the god self

and it’s always in me i don’t need anything
outside of me to get me there the god feeling is always in me
the feeling is always here because god is always here
and i can always settle into the god self and then

the acid wind is here because i release my resistance to god
and open myself up to love and i love that

a contrasting day can help me see that even more
that i can appreciate the contrasting days because they help me so
much to realize how very blessed i am to feel good
on a regular basis
and so grateful that i get to choose to feel good

that i get to choose to start the day right

that i get to choose

gratitude for my orders!!

i love it i love the flow i love the flow
the flow flowing through me
the flow

flowing through me the flow


love the miracles in every moment
and knowing that they are always here no matter what

that it’s all me and i don’t need
anything outside of me
that the acid is me

what i feel fromt he a
the acid is a reflection of me
and when i get in the vortex in then

of course everything is in the
vortex including the acid

it makes so much sense and is
such a releif
i always have access to the accesss

to the access

i always have access to god becuse
god is me god is in my veins

i know that i am the acide the
the acid is god and i am the acid and i love that
i know that

this that i can jump into it
jump into the pudding

and then i’m there
i can lift up my mind
and heart

to be aware to understand
and to kow that t

to know that the divine presence ia m
is the source and substance of all my good

the source and substance of all my good

grateful to know gratefulf or the
the feeling flowin g

through me through me for the feeling flowing
through me for the feeling flw

flowing through me
through me
through me
through me
through me

for the feeling flowing through me
the feeling flowig
through me
the focus

the focus int eh here
the ehre and now the god self int he
the here and now

i lift up my mind
and heart to be aware to understand
and to know
that the divine prsence
i am

is the source and substance
of all my good

the source
and substance of all my good

it feels good to do thework
to do the work myself

so i know it’s real feels good to do the wrk


grateful to do this work to feel this flow
grateful to feelthis flow to feel this flow

to feel this flow to feel thisflow

to feel this flow to feel this god flow
to feel he

the god self to access it myself
and remember i don’t need anything outside of me
because the

god self is always here and i dont need

to be constantly doing to see evidence of it

i love that i don’t have to care
i love that i don’t have to care

i love that i feel good in my life
that i feel secure in my life knowing that
i can always take life as it comes
i love that i get to choose

how i look at life what i expectfr

from life and that i can choose to
live passionately ic an al

can alawys

always choose to live passionately

greatful to know grateful
to choose love to choose the god self to
choose the god self
gratefult o ch

to choose the god self to choose
the god self to choose the god self
to choose the god self to choose the

god self to choose the god self to choose the god self

to choose teh gof
to choose the god self

the god blood the god flowing
through my blood knowing that the blood isn’t me

but the god is the god is in everything
the one

we are all the same

we are also the creators of it
we are also the creators of it


for the god self int his oment
to do the work to feel the feeling this
feeling the only feeling the
that is the sourcea nd sub

and substance of who i am

i lift up my mind and heart to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence i am
s the
is the source and substance of all my good

the divine presence ia m
the divine presence i am
is the source and substance
of all my good

the divine presence
i am is the source and substance of all
my good the divine presence i am is the
source and substance of all my good

the source and the substance

the source
and the substance i know this i know this
i know there is no such thing
as lack i know that i am god and that
god is lavish
and unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me the reality of me

thankyou thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank uou
thank you thank you

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware
to understand
and to know

that the divine presence

i am

is the sourcce and substance


i know this and i can relax into life
knowing that life is good i can relax into life

knowing that life is good and feeling
this knowledge

feeling this truth and knowing that
it’s always there and i never need anything ouside o

outside of me to bring it on

so gratefl to know thiat
this and to feel it myself
so i know it’s real