it’s a mindset

it’s a mindset and i’ts up to me to choose
how i want to think and feel do i want to be
hypercritical of myself
or do i want to love myself to

do i want to look for reasons to feel good about myself
i have to ask myself who

profits from this thought pattern and i know it’s something
that’s been beat into me that i shold lo

always be looking for flaws in myself and i’m so grateful that
i can move past that thought pattern

so grateful to get to do the work the work
the work of feeling toward how iw ant to feel the mindset work the attention work the training my attention
the training my focus

that i get to feel good now matter what

it’s only ever a mindset it’s only ever
how i decide to feel decide to feel deciee to
feel decide to feel it’s a mindset
and i get to choose how i feel about myself

and it’s only me i don’t have to compare

and mostly i’m mad tired
over the fact that i’m letting one choice
ruin myi day

my day ruin multiple days and that is the work i need to do

the perception work the attention trainin
where am i placing my attention
is it in looking for flaws or
is it in loving myself

only i get to choose how i feel only

ALL it ever is is a mindset
to choose to feel good about myself
because i REFUSE


feel bad about myself i refuse to feel bad about myself
to llo

look for flas things
that need to change instead i look for things to love
i look for things to love

i love how far i’ve come i love
how easy it is to feel good about mmyself
i love that the

the contrast always creates and i’m learning how to
live my best i’m learning how to

it’s a practice i’ts

it’s a practice of feelingg ood
good feeling good feeling good

feeling good it’s a practice
and it’s a devotion
it’s not the mantra it’s the devotion to the mantra

devotion to loving myself
and allowing life and


to pass through me lol
not getting so hung up and just
looking for ways to love myself
i know it’s a mindset and i know

it’s attention and focus training
and i know ic

i can do both of those
i get to choose how i feel i get to

choose how i feel i get to choose how i feel

i get to choose what i look at
i get to choose how i feel i get to
choose how i feel i get to choose
how if eel

i know it’s not a competition
and ig et to choose how i want to feel about myself
i love that i
get to choose i love that
i get to choose i love that
i get to choose i love that

i get to choose i love that i

get to choose i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose i get to choose

the mindset am i going to choose to look for reasons to hate
on myself or love on myself???

i get to choose i get to choose the lifestyle

i know it snot just about

one thing that i ate

its an addictive patten of
of thought i get stuck in
looking for flaws and reasons to feel bad
when i can alwys choose
to love myself to feel good about myself
to feel good about myself i know that

all of life is a feeling i know that life
is a feeling and i get to choose that feeling right now

i don’t need evidence

i get to choose it i get to choose to feel good now
to love myself right now
and not look for flaws fbu

but reasons to feel good t
reasons to celebrate

its jsut a thought it’s just a feeling
and if i hold on to it

that’s whta makes it “stick”

and i know that i can just let it go
and that is my power i know that is my power
and i’m

am i going to choose my personal power
or am i going to let

messaging get in my head????

am i going to choose to love myself no matter what??

or am i going to choose to feel bad for no reason??

i know it’s a pattern
i know it’s thought i know that i can choose the hought
though i can choose the focus
and i ca

get to choose how i feel i love that i know this
i love that it’s a

a life long

i know i can’t ever geet there

arrive there

it’s a life long practice of choosing to love myself
i get to choose i get to choose
to love myself that is all i can do

that is the best choice i can make

to not think twice about it
to drop it and never think of it again

just drop it and choose to lthin

to focus on something esle
i love i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to choose
i love that
i get to choose to love myself and that’s the only
choice i need to make

i know that feeling bad about myself
feels bad and i get to choose to feel good enough

i release the brainswashing and
decide to love myself to look for reasons to
feel good to feel good to know

it’s only ever me

i love that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose to feel good to rise about

above the negative thought patterns
to decide
to discern to prefer
something new

to take charge of my mindset
and tha’ts all it is

am i going to allow myself to think
by default or am i going to choose th thought
the thoughts i want to think about myself??

i choose to love myself!!

i choose to love this dasy!!

attention training

so grateful for this day for this motion
of energy flowing through me

to train my attention to know that
it’s all about focus where you place your
energy where youp lace

place your energy and i love that i always
get to choose where i place my energy where i place my focus where

i place my attention
i get to align with god focused attention on the god self

and that is all there is
that is all i can ever do and i see the
evidence of it in everything

so grateful to do this work the only work the only work the only work

so grateful i know this is the only work
so grateful i know this is the only work
this is the only work

grateful i know this is the only work the energy
work is the only work the

energy work is the only work the
energy or

the attention work the focus work

grateful to do the focus work the
focus work and see all the blessings flow
knowing the blessings are
always flowing the bls

blessing are always flowing


to do the focus work the focus work
the energy work what i

am i doing i’m tre

at center on i’m on the bus on
i’m with god and it’s the switch the on
and the off

the love or the not

the love or the not the love the
love or the not on or the off and
that’s all the attention training is
that’s all the


attention training is and i love tat
i know it’s in everything i love hat
i that i see it in everything i love that i

get to have fun

i love that i get to have fun
i love that i get to hav

feeling myself i’m feeling myself
i’m allowed to feel the feeling of feeling
myself i’m feeling myself
erythingi’m feeling my life i love my life
i love my life and everything in it
i love that i’m so luck y i love
that i get to enjoy life
i love that i get to enjoyl ife

i love that i get to feel this feeling
of love of god of acceptance of accepting

everything that is
accepting everything that is
accepting everything that is

accepting everything that
accepting everything that
is that is the
feeling the feeling

what is this work what is this work
it’s the attention training
i’m here to do the work the
work if

of remembering it’s all in the air
and trusting it
i do the work of remembering it’s all in the air
and trusting it

i’m here doing this work this work
to the awareness work
aware of how i feel work
tapped into the moment work

appreciating the feeling ins thi
in this moment getting to choose the feeling
in this moment the feeling in this moment
and the deatch

detachment from outcome

be under the influence of source

the work the attention work the
focus work the focus work
the focus

the focus the focus work the focus
work the focus work the
focus work the

focus work the focus work i

the focus work the knowing work the knowing work the
knowing work the knowing work the nkowing

knowing work

grateful to train my attention
and already seeing the effects in everything
already seeing the effects of this
work i know this work works

i know this work works i know this
works i know this works i know this work s

i know this works this is the only work
feeling the god feeling the flo

love feeling and being aware when i’m not
is the work being aware

when i’m off the buss and merrily switching
the signal back to on
it’s just that easy
it’s easy to live knowing that you
can la

always flip the switch in any moment

grateful for the switch for the knowledge of the
switch grateful to make it rhought

through to spring
grateful to

the feeling work the dropping in
the dropping out and it’s a switch

the feeling of love is a switch adn its the
great energizer

so grateful for that reminder
to know that

my alignment is my energy
my alignment
is my

my alignment is my wind mmy

alignment is my wind and that’s such a greate
reminder and such a fun practicce
so grateful to love
to send the signal of love to send the signal
of love the

signal of love to feel the feeling of love
on the bus onl the l

on the love bus and so grateful
everything in life is so good
grateful to bask in it right now
knowing that all of life

is on it’s way

i just love and then that’s all
there is i just love and that’s all there
is that’s all there is that’s all there
is that’s all there
is i just love and i know that’s all there is
i just love and i know that’s

there is i love that i love that i get to choose
knowing i get to choose my outlook
take both approaches

and i have to choose to feel good about it

it will all work out it will all work out

so grateful for birthday eve
so grateful for
to have fun
to have fun to enjoy life to enjoy life
right now to

so grateful to train the focus
the focus so grateful to

train the focus train the focus
the focus the

train the focus train
the focus train the focus
train the focus the

train the focus
train the focus

train the attention that’s all there is

that’s all there is

training the attention
traingin the attention

training the system

i won’t think my way to a oluso

solution but i can
feel my way ther
i don’t have to think aou
about it that much
to just

just feel for it

just feel for the feeling of konwing
feeling for the feeling of knowing
that’s all there is

i can either think myself to death on it
or i can just choose and expectel
and it’s jsut that

the attention training
i know i know just tune myselff

to something else
and accept myself as i am
as eveythin
everything is, i accewpt it

i accept it and i know that life

unfolding in perfect time.

life is always showing up all around me

i love that i know that life is always giving me miracles
in every way i love that there is so much to be grateful
for i love that there is so much to appreciate i love that it
feels good to feel good i love that it
feels good to feel i love that i get to feel good and

enjoy this right now bask in this right now
i love that there is always more than enough i love that
i get to enjoy my life i love that i get to

enjoy my life enjoy my life
enjoy my life

the energy work is always there the
feeling work is all there is and i know that
inspiration always strikes

i know that there’s ins and outs and i can
and should appreciate a time of rest a time

of slowness always appreciate the time you have to
do nothing

cherish it
bask in it because it’s not always there and
when i’ts gone you’llm iss

you’ll miss it so love doing nothing
fall in love with doing nothing
and then inspiration will strike
know it always does know it always does

train the focus train the focus
train the focus that’s all there really is
that’s all there really is

train the focus train the focus

celebrate that it’s already done celebrate that its
already done celebrate this right now
this right now

train the focus train the attention
train the emotions

train the attention
train the emotions decide to feel
good feel energized by life feel

energized by life
feel energized by feeling goof food

feeling good feel energized by feeling good
by feeling good by feeling
good feel energized by feeling good feel
energized by feeling good feeling good

traini the
train the focus grain

train the attention

am i creting the
version where i’t s

it’s already here or the one
in chi

which i’m asking where it’s at
in which case, what exactly???

because i have everything i need right now

train the attention
train the focus

am i sending the signal of yes

train the focus train the attention
train the focus train the attention

train the emotion
train the reality that’s all it is
that’s all it is and i get to

chooseh ow i fe

how i feele ach

each moment and i know that life
and everything in it is just energy i know that
life and everything it is just


i know that life and everything in
it is just energy use it
use that as an excuse to do the work
as an easy proof

use it as an easy proof
instead of creating over and over the version you dont

choose the one you want instead and i know i can do it
i know it seems hard bc

maybe i’m out of practice but i know it’s up to me
to make the choice and

know that it is make the choice know that it is

and let it go i know this
is the simple formula i know that is all

so grateful i know this os
so grateful i know life is good
so grateful i know life
is good

i never have to wonder i never have to worry
and my supply is equal to the amount that i trust and

resonate with this knowledge
i know this is life’s only truth i know thiss

i know this is life’s only truth i know i know
that life and everything in it

is energy i know that i am that energy that
i am the perceiver

this movie and it’s happeneing
and i get to make choices but really
it s

happening and i’m ok with o
that i can zoom out and watch it and allow it and
appreciate it

i feel the feeling i feel the feeling
of waves just flowing through me the
waves of life just flowing through me
and i’m so grateful for just a normal day
to just bask in life
just bask in the beauty that is my life
and i love that i don’t need anything else

i love that there is so much to love
and i know that i get to choose to feel that feeling
so grateful to do this work and

train my attention
train my expectation so grateful to train my expectation
to grain

train my emotions to train my awareness of my emotions

train my awareness

heighten my awareness

heighten my awareness
of how i feel heighten my awareness
of how i feel

heighten my awareness of
how i feel

train my attention i know my only job is
to train my attention if i’m wondering what i should
be doing it’s that and i love that

that’s always the answer to every question
i love that i can always


the switch flip the switch and that there
is no limit to the depth of the switch

there is no bottom to the depth or top to the
height of the connection there’s always more and more
resonannce i can feel the

with the one truth of life and that is my only

job here on earth or as a human
is to feel that resonance with the one truth

it’s already done

it’s already done and i love training myself to remember that
truth it’s me

it’s up to me to create the
version the
the verison the

version the version
the version i prefer the

the one true knowledge
the on trust

the one true knowledge the one true
knowledge and my only job is to hold

to align with that feeling of resonance
with that knowledge
that the seeking of the feeling of god
is all there is the
seeking of the feeling of god

feeling of god the choice the choice
to align the choice to feel good the

feeling of taking the leap th feeling
the fealing

feeling of taking the leap

into the here and now

om shri

is the vibration and life
the universe

which is made up of energy
has no choice but to respond
it can’t not and i know this for a fact
i know that the energy that makes up

everything in the simulatio is c

is constantly responding to the energy i pam
i am putting out there that is law and it has no
i love that i know ths i love that ai can always feel the

the resonance with om shri and

i love that i kow the
i know the truth of life and it’s that

there is only right now
and i can only ever choose how i feel right now
and if i align with om shri
or any similar vibration that is what
my life will amount to


feeling of resonance with god the
feeling of resonance with god th efeel

the feeling of resonance with god

i love that i know this s f

is face i love the feeling of the choice
every time i get to make the choce

choice to return to the vibration of god
i feel the feeling of life the

reason for living i love that i
get to choose that i love that i get to chooe
to be

grateful for everything i haver giht
have right now i love that i get to allow

my heart to sing that i get to
tune my hart

heart and soul to the vibration of god

that i can lift up my mind
and heart
to be aware

to understand

and to know that the all

the divine presence I AM

is the source and substance of all my good

so grateful to be aware to be aware of
the feeling of the heart sinking and know that
it’s jut because the mind
has happened upon a thought that isn’t
in alignment
so gratefult o be

to be aware and to choose
to vibrate with god

ohm shri maha lakshmi namahamah

i love this life i love this day
and i love the feeling of

communion with god which i can choose to feel
any time i can choose to feel good and i don’t have
to let

the perception of anyone else’s perception stop me
and that’s partly why we moved out here

to be away from the perception of toerhs
others and i remember thinking

when we’re in cleveland, then i can fully jump
into my most joy because there won’t be anyone there to judge me

i can jump into my most joy

i can be my most joyful self i love that
i can i love that i can jump fully into the god
life i can jump fully into the god lief
the god life
jump fully into the god life

feel good send love feel good

feel great!!!

feel awesome about life!!

i get to jump fully into life
this is what i wanted this is eh

what i wanted i can do it i can
allow my full joyful self i can do the work
to feel overjoyed with life
and resonate

align with that knowledge
i can align with the knowledge

i love that i can i love that i can
i love feeling the resistance drop
i llove

i love feeling thef ulln

the fullness of me
i love feeling the fullness of me

i love that i get to feel it
i love that i feel it now i love that
i know it i love that i know

it the bliss of

unresisted thought
the bliss of unresisted thought

ohm shri

i love tuning

tuning this fork i love tuning this instrument
back to god remembering that

the energy must respond

it is law

it is law

the energy must respond the energy must respond
and i know that it already is it
already is and that’w hy

that’s why life is as good as it is
so grateful life is good so grateful we’re doing it@@@

we did it!!!

so grateful life is flowing to and through me
so grateful to keep up the good work to know that

the energy work is all there is the
energy work is all there is

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant activity

activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity therefore
my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

i can always come back to the
feeling of the truth and don’t have to align with the error thoughts

i renounce my humanhood!!

and claim my inheritance as a divine being of god

grateful to do this work and know i don’t have to align
with the rror

error thougths i dont have align with the arror

error thoughts i can choose the feeling of
ohm shri

the feeling of alignment and just embrace this moment fully
i can fully embrace this moment

say yes to this moment feel good in this oment

moment i feel good in this
this moment this
moment this moment

life is a feeling and ig et to
feel that feeling of satisfaction no matter what
i love that i know this

that i get to trust and celebrate life that i can

get to trsut t
trust this down time this in between time so grateful to

to trust

this is the only work

and it’s all a feeling i know all of life is a feeling
and being attuned and devoted to those feelings attunded and devoted to those feelings

and i know that i create with my thoughts i know
this i’ve seen it so many times and i know that
i can trust life to bring about the choice within me

all of life is a feeling and the devotion to the feeling

the devotion to the feeling of love that is
all any method is

i love that i get to choose how i lok at

look at the world i love that
i get to choose how i look at the world

i love that i get to choose

i feel it i feel it i feel the i feel the communion
i feel the communion

the divine presence i am the divine presence

i am is the source and the substance

i know this i know this whea

what do i know i know that

all of life is energy and that energy
is always changing form
it is always changing form
according to according to me

the divine prsence
presence i am

is the source and substance of all my good
and the more i celebrate life

the more it celebrates me

i dont’ have to wait for something to inspire me
i can approach life in an inspired way and when i do that

life follows my lead
not matter what it is
if i approach it with enthusiasm

then i am enthused

i am enthused by challenges!!

i welcome them
i love that life worked out for me
i love that we already have everything we need!!

i love that everything is already taken care of!!

i love that the rent and bills are paid!
i love that it worked!!

we did it!!
living off the ice cream money!!

i love that iget to get to choose what i do with
every day i love that
i get to do anything i want
i love that ih ave
the absolute best life ever
i love

that every single thing in my life perfect

i love that there is so much good
so much to celebrate

the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all myi good

the divine presence i am is
the source and substance of
all my good


thank youf rthi
for this right now
thank you for all the gifts

thank you for this perfect life
and perfect wife
so grateful for this flow
for this say

day so gratefult o feel good to feel good
to feel good to have the best life!!!

to be so blessed to already have it all
to already be totally fulfilled i love that there is always more than enough

grateful to do this work the only work embrace simply embrace

i lift up my mind and heart to be ware

aware to understnad
and to know that the divine presence
i am
is the source ans substance of all my good

i lift up my mind and heart to be aware to nder

understand and to know that the
divine presence i am is the source

and the substance

the source and the substance of all my good

so gratefult o get to celebrate this day knowing
this is all there is

knowing it’s only ever right now

grateful to feel good now to isj

simply enjoy life to simply treasure htis

this moment and allow that to be enough allo
everythig be

to be enough practicing allowing thismoment
this moment to be enough
for everything that is
to be enough knowing that i am l

already fulfilled

nothing has to change nothing has to change
nothing has to change

everything is perfect how it is and ilove
that i know this i love tha i know this
i love that this i

is the feeling of life the feeling o

of just enjoying life just enjoying
the moment just enjoying this right now

yes to this right now this right now

this right now this song
the song of life deciding what it is
what you want it it obe a

to be and then it is
and train your attention toward that

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

do i go from here

to center
knowing the everlasting now is all there
is embracing the

ever lasting now embracing the ever lasting
now the

infinite now

only this moment exists

i lift up my mind and heart to
be aware
to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

is the substance i

the source and the substance of all my good

the source and the substance of all my good

i lift up my mind and heart

what do i really want for my life and i willing
to do the focus work that’s

that’s all there is and i know that’s all there is
and i know i

i know i know through so much life experience i know
i get to choose i get to choose and
then it comes i kow this i know this
i know this

i know this i know this
i know thi
feel it i know that i get to choose to feel it
that i can release

any belief in lack

there’s no such thing as lack

there’s no such thing
as lack

this is the only work

the energy work and if i dont
feel enthusiasm
that is ok but i can alwas

always choose it any time i knw this
this is the only wor
this is the only w

the energy work the energy work the energy work
the energy the w
the energy work the energy work
the enrgy work
the energy work

energy work is all there is

i know this is the only work this is the onl

the only work i get to celebrate today i get to feel the
good life today the good energy today

i welcome life i welcome how i feel i say eys
to yes

yes to how i feel i say yes to the range of emotions

this is the energy work
this is the energy work and the lust for life
i so want to feel is aways

always right here with me
its up to me

if i beleive
to o

do i believe?
do i know??

do i know that life
is here to support me
that life is on my side and that i am

allowed to fully embrace each moment of life knowitn g

knowing its here to love me
to provide for me to support me

so grateful for the time and space to
experience life so grateful to get to
bask in every day

so grateful we have it figured it out

so grateful i love my life and i’m happy where i am

i love my life and i’m happy where
i am i love that that’s enough and i get to choose knowing
that and that ok with the isness of everything

is the secret to life

i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuously
easily and

effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in the flow

grateful for the feeling of feeling

with life a lust for life
grateful to chooe to

choose to feel enthusiastic about life and know

that’s my choice that’s my choice
when i wake up if i’m enthusiastic about the day

not my to do list
or trying to get money

but allowing the most of god
and the creative world to flow to and through me

going to sleep and waking up with the knowledge
that i create it all i careat

create it all and knowing that is fun
knowing that makes the world to

good knowing that makes life worth celebrating

grateful to do this work to enjoy the day
to enjoy the energy just enjoy it
just enjoy the god energy
just enjoy the god self taking over

just enjoy it just
enjoy it just enjoy it just enjoy the god energy just
enjoy the god energy

flowing through me enjoy the time and space
i do have to do the work
to do this work the emotioal work

the feeling work the focus working
training my fcous

yes training my focus that’s all it is
staying on the same story staying on the same story
i love that i get to enjoy every day i love
that i found the secret to life and

can relax in the knowledge that
the activity of divine abundance is eternally operating
in my life

grateful to stay on track to stay on
emotion grateful it’s easy to say on

stay on course to feel good
to not get to wrapped up to know that
i create with my emotions to
be so aware of it so grateful to be aware of it

to do this work and feel the feeling of
relief of letting go of eeling tight about it~~~!!

it feels good to feel it
be to be ware

aware of the feeling to be aware of the feeling

abundance i am a

and aware of the feeling of belief in lack
and it’s not about having to take action
it’s about feeling the seeing

first you become it and i love that i know this
i love that i know this

i do this work right now
i do this

work right now i

grateful to feel the god self right now
to connect with the god self to rememberr that life

life is measured by connection to the god self
and that’s

all that’s the only measure of success i love that i know this
and my onlly job my only duty is to tune myself
to the god self and enjoy life

the exent

extent to which i can trust that knowledge
and live it is the extent to which i will see it
manifest physically

i know this i know it’s
easy to let go of everything and just feel the
god self the love self it’s so easy

it’s the only thing
the easiest thing and the hardest thing

is to let go totally
totally confidnet

confident in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

totall con

totally confident in letting go and letting
god appear as the abundant all sufficienty in my life and affiars

i can let go of everything and just remember the truth
just live the truth that’s all i can ever do
that’s all i can ever do
is live the truth
live the truth live the truth

that’s all i can ever do is resonate with the truth
and allow the feeling to fllo

follow knowing that the feeling is what
creates all of life

i know it is never not me i know it’s
me i know it’s me i know it’s the feeling i love that
i get to choose it i love that i get to choose it
i get to choose i get to allow success

communion with god
devotion to the mantra
that’s all it is

devotion to the mantra

when you notice yourself feel tight

go right back to go until you feel loose again
and life will follow

it never doesn’t


so grateful to do the work the foucs focus
workk tr

training my attention work what ever
version am i creating work the focus
work the right now work
so grateful fro

for this day and payments!!

so grateful to do this work the only work
the attention work

calibrating toward joy work
choosing my thoughts choosing teh feeling
the feelings making choices that feel good
in the long run

choices that add up to the way i want to live my life

the calibrating work the tuning work the
feeling g

work the feelingg ood good work so
grateful to feel good to feel good now
to choose ot make
to make the choice

to make the choice
the chocie the

awhen i am aware of the god self
within me as my total fulfillmei nt

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relaex i
relax in the knowledge that the activit of
divine abundance

is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuosly
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

tuning myself tuning my attention
tuning my vibration

training my focus

what does it mean
being aware of what i expect being aware

being aware of the flow
being awre

being aware of the flow the feeling the feeling
being ware

aware of how i feel calibrating toward
source feeling for source knowing
source is always here

knowing source is always here
love life loving source loving god

focus work the training of the attention
remember that

remembering that

attention creates


attention creates

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god

appear as the abundant all sufficiency

in my life and affairs

i am k

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the
activity of divine abundance is eternally

operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is co

easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now ware

i am now in the flow


just keep saying yes just keep saying
yes to the flow to the flow
doing h

the work in the flow keep allowing
life to show up for me to show up for me

to show up for me keep allowing life to show up for me
keep allowing life to show p f

up for me for me for me

keep saying yes keep saying yes
keep saying yes


don’t be afraid just keep leaning into the flow
just keep leaning into the flow
and i knwo i can do it

i can do it i can do it
i can follow through i can go through the motions
i can allow the soluitons t

to flow to and through me i can feel good about it
i get to feel good about it i get to say yes
i know it’s a feeling it’s a feeling
just practice the feeling

practice the feeling practice the feeling

stand by it just stand up to your thoughts
and your fears it’s just atht

that easy

it’s so much easier to take care of it
to take care of it
so much easier to take care of it

so grateful for this day so
grateful for the feeling to trust the flow
to say yes to the flow to make
the choice to feel

good about it to make the choice to feel good
about it to make the choice to take the leap to

be awre of the thoughts the dithering throughts

thoughts the upper limiting thoughts
the self

critical thoughts


this is the work this is the work
the feeling work

becomeing aware of the way i’m actually
feeling becoming aware of th

how i feel about evrything
everything and that is the anser to

to everything

it’s the thoughts it’s the attentoin
it’s the choice
for ohw i want how i want to feel about it
and i don’t

evern hav

even have to think about it
so grateful to amke the moves
make the moves so grateful to make the moves

gratefu lf
for this flow for this feeling

i can choose certainty just choose certainty and
that’s all i can do hat’
that’s all i can do that’s all i can

and it’s always the easier choice

but the easiest choice is to just enjoy
right now and then i never have
to think about the future
i can just enjoy right now

just enjoy right now just enjoy
feeling good just enjoy saying thank you
just enjoy all the gifts

god has to give
just enjoy all the gifts
god has to give

enjoy all the gifts of this moment
don’t keep thinking a
bout all the steps all the moving parts
everything you’ll have to do

grateful to do this work to do this work
to do this work to feel good to feel good

right now to feel good right now
right now to feel the feeling right now

to do the feeling work to do t
the focus work so grateufl to d

to choose where i place my attentions

so grateful for my life for the flow
the flow of life flowing to say yes

grateful to tune this instrument

so grateful to make the time to do this work t
he only the only work the feeling work so grateful to do
the feeling work because i know it works!!!

so grateful for solutions so grateful to feel excigted about it
to notice the difference in how i feel and then choose to feel how i want
to feel tuning myself toward bliss

calibrating myself and it just takes a little awareness and a little practice

so grateful to celebrat thi

celebrate this moment so grateful there’s nothing i need to be doing
that i have to be doing
so grateful to just celebrate this day

celebrate the time and space

grateful to do this work knowing this is the only work
grateful i know it’s all working it out
and all it took

takes is just deciding that it is
and leaning into the flow

into the feeling i know what felt best and i did it

so grateful to do this work the work
of siply

simply being of eeling
feelnig of

feeling for the center of lief
and i know that is all there is
in life i know that
feeling for the center of life
is all there is i know that ht

this moment is all there is and so grateful for the time and space
so grateful for the time and

to do the feeling work to
do the feeling work and know this is the
only work the feeling work is the only work

the feeling work alingin
aligning with bliss with the
feeling of bliss i know i know the
feeling of

turning my attention

tuning my attention to how i want to feel

to feel the feeling to feel the
feeling to have the time and space to do the feeling work
to just decide to

decide to make the choice
and then life flows

grateful to do this work

to train my attention
to set things and m
in motion and open up my vibration
it feels good to put things in motion to a
say yes and then see the affe

effects of saying yes it feels good
to say yes
tot he flow
to the flow

grateful to train the attention
to train the feeling to choose how i want to feel
so gratefult o chosoe me
to choose me so grateful to choose how i want to feel

so grateful it’s all working out
so grateful i’t s

it’s all working out so grateful to know the truth
to know the truth so grateful to say yes
to say yes
to say yes to the flow the flow of well being
so gatef
grateful to say yes to well being to train my attention

that’s all it is and being aware of how i feel

so grateful for new subs!!!

so grateful to pen
open up my vibration and release resistance

so grateful for all that is good in my life

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility not mind

mind only respsonsibilty is to be awre of this truth
therefore i am totally confident in letting go and letting god

appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and

the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

so grateful for this day for this moment
to set things in motion to set life
in motion to

accept my thoughts accept my thoughts
accept what is and turn the boat
feel the feelings iw atn to
i want to feel kn

knowing that it’s only ever and to make the choice
to see lif

life how i want to see it


also for me

i see the affects of this work
i feel the affects of this work and i know that i
allow tings to
things to happen just by making

vibration motion i know this i see this
i can see this in everything i know evidence
of this universal law is in everything

i know it’s me i know it’s how i feela dn i’m

i’m so grateful to do this work to flex this muclse

muscle to feel this god feeling flowing through me
so gratefult o f

to do this work and to make the choice
to feel good about msyelf

right now

so grateful to feel the feeling of knowing to ee
to feel the feeling of knowing to jump into yes

to say yes right here and now
to feel the feeling

right here and now

grateful to know it’s me to know it’s me
to know it’s all me and see it

i see it in everything i see that the tolsut

the solution i wanted is right there
and that things were set in motion to help me

i know that life is trying to help me and now
that i moved things around vibrationally

i feel excited

excited to do this work for me
to feel the feeling for me to address the vibration

to transcend that dna

grateful to feel empowered
gratefl to feel that life is working out for me

to train my attention
to train my focus to take care with where i put
my focus and attention and already

seeing and feeling the affects of it

so grateful for life so grateful for life
so grateful

so grateful to feel good to enjoy the day
to say yes to everything that is
so grateful to say yes

to everything that is so grateful to feel good
to do the work to feel good and i feel good

i feel the feeling i feel the

blissful feeling of non resistant
so grateful to train my emotions

tune myself tune my vibration

so grateful for our orders!!

so grateful for this fun snow day
so grateful to leave the house
so grateful the salt worked

so grateful for grocery xmas!!!

so grateful we always have more than
enough so grateful life loves me
life loves me life loves me

life loves me

so grateful the garbage is out and bakc in already
so grateful the staris we

stairs were totally clean!!!

so grateful for my tramily and famly
so happy for andrew and his new job and new lease
on life so grateful for life
for this very moment

so grateful for this very moment
so grateful i know ti’s all working out

i can do it i can feel toward it and it works

feel in the direction of it!!

i can always feel toward it i can always
feel toward it and

grateful i can always do me
and only i get to choose how i feel

only i get to choose how i feel
and i can always feel ohw i want to feel

so gratful for new subs!!

to see the affe

effects of the shift
in feeling the shift in vibration
away from lack
and it translates to everything so grateful to just work

it’s easy to feel the feeling of god
it’s easy to feel how i want to feel andk now

and know that life has no choice but to reflect that
so grateful to feel the feeling first
feel it

then you see it and it’s to feel good to
get myself in the

solutoin plac

solution place
so grateful to make the choice t
so grateful i know it’s working out

i know it’s working out i know it’s working out
i know it’s working out
i know life
is working out

i know life i sworking out

i love feeling good i love
feeling good i love feeling good

so grateful to feel good to know
that solutions are coming to me
so grate

grateful to take the leap
to feel good to feel good to feel good

so grateful to feel good to
feel the flow to feel my way toawrd


toward it to feel my way toard
toward it to feel my toward it