the work feels good

so grateful to do the work
this sork to

to loosen the reigns and then
see things start to flow again

to be able to say

i’ve upped my writing game

so grateful today i s good day
so grateful for so much to apprecitae

for the best lunch ever
for the best cleanest
newest gym everr

for the best wife ever
the best life ever

the best city ever

so grateful everything is unfolding perfectly
so grateful

so grateful i know the
energy of life so gate

gratefusl to make the cohice
to line up the energy

make the choice to let go and take the
big leap into the flow

knowing this is theo nly

the only work the work

the work of not needing anything
of not

needing to
get paid

so grateful to feel good in
this here and now to know th

to know thatlife is flowing perfectly through me
in t

this here and now

so gratefulfor

the hours so grateful to know
there’s always more than
enough to say yes to everyting

and relax in the knowldg

knowledge it feels god to

good to relax in the knowledge

it feels good to feel good
to do the work this work

and know

this is the only work

so grateful i know
this is the only work
this is the only work there is
so grateful iknow

i know this is the only work
and for tihs ver

this moment

i am here i am
doing this work i am focused in this moment
doing this work

doing the work to tune my vibration

for no other reason than
it fee


it feels good to feel good and i make the choice t
to feel good i amke the
i am

make the choice to feel good i make the choice
to feel good i

make the choice to feel good
and at ease in this here and now
it fels g

feels good to feel the
feeling to feel good now
to feel the flow in this here and onw

to focus her ei am

i am focused here i am focused
in this here and now
this here and now

here and now we are here

i am focused i am focused on this work
i can do it i can allow the work
to flow thorugh me
through me i allow the work

i allow

god self to flow thorugh me
through me an i align with the magick in every moment
i align with

the magick in every moment

it feels good to feel good
it feels good to
feel good to allow life to allow life

to drop in

it feels good to dopr

drop in to this omm

moment to be aware
of thea

as it builds and know that
the so

solution is always within
and just like

how i will someday
help people with acne

i can always

also help them with axiety


because i get to work through it
myself i get to find the solution
i get to feel the feeling
and be ware

aware of the feeling and then
find tehs olut

the solution
its bringing a b

about the other side of the
wave and i know

that i have the ability
to practice a new thought

an e

new version and i’m ling

lining up with that version right

i choose to be easy about my work
i choose to feel at ease about it
i hcoose to

let it unofld as it may

thank you for this now
for the knowledge to slip into

the here and now
to devote myself

to this here and now
to feel my way

away from tightness
and feel the looseness of life

flow through me feel the
looseness of life

i feel relaxed i feel the flow
flowing through me i feel

i feel attached to the drou

ground to the gr
ground sneergy

energy the eneryg

energy that flows

flows through me is

and now jut

just flying all around
willy nilly

it feels good to ground the energy to feel good

celebrate getting everything i w

ever wanted everything i wa

ever needed it feels so good to
celebrare my

celebrate my own success it feels good to love
it feels good to love

to relax into the now
and to make

a voew

today if i feel my energy
start to scatter i will al i

call it back home
i will do the absolute
best i cando

do in this om

moment and know
that’s all i can ever do

so grateful to do the work
to realx

relax into this
here and now
to feel nowow d

now to relax and dothis

this work remembering

that this is the only w

work it feels good

to calm down i feelcalm
i feel at eae i approa

i approach all

with ease i

i feel good now

i can do it
i can let it all unfold
i can let life live
me and i know there’s never

any rush and ther’es always

more than enough i

know ther is
is alwa

always more than enough

i let god do it
i let go live me and ia l

allow life to unfold
it feels good to do the work
first to feel good now
it feels good to feel good
now to tu

just trut the
trust the flow

it feels good to let life do it i
ti fe

it feels good to make the choice to
feel good and know that
is all there is it feels good

to be aware of the energy to trust
the energy of life flowing through


it feles good
good to let go and let life
and feelthat

feeling of celebrating life
andk now that

that i can always come back to thi

this feeling


don’t confuse critique

with talking shit
or hating

or black magick

is a discussion
of the

validity of the work
of art within
the world it occupies

and what other purpose would art have
than to solicit critique

to bring forth discussion?
of what it means
and what might possibly make it better

more relevant
more delicious

if art isn’t bringing forth

it’s banal.

only good art is
worth speculating

can’t force

i know i can’t force the flow
and i know i must allow the
energy to flow through

me and when i try to force and rush
life reflects that

i know this

i know can i can

i must
trust everything that is i must
allow the flow to flow through me
i must allow things to ahpp

happen as they will and can’t force them

i can’t force
i must allow i must allow
and i am brave enought o recognize that

i recognize the

and i know i aksed
asked for this i wanted to see
evidence of how

of my life reflecting the energy

it feels good to be aware
i can feel that since i’ve focusing

more on this work
i am more aware and i am grateful
for the opportunity to notice

the effects of energy on my life
experience and i know that when the

energy is at ease and allowing life to flow
then life unfolds easily

when i made the choice to turn into the flow
everything started to work itself out and that is all i can do

when i made the choice to turn

toward the flow
when i made the choicet

to turn toward the flow
to turn toward the flow
to turn

toward the flow when i made the choice
to turn toward the flow

life started to work itself out
life started

to work itself out
life started to work itself out it

feels good to know

to accept the solutions as they come it feels
good to

it feels good to ocme
come here and talk about the energy
to know

to trust the energy to
trust the truth to know the

truth and jump into it
to know i don’t have to care
to let it go
to know

there’s no rush
nothing has to happen right now
and everything is



it feels so good to focus on
this work to feel th

the flow flowing through me
not pinch it off

allow it to flow through me

celebrate the moment
and do the things i need to do

it feels good to feel good
to feel good

i recognize the energy
and i’m doing the work the
i do the work

the more i notice the
effects of teh

the energy and teh m

the more i make it apoint
to line up the energy
and the more i can

can be aware andc

come back to center

i can feel it’s
getting easier to come back
to center to remember to

to trust the flow to

remembe th

the best and only thing i can
ever do is line up the energy

i love that when i ask it is given
i love that i asked for money

i relax i relax inot
the flowi

relax inot the flow and know

that everyt

thin is fin

is fine it feela

feels good to relax into the moment to
make the choice
not to care to truth wat

trust what is to know that i tried to force and rush
and now
i allow and trust everything that
is it feels so good to be wa

to relax into the moment
and to allow

the best

versoin of myse

myself to trust everythign that is

it f

so greateful
grateful to come here and let it

all go
i am focused
ont he

the god slef

self within
and i know i can let everyting

go and never have to try to control
anything i can just choose

i am grateful for the
chancee to use the matick

the magick and just choose

the co


outcome i prefer and know it will ocme
come it feels good to clean up the

energy ta
and kow that
it’s only ever the enregy
energy it’s only ever the energy
i l

let go of needing anything
to happen i let go of needing anything


on the god within
and know that i already have

everything i need so grateful to know
i can always come back

here and let it all go

it feels good to let go of everythin

to do the work to let go and know that
can be a solution if i let it

if i look for tehs

the solution
it’s there if i look for a solution
its there so i do wht

do t

do this work becaus this
is the only wotk
the only wit

it fele

feels so good
to love it feels good to love
it feels good to love
it feels good

to love to unlo

unlock he love within
to let go fo everything
to let go of everyting

i’ve been holding on to
it feels good to feel good it
it feels good to feel

the flow flowing through m

me to relax into the god self
it feels good to relax into the god self
it feels good to relax intoth


ito the god self to
know the power of me to know the power
of me it feels good

it feels good to feel the power of me it
feels good to feel the
powe of

of me it feels good
to allow the ease and flow
of me to love life to go witht he
the flow of life
to say yes to life

it feels good to say yes
to life

that’s i all i can do is
say yes to life
i love that i can do it i can
get out of the way i trut

i trsut life i get out of thw ay
the way i relax into life
and the more i l

relax into life the better i feel
i do this work to

to remembe w

who i am remembe that

with self is all there is
it f

i come
here to feel good and remember nothing matters
and everything
is unfolding

perfectly and

there’s no evidence otherwise
it feels good o
to practice

fitness of the mid
it feels go
good to do it to take the big leap it
feels good to take the big leap it feels good
to take the big leap

to feel good to take the big leap
into the here and now to

to feel good now to allow myself
to feel good now
to love this here and now

i feel good i feel really good and
it’s because i turned within
and made the choice to feel better
to place my
attention on something
else and it feels good to know

i can always do that
it feels good to feel good and i cam

am choosing to feel good
no matter what
it feels good to do the work to tak

to take the big leap into
tuning myself to the vibratrion o

of god and know that my knowledge
of god is what i’m here for

that’s all i’m here for so

i will seek that

feverishly and
let the reset un

rest unfold

it feels so good to feel
free and trust me
trust myself

trust life!!

and know that

my awareness
and knowledge
of the all providing
of the divine mind


so grateful for this day

to remember that i am
great to remember that i am inherently great
and anything else is not true

to believe in something
that is not greatness

is false

is a lie
is an illusion and so grateful for this day
to see life line up for me

to line up the energy and see life
just unfold so perfectly

so grateful to join a gym
so gratefl for free bowls!!

for beyond burgers
for love

for warm boots
for salt and shovel

always having everything i need

so grateful for this here and now to know that
to know that there is always enough to know

to know that everything is greatness
to recognize

all the greatness to look
for what i want to see

to constantly seek out
what i want to see evidence of what i want to see

grateful for this here and now

so grateful for all the amazingness is my life
for payments
for new subs!!
for passive income

making $86 in payouts in one day!

so grateful for my life
that we can afford a gym membership
AND our rent!

so greateful
so greatful

so full of greatness
so grateful to know that i am
god in human form and

everything is always working out
for everyone so grateful

to celebrate that knowledge

to celebrate this day
so grateful to celebrate the

greatness of this day
the greatness of me tok now that

it all already is how i want it to be
it feels good to feel good to t

to feel the feeling of me so grateful to fee the
feeling of me to send the signla of

so grateful for the time and space
so grateful for the time and space to feel good so
grateful to do this work
to feel good and do this work

it feels good to do this work
to know my own greatness and spend the time

make the time to tap into it
it feels good to

allow my own greatness
to allow the greatness of god to flow thorugh me
through me
it feels good to allow the
greatness of god to flow

to flow thorugh me
to flow through me it feels good to
allow it to ap

tap into it and know that it comes
through focus
it feels good to focus o

on all that is going well in my life
it feels good to focus on
all that is going well in my life

celebrate all the energy lining up
and knowing that everyting
is always showing up at the perfect time

it feels better to adopt a mindset of knowing

thatn to

than to wonder and woorry

worry and i know i never have
to wonder or worry because




i know that i am god i know that
i am god and i an

i can always choose to allow
the god self thorugh me

i can always allow the god self to flow thorugh me

so grateful to feel so happy in this here and now
to feel elevated inthis h

this here and now to feel

energetic in this here and now
so grateful to feel the flow
flowing through me

so grateful to feel good i

feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel love it feels so good to send the signal


it feels so good to send the signal of love
to love this here and now
it feels so good

to love this here and now
to love this here and now

it feels so good to focus on
feeling good to do this work

to do the magiick work

and know this is the only wotk the

the work of connecting is the only work
i love that i know

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware
to understand and to know that
the divine presence i am

is the source and substance of all my good

i know this is the only work
i tap into the only work
and i celebrate life knowing that

and knowledge of spirit

is theonly the only work

i know that there is god
energy flowing through every single
thing and that all things are connected

i know that my expectations
create my reality

i know that i have the power
to choose my expectations and that is
my work here on earth

as a ‘human’

it’s just to love everything that
is and joyfully observe it

it feels good to relax into this day
to know that i never need anything
and i can always allow life
tof low t

to flow through

to and through me it feels good to

attract life in this here and now
it feels good to say yes to everything
that is and to send love to

everything in this here an dnow

it feels good to focus on the
greatness of self

the greatness of god
in every single thing
in every single moment
and to fully

love life
and lo

to fully love everything that is
to kno that it’s my choice

how i look at life

what i look for
what i see

what i expect
and i know that

looking at it
gets int he

in the way of infinite potential

i love that i can always get out of the
way and allow infinite

to manifest i love that
i know


i love that i know life
is so much more magickal
than most people understand
i love

that i know the magick of life
that i get to choose the magick oflife

and that life is fun
i love that i get to choose a fun
life i love that i never have to wonder of worry

or worry

so grateful to do the wrok
to feel connected to life and know

that the feeling of connection

to life is the only work
and it is my supply

so grateful to remember
my connectoint o

to source is my supply

not money!!

my connection to sourcce
is my supply andever

everything else flows from that!!

good times

so grateful for this day
to have love in my life
to choose love to

for it to get easier and easier
to choose love to tune tap in turn
on it feels good to focus in this here and now

and know that the focus is all there
is it feels good to come here to
do the work of releasing resistance

is it worth caring over?

no it isn’t so let it
go and choose love instead is

it si a

is alawys

always so much easier to choose
sending love to my brother

all of them

sending love to my mom

so grateful to have
found love in my life and every
moment i take
the chance to be grateful for what i have

so grateful for what i have
and for the choice

send the signal of love
and not care
it feels good to use my power
to not care
to look for something else

to know that it can only
ever match me it feels good

to clean up my own clutter within
and release trying to control

anything it feels good to use
a need to conrol

control as a way
to use the magick it feels good
to celebrare

celebrate opportunities

to use the magick

it feels good to make the choice
to use the magick
i make the choce to

to allow the magick to flow
to tu

to tap into the
fullest version of myself

the purest i

energy i make the choce to
to feel good to always line up the
energy e

because i know

life only

reflects the energy i love
that i know that life
only reflects the energy
it only


what i create what i look at
what i make more of and i can feel

i can feel it catching

just by making the choice t
o do th

to do the work i can
feel the energy building up inside of me
i love tha i ca

that i can feel the energy

that i can be conscious enough
to choose love it feels good to

zoom out to be aware of my thoughts
it feels good to be aware of my thoughts

to know this is my only work
to do th
to do the only work that

that matters it feels good
to do the only work that matters it feels good
to do the only

work that matters

it feels good to love it
feels good to love it feels good to love

to focus to do the work to feel the in
and out of
lif it
feels godt

to feel the in and out of life
to focus inthe

the here and now
to remember how i want to feel
and feel it it feels good

to go in

to have all the train
engines going int he same
direction it
feels good to eleveate

elevate it feels good to align
to look for wha i want
to see to

feel the relief of knowing that
it feels good to feel the ne

energy fuil

building inside of me
to feel my focus

building after only a short tie

it feels good to feel it buildig up
inside of me


and that is real

a sustain

an ability
to sustain
feeling good

slipping into fear
or worry

or needing to control
and ability
to get out of

the way and trust life

ability to trust
the feeling of trusting
life completely

is there is in life

that is the ultimate

the only thing you can
really attain in life
is the knowledge
that you’re not in control

it feels good to to the work to up

unpack it to feel good to choose love
it feels good to feel love to choose

love to let it all

to let it all go
to make the choice not to cre

to always come back to center
it feels good to always pracic

practicce comeing ba

back to center
and know there 4
is n

never any reason to feel bad and i can
always direct my attention away

from something
i canalways choose the
better feeling thought

i can always massage my vibration
tune myself to the knowing of
go dit fe

it feels good to tu ne
tune in and tune myslef

to the love channel

the love of god
andl et go

let go of needing something
let go
of needing something

it feels good tof
to feel good foe me

for me to feel the pain and allow

it leave my body
feels good to relax into life

build up my muscle for feeling good
to celebrate life
to say yes to everything that
is and


really know that everyting
is unfolding perfectly
and i can totally get out of the
way it feels good

to practice getting out of the way
and trust that life
is alawys on my side

it feels good to make the choice
to love everything that
is to totally let go

it feels good to feel good tof
feel good to know that it’s only ever me
to remember that it’s only

ever me and celebrate that knowledge

and know this is real
this is the only real thing

in life the feeling of connecting with source
of loving life and all thinsg

that is the only thing there is
to do here in life

just enjoy it

today is a good day

i allow myself to feel good to
love my life to feel good in my life
to feel good in my life i allow myself
to feel good in my life
feel good inthis right now

to do this work t
o love
to love to send theisn

the signal of love to choose love now to choose

to love myself

it feels good

to make the choice
to love myself
it feels good tomake

to make
the choice to love myself
it feels good to feel good
to feel the flow of life flowing throgh me

to love to feel good to choose to feel good
about myself

and my life
to take the biig lea

big leap into life
it feels good to take the big leap into life
it feels good to make the choice to

like mysle fto
love myself

to love me i love me
and i’m allowing myself to have a good day
it feels good to do the work
to aling my

align myself it feels good to align
with life it feels good to align with life
to align with life
to al


align with all there is
to come back into consciousness

knowing its all for me

that it’s all for me
and this is the main event

so grateful i know this is the main
and i

get to choose to feel good every day so

grateful i get to make
the choice to feel good now

it feels good to focus on
feeling good to make that my number one
goal it feels good
to feel good to make it a poiint to

ato feel
to feel good and know that is
the only work
it feels good to love
to love

this here and now
to tally
totally relax in this here and now
knowing its perfect

feels good to relax

so grateful to celebrate this now!!

celebrate life!
it feels good to wkae
wake up and celebraet god
and life i love
that i get to celebrate life i love

doing this work

i’m here doing this work
because i’m

i know this is the only work
because i want to feel good and have a good day
because i want to feel the
release and i know the release comes from

focus so

so it feels good to focus
to feel focused in my life
to feel

myself walking the tightrope

rather than flailing around
it feels good to feel good to feel good
to trust the flow

it feels good to focus and
allow allow the flow to flow
through me it feels good to

focus and allow the flow
to flow through me to say yes tolife

to know that i CAN

breath yes i can yes i can
i know i can
i know i can
i kow t

i know that life is always
breathing through me
and it feels good to release and allow that

i’m not holding my breath
im’ wa

watching it fly
i’m watching life flow effortlessly through me
i’m doing the work

the only work
the work
of love i’m doing the owrk

the work
to love i’m doing the work to love

to love me
to love this right now
to love all others

to love all situations
to totally let go

this awareness
and knowledge

of the all providing activity
of the divine mind within me

is my supply

of spirit
appears as every visible form
and experience ic ould

i could possibly desire

my consciousness of the spirit
within me as my unlimited source is teh divine power to restore the years the locusts have eaten

make all things new
o lifet me up to the high road of abundant prosperity

this awareness
and knowledge of spirit

appears as every visible form and experience
i could possibly


i love living life i love feeling good

i love flying high i love
releasing resistance

the beliefs that hold me back
and jumping fully into life

so grateful to do this work the only work
to have the space
in this here and now to do the only work

so grateful for the space
the place to come to do this work
to go within
to kow that

that there is an inner world
to know that

all that matters is
and understanding of spirit

that is all that matters
focus on the spirit
world and that is where i put all my foucs
and i

it feels good

it feels good to turn the focus toward the truth!

to take the big leap
fully into life!!

so grateful for this here and now
for the power of me for the power of love

for the power of spirit in my life
to know that
everything is spirit
and life can only reflect me

it feels so good to know and mreme
that life can only
reflect me

so grateful for this knowledge

this awareness
and nkowled

knowledge of spiirt
appears as every visible form and experience
i could possibly desire

and i love that i know it’s
not about obtaining

it’s aboutt att

attaining peace
in this here and now
it feels good

to feel at peace
it feels good to feel at peace

with my surroundings
it feels good to do the owrk
to know that
the work within

is the only work

i know that the
work within

is the only work

this awareness
and knowledge

i love my life i love
the feeling of me i love that life
loves me i love

that there is so much to love
i love feeling the love of god

flowing thorugh me

through me i love that it’s
a good day

i am


to feel good!!

it feels good to jump fully into life
to fully love life
it feels good to jump

fully in


here doing the work

not forcing it but making more
of a point to feel for center to

allow myself to relax into center
to know

notice when i’m feeling tight and make the
conscious choice to release that tightness

so i’m here to release tightness

i release


i release


i release

control i release caring
or trying to figure out out


i release thinking money is my supply

release having to be right
prove someone else wrong

prove my rightness
and their wrongness

release speeches in my head

caring about a single thing that


happened before here and now
it feels good to practice


every single thing
before this moment
i am totally free in this moment

because i release

all of my grudges
all of my conditioning
and i am justs my

my free self
i am my free



and that is what i come here to
connect with

the pure version of me the love version of me

it feels good to tap into the love version of me
to make the choice to love me now

to let go of everything else and just rejoice in this
moment it feels good to rejoice in this moment
it feels

to release and allow it feels good to
do this work to connect to remember who i am

to find my vision to

find me

i’m here finding the love within
because i want to find it i want to feel
the feeling of loving myself


here to release

to relax to practice
relaxing to know

that i know how
i can i can allow myself to relax intothe here and now

i’m here to relax i’m here to unwind i’m here to unwind
to relesea the resistance
to relax into the knowlege ot

of who i am to connect to spirit source energy im here i’m connected i’m here i’m connected it

it comes when you allow it
when nothing else is there

then the feeling of connection is there
when all else is released then the feeling of connection is there

that full relaxtion into the moment

i’m here doing the work
because i’m ready

to feel good to take the
big leap into a fulfilled life

it feels good to allow the
most of life the best of life

to know the best of life
to tall

totally let go and trust life and remember
that my only power is in my letting go

my getting out of the eay

it feels good to focus
to have focus in my life
to remember this is my only work


everything i seek
i seek because i want connection

with self with the infinite knowledge
with the infinite love
of source energy wrapped around me

i find it in this here and now i re

i relax into the knowing i relax into the

and allowl ife to create itself
it feels good to focus

to foucs

focus on love it feels good to focus
on love to create the version i prefer

to believe in myself to know i can do it
i des

i deserve love
i deserve love
i deserve love

i am worthy of love
i am worthy of love
i am worhty of love

and when i feel deserving
and worthy of love then i can

feel comfortable loving
all others and all things

i send the signal of o

love because it feels good to feel good

to love it feels good to
take the leap to be brave enough to tlo

to love to let go of anyt

anything else

it feels good to tune in tap in turn on
to r

to return to this work
the only work and remmber

remember that this is the only work
to trust thsiw

this work fully totu

to turht

trust the connection with life

and everything unfolds

i’m here i’m connected i’m at


i am calm in my life
i allow life to flow through me

i feel good in my life
i feel good in my life i

feel at peace in my life
it feels good to focus
to bring focus to my life

to focus on one thing

and thast

that’s god

i keep my mind and thoughts off this
world and place my entire focs

focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

entire focus
it feels good to focues

to come back to center to feel the
dust settling to feel myself
calming down

to allow myself to connect here
to feel the connection i

it feels good to feel for teh connection

it feels good to love myself
to think i am worht it

to love me i love me
i love kelly cree

it feels good to do the work
to focus to let it all god

the vibrational work

to tune the energy to know eveyrthing
is energy

as soon as i tuend
tuned the energy
it feels good to tuen
to remember what it is to tune

to feel at home here to feel at home here
and n

enough to come back to the onlly palc

only place that matters

to remember this
is my only home
it feels good to

place my entire focus
on the here and now
and not


with anything else

it feels good to remember that

i feel good

i feel good and i wnat
to do the work to feelgood

it feels good to make the choice
to feel good

to want to feel that

flying high feeling and know that
i can chooe

choose it at any time

feels good to feel good to ofc

to focus on who i really am

on lifting up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know

that the divine presence i am

is the source and substance of
all my good

so grateful for this now
to feel connected to source to self
to love to practice love and

really feel it it feels good
to make the choice
to feel love

about everything

to love
either way

i know i am the creator
i am the one and only creator of my life experience

i love that i know this
and i get to remember to decide

connectoin connection

to source

the divine presence that i

my consciousness of the spirit within me as my
unlimited source is the divine power

restore the years the locusts have eaten
make all things new

and lift me up to the igh
high road of abundant prosperity

this awareness understanding
and knowledge of spirit

appears as every visible form and experience
that i could possible desire

i’m here i’m in the moment i’m in the
flow doing the only work
that matters it
feels good to do the only work that

matters to feel connected to feel the god self
to remember who i really am to remember the
magick of me to know

the magick of me

i’m here

doing the work to tune myself

to tuen the
tune the vibration of me

to tune to the vibration of teh

the god self the love self

i’m hre
here lining up the energy and practicing teh

the feeling of trusting the flow
of living life for m

being brave enought o li
to live life for me for what

what i need to do to stay connected
it feels good to write more
because i’m taking

i’m looking more toward self
for alignment
than looking for connection outside of me

or looking to add things to
my existence to make life



this is the only work

i’m here
because i know this is the
only work because i want to
feel the feeling of

doing the work
but haven’t been doing the work

not like i know i can

not like i know i can focus
i can

connect i know the feeling
of connection and i know it’s here

in the here and know
it feels good to make the choice
to relax into knowing

to be brave enough to do the work
for me right now it feels good to know thath


this is the only work

ever this is the only work ever and
when i feel i have taken care of myself

then i will take care of your needs

it’s letting go of all resistance
it’s flying high it’s knowing it’s

and blissfully relaxing into the here and now
knowing that

everything happens at the time
it does and there is never


i never have to rush
i am not in control i know i am
not in control
and i

enjoy getting out of the way
i love getting out of the way
and allowing life to unfold
i love

getting out of the way
and allowing life to unfold

i relax into this moment
relax intothe

the here and now

i let it all god in

go in thi i let

it all go

that is what getting in
the vortex is

letting it all go
and just feeling free

feeling the feeling of yes
saying yes to life

and flying free

so grateful to get in the vortex
so gratefl for

amazing clients
so grateful for my life with my wife

so grateful to have found love and

so grateful to be in touch with my family

so grateful for my pets

for my computer for my warm home

for money to pay the bills in

way before they’re due!

i love paying the bills way before they’re due!!!

i’m doing the wrok

work doing the work
to breath

to align my energy
i’m doing the work align my energy

it’s like

i feel like i haven’t even aligned it in so long

just been going through motions but

not really aligning
but i want that feeling of

alignment i know the

the feeling of alitnme

ment is the here and now where

when i get a breath that is alignment
i know alignment is here and

the more i practice feeling it the

easier it is to access it feels good

to want to do the work
to feel aligned to see that magick
of life to know

that i am in alignment a lot every day

i know that
and i know that the feeling of alignment
is the only work

always get in alignment first



get in alignment first

get in the vortex and then
i feel good now i feel at ease

i feel the magick ofl ife
flowing through

me and i feel so grateful for everything

that i have

knowing that everything is reflecting me
i feel so grateful for this knowledge

for the ability to choose knowing

for the option
to choose knowing

for the contrast that helps me choose knowing
it feels good to relish
in the asking knowing
that it always comes

it feels good to know
to just choose knowing and know that
i can always do that

keeping up the good work

keeping up the focus is all i can
do all i can do is focus within and know that
everything always unfolds in the perfect timing

feels so good to know that everything
always unfolds

in perfect timing

so grateful to do this work
to come here and remember

the divine consciousness i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility not mine
my only responsibility is to be aware of this

therefore i am totally confident in letting go and letting
god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

i’m focused in the here and now
it feels good to do the only work that
matters to come back to center to

know the only work that matters
it feels good to do the only work that matters
to focus within

and know the only work is the work
of connecting with self
with knowing

who/what i am and releasing myself to that knowledge
it feels good to return to the infinite
field of that knowledge

where i know all potentialities
are possible

it feels good to know that everything is
possible and it only unfolds according to my expectation
it feels good to do the work
to train the mind

because what else are you doing to do?

flail aimlessly from event
to event in your life not realizing that your
emotions are the common thread

i believe in myself i
believe in the flow flowing through

i now th

i know that god energy is alwyas

always flowing through me and i don

i do this work the feel
in unison witht t

that god energy
i do that work
to feel in unison with that god

energy it feels good to connect
and to know that i can always

connect and that my only
job the only thing i never

ever have to do

is feel for that connection and the
rest of life will unfold

on its own
i love that i know this an

making a point to focus
only on this knowledge

i know this
and the more i focus on it
the easier it is to return to it

to return to center
to return to unison

i’m here remembering who i am
remembering love and to send love
to all things
so yes if you are

if you have racism ingrained in you
you can’t break that love



so you must break those
subconscious beliefs down

not only so you do not
continue to oppress

but so that you personally
may grow as a spiritual being

you’re not saving or helping anyone
you’re making the choice to
reprogram yourself as a personal


to not be an oppressor

if you don’t want to be an oppressor
you must become aware of your programming

if you wouldn’t do something
racist in person then you must

become aware of the ingrained
subconscious programming within you

that makes you do racist things
think racist thoughts

send racist vibrations into the universe

without even realizing it
or ‘meaning’ it

or it being malicious

you still do it
and until you become aware of it
you can’t change it

so grateful for this day
so grateful for this moment
for this here and know f

for the knowledge that
everything is love

everything is love and i can choose to
send love to all things

i can choose to send love to all things
i choose
to send love to all things

i feel good i feel good

get in the vortex and then
and that’s

all i can do

i’m inthe

i’m the vortex
i’m in the vortex im

i’m in the vortex
i’m in the vo


what does it mean

no worries
no fears
no wondering

just knowing

pure knowing
waves of relief knowing

letting go of all the meaningless stress
and worry and wondering and


it feels good to be aware to do the work
every day and know that every day i know myself more

it feels good to know myself
more every day and knkow th

there is no limit

it feels good to knokw the



un-provable truths i know

i know them
i know to be true


is always changing
and always

morphing according
to my expectations

my creations

that’s it

life is always reflectingm e

reflecting the version i create

i know this and when i choose what
i want to see

i see it and it really is that simple

putting it into practice
is another thing but

that’s why i’m here
to remembering

the truths every day
to always comes


back to the one and only truth
which is that
life is always unfolding

in my favor but not event

its’ just unfolding

alwys but all at once

and there’s no reason
at all to get wrapped up in anything
anyone is doing
or any of that

just pay attention to your inner world
and how you rfeel
you fele

pay attention to your inner world and how you feel

i’m in the vortex

i’m in the vortex
which means no resistance

no fear no wondering only love
just choose to feel love on that topic

and then you are solved

your whole life is solved

in one word

the only answer
to every question

it feels good to do the work
to know i’ve done the work before

and if you really want to see it
you have to put the work into it

it’s not the mantra

it’s the devotion to it

it’s not the god
it’s the devotion to it

it’s the devotion
the focus
because when you focus

on anything

you interrupt the flow of thoughts
that is

resisting everything
and creating
out of fear

when you focus fully
you stop the worry thoughts and
then life can unfold
as a reflection the desires of you heart

your soul

your gut

when you can get the thoughts out of the way
and that is the only work
is no other work

nothing else matters
besides this this

is the only work
it feels good to do the only work

to put the work
int ot a

to allow the dust to settle

to do eht work
the work to remember who i am
what i am
to celebrate life right now

to feel relief in this right now