this is the only work

so grateful to allow life to flow through me and know
that i don’t always have to be doing
i know that i don’t have to always be doing

so grateful i never have to choose to
feel bad i can always choose the flow
i can always choose to feel good

thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you
so grateful to ask and it is given

i asked and it is given and i am
aware of what i am looking for aware of the version i’m creating
i love that life
responds with love i love that

when i act with love

life responds with love

thank you for this day thank you for this beautiful
day thank you for the flow flowing through me
thank you for the magick life
thank you

for the magick life thank you for teh magi

the magick life
thank you
for the

magick life flowing through me

i love that life is working out perfectly
i love that its a gooda da

day i love that i can

relax in the knowledge

i love that i can relax in the knowledge
i love that i can

relax in the knowledge

it feels good to feel tuned in tapped in turned on

to always come back to center
back to love i love that i can

celebrate love celebrate love
celebrate love

celebrate love

grateful to connect to know
that iget
get to choose ow i feel
grateful to choose love to choose

love in this here and now
to make a friend
instead of an enemy


i feel god flowing through me
and i’m so grateful for this day
for this here ;and

and now

for love

for knowing that everything always
flows perfectly

through me

time isn’t real
there’s only this here and now
right now i feel ove i feel the lof

the love of life
flowing through me
i feel the flo

love of life flowing through


so grateful i did something
to be proud of

i feel good i feel connected i feel knowing i feel knowing

i feel the knowledge

i feel the knowledge

i feel the knowledge


im knowing

focus and release the rest

it feels good to focus into the moment
the god self and release ther eset

the rest remembering that nothing
ever matters nothing ever matters and i can

relieve myself from the worry
from the wonder

i can always relieve myself from
the inner chatter the inner

darting around all day
the worry the wondering
the what ifs the


the judgements

i can release myself from all of
that and allow my energy to vibrate
more in tune with the natural

harmonic energy of the universe

there is a central energy
and that is in all of us

which animates us
and that energy is pure and always flowing through us

and when we feel bad
or mad or anxious

its becuase we’re not vibration
in tune with the nature,, pure


we are blocking the natural
pure energy from flowing

through us the way its mean tot

meant to

i know that i get to choose i know that
ig et to choose i nkow that
i get to chosoe i know
that i get to choose

i know that
i get to choose

i nkow that i get to chosoe

the vesion i prefer
but i dont have to create it

that’s not my job
i see it i want it

it happens thats all there
is and i can relax in that knowledge
it feels good tof ocus in
to focus in this knowledge it feels good to focus
in this knowledge

i love knowing this i love having the
knowledge to choose to let go of all resistance
to f

life flowing perfectly through me
i am brave enough to get out of the way and allow life
to flow perfectly through mei

i allow the raw energy of life
and i dont

dilute it i dont get in the
way of it with my wonders or my worries

i just choose knowing
i just choose the knowledge
that whatever happens is what happens

and that i never have to care either way

i never have to care either way

i never have to care i never have to care what happens
and i can always just love there here and now

the right now i can always just love the right now
i love the right now and everything that is

the pure energy is flowing through m e
and that’s my god self

my god self is the pure energy of life
that’s flowing through me

i love that i know everything is working out perfectly
i love that the flow is always flowing
i love that

the flow is always flowing and i never
have to allow anything

pinch off

my flow of well being

so grateful for the moment for the here and now
for the herea dnow
and now

to feel good and feel the pure energy
of life to be brave enough toa llow

to allow the pure energy of life to flow
through me

so grateful to feel the pureness of life
flow through me so grateful to feel good
so grateful to feel good to
feel the pure energy of life

to tune myself up to say yes thank you
to everything that is
it feels good to say yes thank you

to everything that is to trust everything that is
to dive into the floww to

to focus into the flow to focus into
the here and now and say thank u

it feels good to jump into life

feels good to jump into life it feels good

to jump into life
to jump

into the here and now
the here and now
the here and now


here and now it feels good to jump into life

it feels good to jump into life
it feels good to jump into
life it feels good to jump into life

so grateful to get out of the way
of life feel the feeling the feeling of relief
knowing that life is always

flowing perfectly through me
life is always flowing perfectly through me it

it feels good to love it feels good to love
it feels good to love

it feels good to release anything
that is not the pure vibrationa d

and know that is my right

that’s my right
to let go of everything and allow the
pure energy of life

the god self
to flow through me

thank you thank you thank you
i always expect the best in life i expect the best life

i love thatl ife is flowing htrough me i love that life
is flowing through me i love that

life is

flowing through me i love
feelign the god self within knowing that the god self

is always here and now i love

feeling and seeing the effects of my practice i love that
life is flowing through me i ilove t

i love that ther’s alway

always more
than enough i love thatl ife loves me i love that theres alays more

than enough i love that i feel good now
i feel the feeling

so grateful for this day
for the power of expectation that its

as easy as that
to change my whole life

i love that it’s easy to just make
choice to place my attention somewhere else

i know that life is unfolding
perfectly i know that life
is unfolding perfectly and i can let go of all the
energy that

blocks that perfect unfolding
and that energy

comes from resistance

from me trying to get int the
the way

to interfere with the natural
and magickal unfolding of life

and my only responsiblity

is to be aware of the magickal unfolding
my only responsibility

is to enjoy the magickal unfolding

to see it and enjoy it
to be aware of it
to observe it

and be aware of it

i am aware of the radiation of creative
energy which is continuously easily
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine

i am now aware i am not in the flow

feels good to feel good

to tap into the energy of life and allow it to flow through me
it feels good to have a good life
to celebrate life to celebrate all that is good in my life

through my conscoiusness of my god self
the christ within as my supply i draw into my mind and feeling nature

the very substance of spirit
this substnace is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me

is my supply

so grateful for this here and now to
feel good for the sake of feeling good

to tap into the flow to tap into the flow of life
it feels good to tap into the flow of life
to say thank you

it feels good to tap into the flow of life
and say thank you for all the good in my life
it feels good

to say thank you

for all the good in my life it feels good to say
yes thank you it feels good to focus in the flow

to allow the flow to flow

through me it feels good to say yes thank you
to do the owr

the owrk the only work it feels good to do the only
work it feels good to believe in myself
to believe in my life andm ake the cohe

the choice to love

to feel good now it feels good to feel good now
it feels good to feel good now
it feels good to feel good now

it feels good to focus in the flow
to make the god self my only focus

it feels good to raise my vibation
it feels good toraise

to raise my vibration
to feel good now to feel the flow to

to love my life in this here and now it feels good
to love me now

i love the power of me i love that
i nkow the power ofme i love that i can onl

always return to center get out of the way and allow life
to flow through me i can always get out of the way

i feel focused i feel the god energy flowing through me
i feel myself getting out

i love waking up having a good day i love
allowing the flow to flow through me

i allow the god self to fow through me
and whatever i htink whatever i expect

im tapping into the energy of the now
i’m letting go of fear and resistance

of anxiety of feeling like i always have to
get everything done in one day

i relax into the infinite now i relax into the infinite
now and turst ever

trust everyting that is
and that is all i can ever do to feel
at peace in my life

i tap into the energy of the here and now!!

i tap into the energy of the here and now!!

i raise my vibration and look for the

i raise my vibration and tune into the magick
and the magick assistance comes

i celebrate every day

like its a weekend

like its a birthday
and i am the source

i amt he so
the source of the energy and the more i allow
that energy to flow through me

the better i feel aboutl ife i love that
i get to choose how i feel about life

i love my life in the here and now i love
that life is flowing perfectly through me and whatever

gets done

gets done i love that

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply

i draw into my mind and
feeling nature the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me

is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me

is my supply

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the prsence
of god within me is my supply

my consciousness of the prsence
of god within me is my supply

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very subsstance of spirit

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

and i hold that spirit
and my heart and let

it live

i loet the
i let the spirit live

blissfully in my mind
and feeling nature
i allow the spirit

to live i allow it to live
and when i feelthat ive

pushed it out with my thoughts

i take a moment
and allow it to return

i invite it to return

i get out of the way
and itis already here

spirit is always here and
with me and it feels good to turn toward spirit
to wals

always turn toward spirit
to turn towards love
to raise my vibration and

tap into the magickal assistancce ofl ife

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of

the prsence of god

within me

is my supply

through my consciousness of the god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god
wihin me

wihtin m

within me is my supply
my consciousness of the presence of god

wihtin me

is my supply

im happy im happy im happy in my life
because i know

for sure that life is always providing for me

i am happy in my life
becuse i

becase i now
i know that life is always providing for me
i draw spirit
into me and i allow spirit

to do all the owrk in my life

i let go i release i let go i release

i jump into the infinte now
and let go of everything

especially other people
and their expectations of me

because i know it just
doesn’t matter
that they ar eme

are me

and i am the source i know i am the source
i know that life

is so much more than what it appears
to be on the surface and i love that i know this

i love that i know this i love
that i get to celebrate each day with this knowledge

feeling through it

ive noticed a bit of a block
in my vibration around a couple things

so i come here to resolve them
to feel through them to

elevate my vibration on the topic

to feel for the version i prefer
and get used to feeling that feeling
so that i may return to it

im feeling through the blockages and
aligning with op

with what i want to see

with what i want to see aligning
with the version i want to see
and i get to practice the
version i want to see

i get to practice the
version i want to see and i can always practice
away from what i dont

i love that life is flowing perfectly
i love a good day i love feeling good about the day i love
feeling the day flow
through me i love feeling the
day flow effortlessly thorugh me

i know its what i look for i know its what
i expect and i know i can always make t

to change the thougths around it
to change what im hung up on and thats all there
is i can choose to pay attention to all the
good and that’s all i can do really

choose to pay attention to the good things
the good news!!

i choose to blow up the good parts
i choose to pla

blow up the good parts focus
on the good which
is real actually
and the
so called bad is the what ifs

i feel aligned with the version i know
i choose to celebrate the
version that i know the
version that actually happened

insted of the what if s i
can celebraet all the good that
actually did happen and i am
aware that i get to chosoe
wher e

where i put my focus i get to chosoe
where i put my focus and i’m so grateful that
i get to chose a

and that i can always make the choice
i can ama

always make the choice and i llv

love the feeling of aligning with
the version i prefer andknowing
that it is

so grateful for orders
so grateful for new work thats fun to make!!

to work on my own work and know
that’s what really makes my heart sing!

to know that energy creates
focus creates it feels good

so grateful for more than enough more
than enough work and money

so grateful to afford where i live

so grateful for more than enough!!

grateful to make the choice

to hear my heart rejoice with

by making the choice to let go
of everything to not care what happens

to not care what happens

it feels good to let go of caring what happens
it feels good to love right now

it feels good to focus on the version i prefer
it feels good on the vesion

to focus on the version i prefer to tapp int

in to the version i prefer to tap in to the
version i prefer to tap in to the
version i prefer

it feels good to practice it and allow
it to come tot

to me it feels good to have a reason to use the magick it
feels good to have a reason
to feel the the magick to look for the magick

to look for the magick it feels good
to have a magickal project

a reason to focus
for fun
just try just try the power of thought
it feels good to just
try to remember its my expectation

its how i feel and i really dont have to care
i can choose to feel good about life
knowing thatl ife is flowing

perfectly through me and i can
just get out fo th

of the way and allow life to f
flow through me

i feel good i feel at ease i feel
allowing i feel knowing i know that
the feeling of knowing is alawys there


the feeling of truth
alignment with the truth is alays

always right here

i always have access to the total trust
in life itself to provide for me
and that is all i need in life that is all i need in life

that is all i need in lief that
that is all i need
is that knowledge that connection
the returning to self
the remember

the knowledge
that feelings
and expectation
create reality
it feels good good

to raise the vibration of those feelings
it feels good to bleieve

believe in myself

to ask myself

how i would feel if i knew

everything would work out perfectly
and then choose
that knowing right now??

i know it will

i get out of the way
and allow

through my consciousness
of my god self

i draw
into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply

thus my consciousness
of the prsence of god within me is my cuppl


i know i know i know i know i
i know that nothing matters

first of all

that its not my job
to wonder whats going to ahppen

happen only responsibility
is to be aware of the fact

that life is always unfolding in my favor
i know that life is unfolind

in my favor and i can always come
back to this truth i can always

send the signal of love
because life
reflects the signal

that’s all there is
life reflects the signal

life reflects the signal
reflects the siganl

i know that i am the source
i am the source ia m the
am the source

and i amekt

make the choice to love
i make the choice to love

i know that i am the source
i know that
i am the source

i know that i am the

omg i just realized ANOTHER THING
that i’m not in alignment

on the topic of

and now i’m focused on the
version i want with that

its all about

making the choice

myabe i’m coingfuse aobut what iwant??

i get to choose!!

whatever it is!!

i get to choose!!

i get to choose!!

i’l be happy either way
and i don thave to care what happens
but i get to choose

i know that i am the one and only
creator and i get to chosoe

open up

i want to feel open i want to feel loving
i want to feel soft i want to feel at ease
i want to send and accept love i want to be in
a place of loving life of allowing life
of allowing love
of sending and allowing love

i’m open to life to allowing my best
self i’m open to allowing my best self laser focused on the
versoin i prefer and knowing that it’s
always unfolding

always comesing back to center feeling
at eae come

coming here to remember the ease of life
to rememer that love is all there is
and to

remember there is so muc love
much love in the world
love in the worl dlov
love in the world

it feels good to feel good it feels good
to feel good about life it feels good to feel good
about life to feel the ease and flow of l

life to drop out to
let evertyig



it feels good to let everything go it feels ogo

it feels good to celebrate life it
feels good to celebrate life
it feels good to celebrate life
to celebrate the god self flowing through me

i am conscios ao

of the inner presence as my lavish abundance
i am conscious
of the so

constant activity
of this mind of infinte prosperity

therfore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

it feels good to tune it
it feels good to tune in
to tune in to say thank you to tune
int to tap in to turn on it feels good to tune
in tap in turn on

im focused in the flow
i’m focusd

in love im allowing love to flow
through my life im allwing

allowing myself

to love mevery
every moment i m allowng
myself to love every moment

im allowing myself to love every mment
im allowing myself

i love feeling good i love
feeling exhilirated by

exhilarated by my work
i love loving my work i love loving my day
i love loving my life and i know that

it’s my choice i know that its my choice to love
the day to love the
here and now tot rust the feeling tro

trust the magick of life to enjo life
for the please of enjoying it feels good
to make the cohce

choice to let everything else go
it feels good to let everything
go it feels good to let everything

go it feels good to let everything go

it feels good to focus in the flow
to focus on what feels good to feel empoer

empowered by life
to bli

believe in myself to feel tuned up
to feel brave enough to jump into life
to love

myself to feel good now to lov e

myself to feel good now to feel good now
to feel good now to let the rest go to

let the ret goo

the rest go adn
just allow the energy of life to flow
through me

i know that attention creates
and its always just me its always
just me its always just me

im just energy im energy im enery

the existence that is me is god energy and i
feel good when i am tapped int o that
when i feel connected to the god energy
i feel

empowered by life by love of all things
i feel empowered by a love of all things
i tfeel

feels good to get out of my own

way it feels good to
get out of my own way and just feel the lust for life
it feels good to feel the

lust for life to trust where my instincts take me
and make the choice to make the choice

today i ake the choice to
make the choice and allow the erst
rest to slip away

i take care of me


i take care of me


life is taken care if t
it feels good to allow the enery of life to flow through

im conneced to life im connected to love
i’m connected to life i’m connectedt
to love i allow lif

love to flow through me i allow love
and life to lfow

flow through me i allow life love
love and life to flow through me
i all

i allow i allow the rest to fall away i feel
the energy of life i feelt

the energy of life the feeling
of ntohing
making me feel bad i feel the feeling
that nothing can make me feel bad i

feel the feeling of releasing resistance
to life i feel the feeling of loving myself i
feel th feeling of loving myself

of relaxing into life
i feel the feeling of relaxing into life

relax into the flow of life
i relax into the flow of life

i realx i allow the flow i la

allow love i allow love for life
i allow myself to feel love and

refuse to feel bad i refuse

to feel bad i refuse to feel
bad i get to refuse to feel bd i

i get to love i get to love
i get to love i love

i get to let it all go i
get to tap into the magaick

magick o flife
i am tapped into the magick of life
i love that i know this

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to send the signal of love i ilove that i
get to send the signal of love

so grateful for this day!

for a relaxing day
to enjoy the spoils of my hard work
to enjoy life

to enjoy life fully

so grateful to expand my imagination
and what i believe is possible for myself
so grateful to

enjoy creating enjoy life and all
that is flowing through me
it feels good to enjoy life

and all that flows through me

it feels good to feel
good to celebrate
to celebrate the
good life the
good life the good life

the good life
to celebrate that
good life the ood

the good life the
good life th

the good life the good


for this here and now

you for this here and now
so grateful for this her and

here and now this here and now

this here and now this here and now this

it feels good to tap into the
energy it feels good to ride high

it feels good to say yes
thank you it feels good to feel
grateful to

feel truly grateful it feels good
to choose it feels good to choose
it feels good to choose it
feels good to tue in tap in turn
on it feels good

for all my wishes to come true

i am conscious of the inner
presence as my lavish

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundane

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is
filled with the light of turh


it feels good to check in with the

truth the truth of knowing
that its me its me its me

i am the source i am the source iam
the source of everything

i am the source
and the substacne of

all my good i am the source
and the substance of all
my good

its my choice
its my choice
i how

how i see things how i
see things its my choice

thank you thank you thank

you thatnk you thank you thank you
thank you thank you

i feel tuned in tapped in
turne don i feel
i feel my reality playing out
in the way

that it reflecs my emotions
the emotions ifve

ive been feeling are reflected
i love that we get to have fun
get to enjoy life!

i love that we made it to our goal!!

thank you for this day

thank you for the energy of life flowing
through me thank you for the knowledge for the focus

for the connection thank you for this here and now
i am focused in this here and now
and i am celebrating every moment

i let life guide me and i never
question what is or worry about it
i know that i never have to worry

life is always on my side and no matter what
i can always choose how i feel i can always choose
how i feel i can
always relax into the isness

of life i relax into the isness of life
i realzx

relax into all that is

im connected to the flow of
energy im saying yes to life yes to the flow
flowing through me yes to the love energy

the love for life i love the love for life
i love that i get to choose to love life

today i get to choose to release
and relax today i get to choose to

enjoy life to savor them oment
to say thankyou today

i say thank you
for all the love in my life

i feel the feeling today i allow the
feeling the fill every

molecule of my reality
i allow the feeling to fill every

molecule of my existence

i allow life to flow
easily through me and i celebrate all that is

i know that i can bring the feeling of


to everything i do i love that i can
always bring the feeling of god

to everything i do i love that there is so much to love
i love that i get to feel the release

i feel good in my life
i feel at ease in my life i feel the
god self flowing through me i feel

the flow flowing through me i feel the

the energy of life i feel the celebration
of life celebrating life for no reason

deciding to have an
amazingly awesome day for no reason!

and finding focus in everything i do
finding ease in everything i do
and knowing that life is awlays fl

always flowing perfectly through me
and i can get out of the way and just
float down stream

i know that i can float down stream
i know that nothing is up to m e

i lift up my heart and mind
to be aware to understand and to know t
aht t

that the divine prsenc

presence i am is the source and substance
of all my good

i lift up my mind
and heart
to be aware to understand and to know

that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

thankyou thank you thank you
for this here and now

i feel good in my life i feel good in my life
allow the energy of life to flow through me
the flow of life

i allow the flow of life i allow the flow
of life i allow love to flow through me
i allow gratitude to flow through me i love

i allow god

i allow god i allow knowledge
i allow the truth i allow the
truth of life to seep through me

i allow the truth of life i allow
a lust for life to seep through me

i allow myself to feel
how i want to feel

i know that today is amazingly awesome
and i can feel that knowledge
flowing into me i feel the focus

flowing through me i feel the ease and flow
of life i feelt he lust for life flowing through me

i feel myself making the choice

i love that i get to choose to feel good about life
i love that lfe i

life is good i love that if eel t
i feel the lust for life flowing through
me i love that there is so much to love

i love thatl ife loves i love feelign
the energy of life flow through me
remembering how i am supposed to feel

remembering how i am allowed to feel
i love that i get to send love i love that i
get to choose love and love is always the solution
i lovee that
i get to love this day

feel enthusiastic about this day
that i can bring love to everything i do
i love that i can

always do the owrk i lov tha t
i can feel energized in this moment
just by the energy of life

i love remembering that life is good
and life is magick i love
chosoing th

choosing the magick life

raising my vibration
and tuning into the magick of life

raising my vibration and tuning into the

magick of life

raising my vibration and tuning into the

magick of life

i tune into the magaick of life
i choose to feel good now i choose
to feel good now i

choose to feel good now i choose
a lust for life i choose to allow
my vibration to rise i choose to feel
the energy of life flowing thorugh me

the lust for life the knowing
that everything i want

always comes and i get to just
get out of the way
i love that i get ot feel the
feeling now i love that
ig et to feel the feeling now

i feel the lust for life
flowing through me if eelt he
good life flowing through me

i feel focused i feel the flow
i feel the flow i feel the fo

god self i feel the god self
showing through i feel the

energy of life flowing through me
i am allowing theener

the energy of life
to flow thorugh me

today is an amazingly awesome day!
and i know that

when i feel it i see it and

i get to choose how i feel
and when i choose i feel

i dont need to see

any manifestation!
i just feel good!

feeling the effects of the practice

and i can say lately i nkow
my vibration
has felt stagnant

but really not really
i shouldnt even say that

things are really on an upswing

and im feeling very energetic

i ilove that we have a new
system for our money that’s
really working out

i love that life already worked out
for me i love that life
already worked out for me i love

the release of gratitude
i love the release of choosing love
i love the release of
choosing to love myself to
give myself love

to take care of myself
to praise myself
to look for the best in myself

i feel the power of life and im
choosing to aling with

align with it more

i know that the nergy
energy that creates worlds is flowing
through me and the mroe

turn toward it the more i
feel the es

exhiliaration of life

i love feeling a lust for life i love
waking pu feeling up feeling good i love
making the cohie

choice to feel good i love that i can
always practice feeling good i love

that i can do it because it feels good
i can tune myself to love

i feel tuned to love i feel
tuned in tapped in turned on i feel focused in love

i feel focused in love

what am i god
what is my

i allow i get out of thewya

thank you thank you thank you
thank you tha

thank you thank you thank you thank
you thank

you thank you

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

what am i here for what iam
i trying to figure out
wat is my ture

true purpose in coming here to do this work

its to remember my magick powers

i know this ive used them
and i want to use them more

be more in tune with them
focused on the magick of life
less on worrying about petty

surface stuff

im here to remember the magick of me
the magick of love the magick of loving life
the magick
of putting love into life
of being brave enough to love my life

so grateful to be brave enough
to love life to feel passionately good about life
to make the choice
to make the

choice the choice the choice

i know the choice is the power
to jump into the energy of life

justs keep trusting the energy of life

god is lavish unfailing
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source of
infinite prosperity
is individualized as me the reality of me

im feeling ecstatic
im putting
celebratory energy into the world
into life li

im releasing all resistance
and jumping into life
jumping into my best life

jumping into mly best

my best self
im jummping into
my best fels


im allowing the bet


version of myself im allowing the best

versoin of myself

i never have to try i never have to

i can just allow and watch
and discern preferences i love that
i get to chooe i love
that i get to choose to offer myself love
and not beat myself up and i love that
i know this in every moment

thank you thank you for

why am i here

at this computer typing right now
its to connect with who i am

what i am its to feel the feeling of connection and
let everything else go
it feels good it feels good

im here
i am

i am i am i am i am i am i am
i am i am i am

let go i release i realse the need to
i release the need to


to get things
attract things
i release the

need for anything outside of me
and turn my attention within

i trun

turn my attention toward
where i want it to be
and i do this work becuse

it works
it e

its eh preacti
practicce and i love
feeling practiced

i know that i am the one
creating i know that i am
the one

creating my life


focused on what on i know
on the energy

focused on the focus
focused on the feeling and
what i practice

i build
i strengthen
the creative muscles

i know that everything is
my creation and i love that

every day i m feeling more and more
love and less and less resistance

i love coming here to do this
work relaxing into this

here and now

and doing thei

this work

i realx

relax into this here and now
and do the work

focused on wh oi am
really am and elevated by how

far i’ve come celebrat

focused on how much i have to
celebrate andm aking
making peace iwth everyt

thing that is i
i come here to tune up to tune
up to tune up

to raise my vibration
im allowed im allowed to feel good

tis its ok to feel good and celebrate life
really wen

enjoy the day each moment it feels good
to truly enjoyt

them oment it feels good to take the biig leap
into life

what do i want what do i want

from life

to feel at ease to feel in the flow
to feel a sense of completion each day

not just that im barely staying above water

to feel at ease in everything i do
it feels so good to feel at ease to

relax into life to relax into this work to
always remember this work to always remember its always me

to retreat into self and know that
the infinite is always within it feels good
to relax into the infintie to

to relax into what i know and know
that the feelings and thoughts i

project are hwat’s
what’s creating my reality
it feels good to release to pay attentoin
to know

that i can release it feels good to
release to let go
to let loos eit

it feels good to let it all go
it feels good to let it all go
to let go of all the resiista

it feels good to do thie wor
this work because it feels good

it feels good to always be able to jump
into themoment
to always be

be able to choose how i feel

it feels good to choose to love myself
it feels good to choose to love
this her ea d

here and now it feels good to make the choice
to love this here and now
this here and now this here and now

it feels good to love myself
to love myself to feel the
upward spiral to ride the upward spiral

to know the upward spiral is
always spiraling it feels good

to connect to the knowledge
of self it feels good to do the work the only
work it feels good to do thie

the only work the only work
which is that of remember ing who

who i am

that ia m source energy that i am
god energy i know ia m god

i know i am god
i know i am the one and only onlly god i know this
i know thait
that i get to create
the vesion i
i know i am the creator
and that
is the only tign

creating it
i know this i the
the only ting creating it

im connected with self and
let the rest go and let the rest
go i choose the version i choose

i choose the version i prefer
i choose the
version i prefer
i choose the

version i prefer i choose the
version i prefer i choose the good life

i choose the good life i choose the
good life i choose the good lfie i

i choose i chose
i choose the version i choose the verison
and i allow it unofl
and i appreciate the

i love feeling connected to the flow
of life i love that i dont have any worries

i love the better it gets i love that the more
i tuen mys

myself to look toward the third eye
the more i see its effects

its power

i just look toward
my infinite knowledge
i look toward i look


the god self i feel tapped in to the god self
and i do that by

letting go of the distractions

connection with the pure version of myself
the version

underneath the thoughts

underneath reality and also above it
and all around it and alos

embodying it

i know that i am source energy i know that i am
source energy i feel the release of knowing that
i feel the release of

turning everything over to the powers of life
i turn everything over to

source energy and i know that’s all ic an do
that’s all i can do is li

in life is turn over the power to where it

truly lies and i love that i know this
i love that i can
i get to choose this and i get to allow
love into my life
i get to

to hoo
choose this and i get to allow

love into my life i get to choose

this i get to love and allow love
i get to release the hold i ry


try to have over life
and just love it as it unoflds

unfolds i get tomake
make the choice to love life as it unfolds
i love allowing life
i al

i love allowing a system