just decide to have a good day

i love that i don’t have to ccare
that i can just focus on my own well being

my own happiness and ignore the actions of
others i can ignore it i can just

choose to feel good now
i don’t have to figure it out i don’t have to
figure it out
i don’t have to figure out why i care

just decide not to

becaue i feel like i’ve been wronged
and generally just annoyed

and i don’t like the person
but i feel like i’m still

forced to be friends with them or something
and i don’t want to

and that’s ok

there are plenty of peo[le i’m not friends with
and that’s ok

i don’t have to care
ab out how dumb or naive they are
i dont have to care about their

or how much it annoys me
i certainly don’t hae

to devote any more energy toward
figuring out just how i would tell them

how wrong i am

i can just trun
turn my attention toward what i want

how pretentious they are
how far their heads are up their asses

but that’s not my problem
and i

am goig to let it go

i’ve already lete it

it go in favor of focusing on my own

well being i can turn the boat
turn the attention toward what i want

i want friends

who are on my level

jesus is it that much to ask

and i feel bad i feel bad not
liking someone
b ut i just don’t i don’t like them

they get on my nerves

that’s it lol

but it really doens’t matter
and i guess i’m even more annoyed that i am
devoting energy toward it

that my thoughts are on it

something so insignificant
so today i focus on feeling good
trusting my own gut

and if it’s not a match
it’s not and i accept that
i accept that

it’s not a match
and whatever happens happens
i accept that it’s not a match

why do i care????
why does it keep running in my head


i’s not their fault that they
don’t have the life experience to know
what they are doing?

so i should feel bad for
cutting themout for

something they didn’t know they did wrong?

but it’s not my job to educate you
to raise you pu
to teach you

i’ve taught enough people
i;m done

i want to be around people who already know

that’s not too much to ask
and oh well it’s not like i hate you

i just don’t like you
you’er annoying
you’re face is annoying

your voice is annoying
your inability to cope in the real world
becuse you’re sheltered

is annoying

so am i say8ing all that about myself

and i wish i could just move o about thit

but i need to get in the vortex abot it
i wish i would
i am
in the vortex about it
and in the

vortex i don’t have to care
i focus on how i feel
and make the hcoice to

to feel good now and let the rest come

for a second i did like you
i thought you were cool
but it turns out your not
youre dumb lol

ugh and i hate myself for saying that
for thinking it
i wish i could like you

but i jut don’t i just don’t

i think your whole

is bullshit
ugh this is so annyong

annoying to me

that i even care
i just turn the

turn toward something else
and let life come to me i vn all

can allow life tocome to come to me
and i don’t hae

havet o be afraid of wht might happen

i don’t feel a connetion
and that’s ok

i can trust that i can trust that
and jusg choose to feel good

feel good first

get i the in the vortex and then
get in the vortex and then

allow my heart to sing
look for reasons to say thank yo
for reasons to feel

and let the rest go

look for reasons to say thank you
look for reaons

to be i the in the vort4ex
and don’t worry about the reswt

don’t care
dont’ get mad

over something that doesn’t matter

just ignore it
and move on with my life

with my vortex

and that’s all i can do
i stand up for myself and my feelins

i’m proud of myself for
not getting sucked in

for doing me like i made a vow to do
to stick to doing me to doing what feels best
to me
and not just follow along with something

i don’t have to care
i can be in my vortex and still not
like someone lol


there’s something deeper there
that iw ant to get to

but i don’t want to keep didggin

picking at something
that just doesn’t matter

just let it go and find som3thing

something else to htink about taht’s
the best i cand o

look for reaons to

reasons to feel good look for reasos
to feel good look for reasons to feel good
to love myself

to love me

all i can do is look for reasons to
celebrate my life look for reasons to celebrate my life
and let life come and go

easily through me today
i ntnend

to allow life to come and go
easily through me and i

i will

think about what iw ant
instead of what i don’t

and i know my powe r
is in my letting go
in my not caring and i really don’t care

i really don’t care
i really don’t

i care about how i feel and tha’ts
it and today i ake th
make the choice to look for what i want to see
to look for what i want to see

today i look for what iw ant
i let

i let the rest go and know

and celebrate that iknow l
that life can only reflect me

and i get to make the choice
to know it always feels better to love
andi can

just let that go

love to feel my heart singing

so grateful to feel better to
feel good to not have anything to dread

so grateful i get to live so
grateful i get to feel good so gratefuli
get to

to enjoy life with mky wife
my wife so grateful there is somuch

so much to love so graeteful
there is so much to love and i don’t

i never have to care about ther est

so grateful i get to feel good to feel he
feeling to feel the feeling of feeling

so grateful i feel better
so grateful to feel good in my body

to spend time with family
to be able to afford to gamble!!

thanks sandra!

so grateful for the good life
to feel prosperous to feel
wealthy to have

the tie and time and space to care for myself
so grateful for our warm

stationary castle
so grateful to love and feel loved to know i am
love dto feel good

to live near family to feel loved
to love and feel loved
to look for reasons to love

to stand by it

to feel good about myself
so gratefl

so grateful to feel good to fele
the feeling to feel the feelng flowing
throgh me
through me to feel the feeling

flowing through me
to feel the feelng flowing

through me to feel the feeling

flowing through me to feel the
feeling flowing throug me

me it feels good to feel good it feels good to feel
good to eel
feel my heart singing
to aling with align with my best sel f

it feels good to feel good to feel good
to feel good to feel good to feel good

it feels good to feel good to love it feels good to love
to love this righ now to

to love the feeling inthis here and
now it
feels good to feel good to feel good

to feel good it feels good to
feel good tofee
to feel good it feels good

to feel good to love to love to love

it feels good to love myself to
feel relieved it feels good to feel releived

to fe

to feel good in this here and now
ti fee
it feels good to love myself to

love life to feel good to feel the magick
flowing through me it feels good
to tune myself to the vibation
of me it feels good to to dhte owrk
to love me it feels good to love me

i love me

it feels good to love this day
to feel good wakingup to want to live
to have a reason

to get up oin the morning
feels good to have a good dady

to want to work out

it feels good to
expect miracles to
expect the best toknow i am
loved and that life loves me

it feels good to allow life to love me
to feelgood
to feel good to el g

let go of the rest

to never hold on to anything

because it only hurts me

love i love that i cna let the
rest go and that i never have to

hold on to anything
i can just choose the knowing feeling
i love that
i can just

choose the knowing feeling

it fesls go
feels good to know the fkn
the knowing feel to feel the
knowing feeling it feels good to

allow it to flow thorugh me to know
that i


i know that iw anted i wanted this

i aksed
asked for this i love that i kno
i love that i know
i asked for this i love

that i asked for this
i love that i asked for this

i love that i asked for this i love

that i get to feel good that i get to love
i love that i get to love i lov that
i can

get to grow my

i love feeling good i love tuning in tapping
in turning on

to the magick and knowing that tha m

there is always magick in
everything it eels
feels good to focuso n the on the magick
to focus

on allowing the magick to flow
it feels good toa llow
to allow the magick to flow
through me to

it feels good to allow to feel good to feel the
of life flowing through me to look for the magick in everything

feels good to let the rest go
to allow the rst t

to flow through me it feels good to just love
to just love it feel good
feels good to just love
and not hold on to anything esle

feels good to make the choice not to care
to allow the magick of life
to flow thorugh me

through me



loving my life i love that there is so much to love

i love that i nkow that
i know the secret to life and it’s that i am

the craetor i

creator i love that
i get to choose i love that i
get to choose

i am the creator
i get to choose he

the version i prefer i get to ch

to choose what i look for i get to
choose to trust my guy i

gut i get to choose to trust

my gut

i love feeling the feeling
of flowing of feeling the flow of feeling good about life

i love feeling the feeling of celebrating life
of taking the big leap

into my zone of genius
i love that i can do it i love

the feeling ofl oving myself
of believing in myself
i love

the feeling of feeling good i love the feeling
of feeling good


i am jjust

enjoying feeling good
enjoying likeing


wanting to be alive


todayi am
enjoying being

knwoing what


knowing what i kow

what i nkow

and making the choice

yes thank you

i can just say yes
thank you to everything that is

yes thank you yes thank you
that’s all i can do is

say yes thank you yes
thank you that’s all i can do
is say yes thank you

thankyou to everything that
just say yes thank

yes thank you yes thank i
love feeling the shift i love
feeling the shift i love

feeling the shift feel the choice
feeling the choice

feeling myself makingt he choic
the choica

‘agaisnt all odds’

but really what i’ve trained myself
to believe and i know i can do it and i’m saying
yes thank you because the

contrast helps me make the shift
the contrast helps me go within
and not hang on to anything

the contrast helps me go within
and not care

not talk any shit

not care about anything
except my vortex

my field

and that’s all i can ever care about
and i can just trust what happens
and say

yes thank you to the contrast that
helps me focus

i can just say
yes thank you to
yes thank you

to flow to everything t
hat ha

that happens because i know
ti is the it is the cause and
effect of life

i am a powerful witch
and i get to make the choice
to say yes thak you
i gete to make

the choice i love that
evidence is all around i love
that i geto

to choose i love that
i get to choose i love that i
get to choose thenerg

the energy i love that i
don’t have to care i love that
i don’t have

to care

yes thank you i love
i love that when she stoo

stopped thinking about it
it went away i love
that iknow

i kno wi love that i kow i get to
make the choice i get tomake
to make the hcoice

choice for what i want

what i want to see ig et ot
to i get to make the choice
i get

to say yes thank you ig
i get to say yes thank you to the contrast htat

that is elping
heping helping me remembe who i am
i lov that
i love that i get to choose to allow healing
i l

i love that i get to say ye

yes thank you that this
helps me that the contrast is always
helping me align with source

with feeling good i ge tot make the choice
to feel good now no matter

i get to feel the
burden of caring
and just trust the flow
because that is all i can do
is go within
and trust the flow i

i love that it goes away when i stop thinking
about it i love that i can alwys

always go within
i love that i can always say

yes thank you

yes thank you yes thank yoy

yes thank you i lov
i love feeling good i love feeling connected i love

that i can only exist in this here andnow
i love htat i get

get ot

tomake the coice to lineup

up with ene

the energy i love that i nkow i love
hat i cn

can let it go

yes thank you yes thankyou
yes thank you

it’s fun to say yes thank

fun to believe in life
it’s fun to look for the best i’ts

it’s fun to look for the best
and it’s fun to say tkha


thankyou to life
for the hlep

focusing i love that i get to choose
the good lifei love

i love that i

get to choose the

good life i get to choose the good life
i get to choose

yes thank you i get to choose
the life i want i grt to c

get to choose to love life
to want to live life to look for the best

in life i get to choose

yes thank you to the contrast that
helps me focus it helps me find

my laser focus helps me remembe who
i am remember that i am the creator
and that
i get to

i get to choose what i think about the
version i get to create i geet to

to enjoy life and look for the best i
get to enjoy life and look fort he
best i love that i get to enjoy life

and look for the best i love
that there is so much to love i love that
i get to choose

what i look for
what i expect

what i believe i know that i get to choose
what i believe

yes thank you yes thank you yes
thank you

yes thank you yes thank you yes
thank you

yes thankyou
yes thank you yes thank you
i am saying yes thank you
to everything that is my choice

that is what is carving new

neural pathways

i love that i get to do it

i love that i get to do it i love
that i get to do it
i love that

there is so much to love i love that
ig et to choose gratidude

i get to chosoe me i get to choose
confidence in the flow
i getto

to choose confidence in the flow i

get to choose confidence

in the flow the lfow
the flow i get to say

yes thank you to life i get to

yes thank yo y
yes thank you

yes thank you yes thank you
thank you

yes thank ou


yes thank you i lov t

that life happens naturally in the flow
i lov that

that life happens


and in the flow
how to love me i love that
i get to love myself i love

that i get to celebrate this day i love
that life is helping me do the work

helping me line up the

energy helping
me live my best life i love
that life

is helping me

today i’m making the choice to feel good

to feel the ease and flow of life
i feel the well being of lif i fee

i feel grateful to life
i feel grateful to
i feel at ease in my life and i am looking

for well being and iknow that
well being is all around

when i wake up tomorrow
i will be ont he
the lookout for well being
for reasons to feel good

for evidence of what i want to
see for evidence of well being

i know that well being is all around
and i know
i subconsciously
ask for the contrast to help me

focus to help bringme back to cener

to know that all i can do is watch from my field
and know that well being is flowing i know that

i have choice what i look for what

i want to see i know that i have a choice

what i want to see i love that i get to choose

i get to choose to feel good i getto

to choose to feel good i
get to choose to feelthe ease

ease and lfow flow of life keep the
good feelin vibrationation

vibrations coming

i love when i feel the good feeling
vibrations and that
i can always tune in with them
i love that i know ia cna

can always tune into love and know
that life

i know who iam i know
who i am i know what i am

i know what i am i know that i am
god i know that

i am vibration
i know that i am vibration i know that
i am vibration

i do me i do me i do what i need to do
to feel good

i do what i need to do to feel
good i make the choice

i get to make the choice
where i align my energy
what energy i attract i

get to make the
choice what energy i attract

i get to make the cohic t
choice to focus here and now l

not let it bother me i get to make the coihce
to not let ig

it bother me

i get to make

i’m doing the work i’m
doing the work

the contrast is enouhg
it’s forcingme with

its forcing me within to
really do the work do the work
of allowing this

moment to flow through me
to opening mysekf to the

here and now to feeling to
feeling the feeling i want to feel
to allowing relief
to looking for a chance to use the magick

to looking for relief

feeling for relief it feels good
to feel relief
to train my neural pathways

to do it for me to stand up
and do it for me it feels good to

do it for me it feels goodto
to do it to do the work for me
becuse i know


so grateful i know i have a choice
so g

grateful i know it acts according to e
expectation so grateful to remember
i get to choose to feel myself

feel elevagted to feel connected to
feel my heaert

heart singing to know this feeling

is real it feels good to allow
myself to feel to
feel good to say yes thank you

to know that eeryt
everything is

already working out for me
to feel the same to allow

my hart
heart to sing to look
for well being

to look for well being it feels
good to rlea

relax and celebrate the day

being grateful for what i have

it feels good o cel

to celebeate

feeling good it feels good to get in the zone
get in the vortex

to train my thoughts
to do the work
to feel good

before bed

to set myself up for success in the morning
to go to bed feeling good to
go to bed feeling ceratin

knowing that life can only
reflect me to know
that i will feel good

thati can
relax into my life and feel
the feeling now
to know life

life is helping me
it feels good to know that
life is elp’

helping me
my body
is helping me


thankyou to

my body
thank you
t the

flow of the univers
i know

the flow is flowing through me
i now that life
i nkow that

i know that life is good!!

i know that life is good i know

that life is
good and it’s meant to be that way
i am allowed to love ia m

allowed to enjoy life
the time is now

to enjoy life
to do the work
to enjoy life

andk now that it’s all an
in an out

and i

get to just observe it
let it all flow through me
and celebrate it

i get to allow it to all flow
through me
and celebrate i love

moving up the scale i love
feeling good i love


thank you for this day
thank you for my wife
thank you for my kitties

thank you for a place to live
for a

family that loves me
thank you for love in my life

for feeling so loved
and cared for every day

i’m so grateful for the life
i have i’m so grateful i get to
live and experience this awesome

life with my wifei’m

i’m so grateful for
what i want and

what i have

and that life loves me i love
that i know that life
can only reflect me

i know that life can only
reflect me
and i can always trust that

i know
it’s science

i get to feel good i get to
feel good i get to feel good

i can let it go i can let it go
i can let it go

i can let it go
i can


i’m in my field
i’m happy i’m doing the work

i’m staying connecting

connected to the energy
that creates worlds and
trusting it
to do all the work

i just
the flow

and that’s all i can

i love waking up feeling good

i love waking up feeling good i love
feeling energized i love feeling good in my body i love
turning the boat i love that life isgood i love

that i know i can always come back to center i love
that i know life is good i love that
i have so much to be gratefl for!!

i love thati get to feel good
that i get to live this great life i love that
i get to live a great life i love that
i get to feel good i loveth

feeling good in my life i love
feeling grateful i love loving
and feeling loved i love

that life is good i love that
there is so much to love
i love that
i get to love myself i love

that i get to feel good today
have a lazy day

do the work for myself

i love feeling good i love
feeling good i love having a lazy
day i love feeling good
in my body i love

doing this work doing this work for me
i love feeling elevated

i love feeling the flow

i love returning emails!!

i love getting my work done i love
feeling free i love
feeling the flow flowing through me

i love being in my garden

in my field i love existing
in my field and knowing that

is all ther is

there is and that
i can blissfully

watch life go by from my field

and remain the same i love that
i am the same i love that iam
the same i love feeling the

flow of life flowing through me
i love feleing

feeling well being flowing through me
i llv

i love feeling the flow of well being flowing
through me i love



tuning myself to the channel of well being
i love that i can take life

as it comes

i trust the flow of life flowing through me
i trust the flow of creativity
i trust the flow

of life i k

i let go and allow life to flow through me
i allow life

to flow through me i allow well being to
flow through me i know that

well being is always flowing i know
that well being is always flowing

i know that well being is always flowing
i know that i can choose a signel

single point of focus
i know that i never have to dread i know

that i never have to wonder
i never have to dread
i can choose to know

that life is owrking
working out for me no
matter what i love that i knokw life

life is working out for me
no matter what i love that ige t

get to make the choice to love myself and
my life i love that
i get to make the

the choice to love

myself and my life i love

that i get to feel good i love that i
get to feel good i love that
i get to love myself i love that
i get to do this work
and come back to ccenter


i love that i am

in my field i love that
i am in my field and i don’t have to care i love
that i never have to care i never

have to worry and that
i can just
choose love

choose to focs on the
focus on the flow of lwell
well being that is flowing thorugh me

i love a good lazy day i love that life is good i love
that life is good forme no

no matter what i love that life

loves me i love that life loves me

in this here
and now i love where i am right now
i love that there is so much to love
and be grateful for

i love that i can always choose gratitude
i can always choose love
i liove the
better it gets i love the
better it gts i love

i love that i amletting more and more of it
go every day


anger and pain
that i buried deep inside myself
and every day

i am allowing myself to feel more
of that pain to allow it to be expressed through me

i am not denying it
i am allowing it i am not denying it
i am

allowing it i am allowing it

i am allowing it to flow through
me i am allowing myself to feel the

pain and allow it to be disperesed

i feel the pain of never feeling like
i felt in

feeling like
i wasn’t a part of something
like i was

from my own extended family
not loved by them

enough i feel the pain
of feeling like i wasn’t enough i feel
the apin

pain of blaming
someone else
i feel the pain
of it being myi dad’s fauly

blaming him

i feel that pain
and i release it
i relase the

the pent up anger
the hate4i t

i turned on myself i feel the
pain of the hate i turned on myself
because i thought i want’s

wasn’t enough
because i thought it was my fault
and i love that i

every day i can allow more of this
pain to be expressed rather
than pushed down
and the more i allow the

pain to express itself

the better i feel

i love doingthis wor
this work and feeling better i love

that i’m there
i m

here i have arrived in the here and now
i amhere and

i n my

in my vortex
in the present

i know there is only ever the present
moment i know there is
only ever

here and now
there is only ever here and now

i love myself

in this here and now
i love this here andnow

i am tuned in this here andnow

and now i know the secret to life
i know the secret to life
i know ia m go

am god i know i am the one
and only creator
and when i think something i get to ask

is that what i want

is this what i want?

if not, look for something else!
and i have the power to do that
in every

here and now


today i choose to love myself i choose
to love my life i choose to feel

i get to choose i get to choose
what i look for and how i live my life
and i can choose my best life

in this here and now

i don’t have to wonder
and i never have to worry
because i know

i know the secret to life i know the
secret to live i know the power of the focus

i know the pwoer of

the power of me and the power
of me is to know who i really am

which is an expression of gaia

i know that i am just an expression
of earth a flower of earth and my

only ‘job’

is to be my only job is to get out of the
way and just be just allow

just know that life

happens in the perfect timing
every timing
and know that this

is my only job this is my only job
i know that this is my only job i love that
i know this i love

that i know this i love that i know this i love
i love that life is good i love that i know

that life is
good and it is always working out for me

i ilove that

i love that i know that life
is always working out for me i love

that i know this is the only work i love that i know

i can always do the only work
which is to connect with spirit
and iknow that

that life helps me do that

it feels good to relax
to zoom out
and remember that i am

just a blade of grass

and just

act accordingly

to know that my life

is no more significant
than a blade
of grass to know that

life is nothing

but a blade of grass and my
real job is allow that expression of life

i know my only


is to enjoy being to enjoy doing nothing
to enjoy allowing the
flow of life to flow through me
it feels good to focus on the good in life
to focus on what i know
to know

i can

endure anything
it feels good to love myself to feel good now
to know there is no pain in the now
to enjoy the now to



my only job is to enjoy being
and this work helps me do that i love
that i know

nothing else matters i love
that life helps me know that i love

that life helps
me know that i love that life

is good i lovee that

that life is good i love that i know life
loves me i love doing this work and feeling good i can
always feel the shift i can

always trust the

the blade of grass i can always trust the knowing
that i am


but a blade of grass and
i can enjoy this here andn ow i love
that i can always enjoy this


here andn ow i

i love

that i can always love
and enjoy this here and now i love htat
that i can say thank you i love that i

can say thank you

we don’t have to suffer
we don’t have to do
anything but enjoy life

i can enjoy life in this
here andn ow i can enjoy

life in this here and now
and now i can enjoy life
in this here and now i can

have a great day i can have a great
day and remember
there is no pain in the now
i can take back my power
i canchoose t

choose to feel how i want to feel
and everything can
be a reminder to do that


i am addicted to god
today i am with god
today i am

in my power today i am
in my power today i am in my power today

but who is my competition

this is the only work

i can feel my attachment to something
and i know that feeling ishelp

is hleping
helping me let it go i know i kno wthis
is the only work
to do in regards to any topic
i know this is the

only work because
god is the only answer and when i
do this work i find god

and findining
finding god is he only
the only work
i love that i know this
and life

causes me to ask i love that i
get to choose i love
that i get to choose life i love that
every day i get to choose life

it feels good to tap into
the reall so

real solution
the source of gratitude
the knowing
the ture al

true alignmetn

the opposite of needing
which is gratitude that
i have moer than
more than enough and

this work helps me remember that feeling

helps me tap into the
feeling of knowing

instead of needing

knowing instead of needing

knowing instead of needing

i love feeling the
feeling the feeling the feeling

this is the only work and
this is the work

helps me align with the
truth helps me know the truuth

helps me know

it’s all energy
like when i didn’t want to
do the turds and then the wife did them
and i love noticcing
i love

noticing the magick and i know themagick
the magick is

every where i love that i know that
i love that iknow the
i love that i know l

i love that i kno wthe
the energy is everywhere

thisi s the only work
this is the only work

get int he
in the vortex and then

get tin the in the
vortex and then
get in the vortex and then

and i love feeling good i love
feeling the feeling of

knowing i lo ve

that i can always get in
the vrotex that i’m inthe
vortex right

i love seeing the evidence of the magick
i love tha the magick is everywhere
i love

feeling good in life i love seeing
i love that it’s so easy for the solutions
to come i love

allowing the solutions
to come i love

allowing the solutions
to coem i love

relaxing into the flow i love
relaxing intot he flow
the flow i love
choosing the feeling of knowing
i love fee

choosing the

this is theo nly work
the only work
is being aware of how i feel of
making the choice

to feel for relief to feel for
what i know and let go of

attachement to be grateful for what i have
to feel grateful for what i have

the flow the f

flow of life helps me
and i know this

yes thank you yes thank you yes thank you

yes thank you yes thank you

yes thank you yes thankyou
yes thank

you yes thank you
is all i can say and alli can
do is feel toward god
feel the feeling i want to feel

andthis work
helps me

transmte that

that energy this work

helps me transmute that energy the

this work the focus the focus in the
flow the

focus on how i want to feel knowing that
knowing that life

reflects that feeling
so no matter how i feel

life will reflect that i love that
solutions about i love that
solutions about i lovethat

that my heart is open my

heart sings i love feeling the feeling of my heart
i love doing this work and tapping
into who i trly


truly am

i am one who loves and i get to choose
love in every situration

in every situation
i love thati get to

to choose
get to makethe

the choice

and i love

i know the power of me i know that i get to
make the choice how i feel
i love that i get to make
the choice

how i feel i love that i get to feel good get to

feel knowing in this here and now i love
that i get to

to feel knowing in this here and now

i love
that ia m complete

i love that i am whole i love
that i am creative

as i am i love that i am
creative as i am
i love that i am

as i am e

i love that i know the
vortex is always here with me i love that i
get to celebrate life in this

here and now i love
doing this work for me
to help me remember
the tools i have

to remember


am the creator
and i never have to wonder

because there is always more
than enough i love

i know it’s an outpicturing
i knowthis

i know this
i know this

i know this i nokw this
i know this
i know

is an outpicturing of my beliefs
i love that i get to choose
what i believe what i look for

and get to choose loe no


no matter what

because they are lovable
but because i want to expereince

experience love

this is the only work
this is the
only work and it
helps me transmute the energy
to choose


for what i have
and in knowing
that there is always more than
enough i love doing this
work and

tuning myself tuning th

my vibration to the vibration of god

feeling the feeling i want to feel knkow

becoming it

then seeing it i love that i know
i love that i know i love that

it’s easy to become it
to feel the feeling iw nat to
i want to feel right now

i feel the feeling i want to feel
i feel

the feeling i wnat to feel

and let it come to me i love that
i know i love that i know
and i love that this

hleps m

helps me let go
tune in

turn on

drop out

it’s ok to feel good

it’s ok to go on with my life
even though i miss my brother
every day
and i don’t have to feel bad about that

or weak

it’s ok to miss him
it’s ok to feel bad
to feel sad

to feel like

i wish he didn’t die
to feel like i wish he was still here and
i know it’s ok to feel these

feelings i don’t have to push them away

i can embrace them and
feel them and honor them
as part of the life experience

i can choose to feel the same
i can choose to love him to forgive him
and this work helps

talking to someone

talking to you
to god

talking to god helps and god is
always there for me

and i know i don’t have to

be hung up on the thinsg
i wish i didn’t do


i didn’t go pee when he was taking his last breaths

i couldn’t

watch him
take his last breath
i couldn’t do it

and that’s ok

and i don’t have to hate myself
for it

it doens’t matter

it doens’t matter what
i did at the funeral
it doens’t matter

that i couldn’t
or didn’t want to socialize

it doesn’t matter

who wasn’t there
or who

hasn’t show their support

i don’t have to worry about my mom
or my dad or my
other brothers

even though i know they must be in a lot
of pain too and i feel helpless like
there’s nothing i can do about it

i can honor all those feelings

i feel guilty
i feel remorse
i feel

bad that i don’t know how to help my family
through this

i don’t have to feel bad that i’m

not ‘over it’
since i probably never will be

but i can allow myself to embrace life as it
is now

i just feel


not whole

stupid dumb

like we could have done more
to save him

but what could we do
we all tried

we all tried so hard
and we just have to accept what is
that’s all i can do is accept what is
and feel the sam e

feel the sam e
because what is

doesn’t affect who i am

and i love that i’m seeing signs of improvement
i love that i can feel the pain
feel my way through the pain
i can feel my way through the pain

i can feel my way through the pain
i can allow the pain and i don’t

have to push it away

i can choose to feel the pain
and when i feel it

i heal it

he’s gone
he’s dead

he’s dead

kyle is dead.

and that’s ok.

it’s still so sad
and that’s ok

i forgive myself
for feeling sad
for not wanting to face it

for not wanting to look at
photos of him

for not wanting to cry any more

i forgive myself
for not doing more
for not going out there

until he was on his death bed
i forgive myself

for not ‘making’ him get the surgery
for not pressuring

begging him to get the surgery

what could i do

all i can

i love waking up feeling good!

i love that it always comes i love that
i am allowing life i love that i know i am allowing life i love that
life is good i love that i
get to maket he choice the choice

to feel good about life to look for reasons
to live to loook for

reasons to celebrate i love the
better it gets i love that
we have more than enough and keep getting more i love that
we have more than enough and
keep gettingm ore i love that life

is good i love that there
is so much to love i love

that i got my teeth fixed!!

so grateful for ths dasy
for life for my life with my wife

for signs ofimpo


for new habits so grateful
to feel good so grateful for
a warm day

so grateful my skin is healed by those

i love waking up feeling
good in my life i love feeling optimistice i love
i love that
i know life is good i love that
i can just watch i love

that i can look for things
to love ways to love i love that
there i

is so much to love i love that
i can always choose love i love

i love the better it ges i love
i love i’m seeing signs of improvement i love that
i can choose to just feel
good now i love that i get to choose
how i feel about that i love

tuning int

tuning in

dropping out i love

that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good i love where ia m
right now i love

my computer!!

i love that there is so much to love
i love that
there is so much to love
in this here and now i love that
i get to love i lovethat

that i get to make the choice to love
i love that i get to make the choice to love

for me i love that i get ot make th

to make the choice to love

for me i love that i get to make the choice
to love for me i ilove feeling the love buld

build within my heart

i love doing good work i love

doing good work i love

doing good work i love that
there is so much to love i love oding the
doing the work the good work i love

that there is so much to love
i love having as much works as

as i want i love that it’s flowing
i love that

life is flowing through me i love
waking up
not needing coffee i love

feeling energyized i love
getting to give i love that
i get to give i love

i love where ia m rightn ow
doing this work i love that i know this
is theo nly work
i love that i get to feel the

i love that i get to feel connected to
go right now i love that i can stop looking
because it’s right now i

here right here i love that
i get to celebrate life i love that iknow
everything is unfolding perfectly

i love that i know everything is unfolding
perfectly i

i love doingt his wo

this work i love elevating me
elevating myself
elevating my vibration
elevating my vibration

i love that i know everything
is unfolding perfectly i love feeling
good about myself i love

saying thank you i love that iknow
everything is unfolding perfectly i love
that i know i

don’t have to feel anxious
or stressed

i can just choose to feel knowing
i can just choose to feel knowing
i can choose to feel knowing
i can choose to feel the
flow in this here and now
i can choose to feel the flow in this
here and now i can choose to feel the

in this here and now i love that
i get to choose i love that
i get to choosei love that
i get to

choose to feel good i love
where i am right
now i love where i am right now i love

where ia m ri
am right now i love
that i get to choose to feel good i love that
i get to choose to feel good i love

that i get to choose to feel good i love
that i get to choose to feel

connected that

i love myself and i am focused on this truth
i am

focused on feeling the feeling i want to
feel and tha’ts

that’s the knowing connection to

to self to

to the god in myself i am
connected to the god within myself

i am god i know i am god
i know i get to choose and

in everymoment

moment i get to make the choice
i love feeling good i love that life
loves mei love

i love that
life loves me and i get to choose i love
that life loves me and i get to choose i love

hwere i

where i am right now i love

where ia m right now i love that
i love myself i love that life is

is good i love that life is good i love

that i am focused on my bog

god self i love that i get to
feel the feeling get to feel good in this here and now
i love that i get to

feel good in this here and now i love

celebrateing life i love
that it comes to me i love

that life comes to me i love that
life loves me i love that
there is so much to love
i love

that there is so much to love

i love

letting the flow do it i love
feeling good andthe

and then there is so much to love i love

i love that there is so much to love
i love that

is so much to love i love that
there is so much to love
i love feeling good i love doing this owrk

making the time for this work
making the time
to connect feeling good feeling energized by life

feeling the feeling of knowing that life

loves me

making the choice to feel good all day
and i know that’s all i can do

it feels good to

celebrate life

the breath is there

the life is there the
joy is there the love is there

the love is always there and i
get to choose to embrace love

the feeling is always there the
feeling is always right here with me

the feeling of connecting with god
and it feels good to relax into god
to know that i am here on earth to
feel the feeling of connection with
god to know that i am god

to connect with who i am truly am
to connect with the creator to connect with well being

and i am allowing well being to flow
i believe in well being because i know there is
always more well being than not
i know that well being is always flowing through me
and i get to choose to tune to it

to look at it i get to choose where i place
my attention where i place my focus andi get to know
to know the ease and flow of life
the ease and flow