the only work

the only work i get to milk the feeling

thank you for thisl ife for this moment for this hera nd now
for the awareness thank you for the awareness thank you for this here and now
for this here and now

thank you thank you for this t
here and now for this
here and now i’m here

i know that
it’s only me i know that i’s only me i know that i’s only

it can only reflect me i know that all of life only reflects me and
when i feel good life reflects that i know that life

relfects the feelinga nd i can always the
feel the feeling i love that i know this is the only work

i love that i know i have the power i love htat
i know my power and i get to milk it i love that i get to feel it
now i love that i
get to feel it now i love htat i

that i

get to ee
feel the feeloing of god the feeling
of knwoing the feeling of letting go
i get to feel the feeling i
get to feel the feeling
i get to feel the feeling
i get to

feel the feeling i know the feeling

me i know that i am god i know that it’s only ever me
and i get to celebrate it i get to
feel it i get to feel it

i get to feel it i get

i get

i love that i get to enjoy life i love that
i get
get to enjoy life i

love my upaward spiral
i love that i get to feel it i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to celebrate life i love that i get to

live life in the vorets i love feelig the feeling the
feeling of god i love tha i get to feel it milk it

know its here know i am the source

i know i am the soruce
i nkow i am the source

i get to feel good i get to celebrate life

i get to feel the god feeling i get to say yes
to it i get to allow it i get to allow the best of life i get to allow the best of life
to flow through me i get to allow

the best of life to flow

through me i get to allow god to flow through me

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

thi is
its responsibility not mine

my only resonsiblity it
is to be aware of this treuht


i am totally confidnet
in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundannt all sufficiency

in my life and afairs