perfect timing

so grateful for this perfectly timed day
grateful for life

throwing itself at me so grateful ife l
life loves me life had to run
to meet me life what

was right there waiting for me like it always is
i love that life is good i love that life is good
so good for me right now i love that life loves me i love
that life loves me i love that life
loves me

i love that life is throwing itself at me
i’m just floating through and life
has to run to meet me
life is right there always with the perfect timing
showing up for me and i love that i get to

just watch i love that i get to watch and appreciate the perfection
of life i love that i get to allow life

so grateful for life to know it always comes

life is always clamouring life is always clamoring
and i love that i get to let it in
not even that its me doing it
i’m just doing the work
and god

does the rest

i love that god does the

i love that i can just say yes and then
it is i love that i can just say yes to all
that is and then god fills in the blanks

and its not something you
are thinking about right then
but its opening yourself up to
all of life and also

practicing stayig focused on the frequency
but not because you’re trying to force
something but because

its enjoyable
because i want to enjoy life
and i want to milk these moments to death
but i know all i can do is

plant the seed

say thank you feel the feeling
and know that is the god feeling the
feeling of life and that i have

access to that feeling always

these events didn’t bring the
feeling the feeling was present
and then the events

were “allowed”

to enter the scene

all of these versions exists and
its up to me to decided

decide which one i walk through

life is flowing to me and through me
life is flowing

life is throwing itself at me and
i can embrace that i welcome life

throwing itself at me
and that’s why i don’t have to feel bad
knowing that those perfect moments passed

because i know there’s always more and they
are always flowing they are always on their way

i love that i know i love that
i know life i love
that im in it i’m in the moment

i love that perfect timing
is the theme i love that i get to decdie the
decide the theme i love that

i am the theme god is the theme

communion is the theme
alignment is the theme

here to remember who i am
what i am and that’s god and
i get to renounce my humnahood


i get to renounce my humanhood
in every moment get to let it
all go in every moment
get to embrace life in this
very moment i get to embrace

life i get to embrace life i get to embrace
life i get to
embrace this moment say thank you to life

thank you to life
s a

say tahnk you thank you to life

grateful for this moment

i feel so good in my life and
i feel so grateful for my divine inheritance
to know that i can look for
what i want i know that

i can

that i’m making it i know i
i’m creating it i know i’s
all me i know its

al me that i geto
to choose i love that life is running at me

thank you thank you
for everything going right in my life
for life running to see me

life running at me
life running to meet me
at just the right time
and i know that life
is always doing that and i can relsih that

relish that i can relax in that knowledge
i can relax in that knowledge

i can relax into this here and now this her and
here and now this here and now

the feeling the feeling of god
and i’m allowed
to feel it

i’m allowed to feel it to align with
i t

and the more i lean into the flow
celebrate the self c

celebrate life the more
it flows to and through me

i feel good and that’s all that
matters i know i’m getting everything
i want and that’s all that matters

life is a party and that’s all
that matters i love that i get to
i love that i know perfect timing
is the key the key

the key perfect timing is the key
perfect timing
is the key

i love that i know life i love that i
get to enjoy life
take the big leap into life to look for
what i want to see

to know its always right her e

to renounce my humanhood in
every moment

i can renounce my humanhood
i’m here i’m here to

to remember the focus of my attention to
remember i’m not human i am not
human i am god and that is my only foucs
focus my only o

focus is on the god self and then
life flows
my only focus is on the god self
and then

life flows

i’m focused
i’m laser focuse don the
on the god self and it feels good
it f

it feels good just u
jump inot the version
you preferand it
its that easy

life runds t

runs to meet me

life runs
to meet me

life loves me
life loves me
flows to and
through me

to and through me to to
and through me i love that
i get to live it
get to

creat life
i love that i get to create life
get to
create me

i am the creator of me