow through me and remember
i’m not afraid
i’m brave to life
my full life the fil
fullness of me i’m brave enough
to take the leap of enjoying
never try to hard to feel
good to get anything
just trust what is
that’s all i cando it
is do the wrok d
decide not to care
in thsi very
and i had the realization today
that if i
definitely notice
an improvement
in how i feel from
making the choice
to feel at ease in my life
then why would i not devote my
entire life to feeling at ease?
and knowing that nothign matters
and it all comes about as a matter of vibrat
it can only
reflect me so i can look for
what i want to see i can look for
what i want to see and make the choice to
celebrate right now i get to make
the choice
i love doing the work i love
feeling the feeling of feleing
uplifted and feeling
the flow trusting the flow
completely and knowing that
the only currency in life
is connection with spirit i love that
i get to make the choice if ia m
am taking the big leap
i love that life is good in this
here and now i love that i feel at peace
in this here and now i love that
i get to feel good about
i love feeling connected to spirit
in this here and now i love that i can
choosed to feel good no matter what and
no matter what
the contrast is
causing me to ask i love tha tits
a good day i love that
a good day i loe
the power of the focus the
power of the focus
the power
of the fouc sinthis
this right now the power of this
the focus in this right now
i’m goi
doing the work becuse
there’s soemthing i don’t
want to do
but i do want to do it
i do want to do it
i never have to try and i
never have to do a thing
i get to remember that it just
doesn’t matter i get to remember
i don’t havet o care
to care and i don’t have tot ry
to feel good the only thing
i can ever do is take
big lep into
leap inot this
here and now to let go of trying
and mjust
just exist in this
here and now that ‘s all that will ever matter
is the feeling of being
at home in this
very moment ant
and that’s all i can
ever do i
and exploring my inner self
helps me to do that
asking who i am really am
helps me to do that so
that helps me
to accept everything that is
in this here and now i lov that
i ca
am taking the emtionall;
emotional journel i love
i lojou
i can’t force myself
intot he fo
the vortex
i can only dirst
distract mysef
into the vortex
by making the choice
to enjoy this
here and now if i amek t
make the choice to enjoy this
here andn now and then amek
make the choice to trust the
trust how i feel in every moment
theni won’t ever have to wonder
if that is enough i can
say t
yes than kyou and know that
that thing
that iw ant
that i think
will make
me feel good
coms about
as a relstu
of feeling ood an
good and i know this ia m
braven eno
enough to know this
that’s where the bravery
comes in in ta
being brave enough to take
the big leap in every moment
to be brave enough to look
for what i want to see to
be brave enought oknow
to know that life
loves me to amke
to amke the chocie cot
to know that life loves
all of the answers are
here and the moment and i know
when i feel bad its because i am
thinking about something
outside the moment
so i can choose to feel good now
i can choose to say thank you
for this here and now for the
space and time to do the work
and to kno that nothing
is my reason nothing is my reaosn
nothing is my reason
i love doing the work and
connecting with self i lov that i
i know i can always reconnect
with self because the
self it always
is always there it never
goes away and its not about
its about getting out of the way
i’m getting out of the way
allow life to unfold
instead of thinking
i have to do it and when i do
that i feel bettter and
the morei
i do the work the better
i feel i know
i know that there is
ways too
to enjoy this life i
i know i am allowed to enjoy laif
life and i know i don’t have
to wonder if life loves me
THAT life loves me and i can
trust that knowledge
feeling of resonance with that
thought is because
that thought
is true i know life is on my aide
sie and
side and my only challenge is getting
out of the way and i love that i
get to take the emotional journey