feels good to feel goo to
to tap into who i am to hone the energy
to train my attention to choose how i want to feel
how i want to feel about myself
about others
about how i present myself
to lother
to others
my inner dialogue
it fe
i feel good now i feel my heart singing
now i feel the ceratint
certainty of life i ffeel good in my life
i feel good about myself i belive in msyefl
in my life i feel good i train my attention
i train my attention i do this work
the only work and i keep
allowing the best of life to flow tto
and hr
through me i love that i get to get out of thew ay
and just choose to program my life
trhoug m
my bi
vibration i love remembering that i never
have to feel bad
or ever feel like mylife is
missing something i can always just
choose know that
i fi want it its there i want it its
there i love that i get
to chosoe that i love remembering who i am
remembering to live life for me
to feel confident in who ia m
i feel good about life
i feel good about life i feel good about myself
i feel good about myself i am training my attention
remembering to love myself
remembering i am allowed
and practiccing doing it
loving this right now
gratitude for this right now
i love taking the big leap inot the
into the here and now i love that
there is so much to love i love
that i get to choose ho wi wa
howi w ant ot feel that i know life
is only ever the feelign
i know that life is only ever the feeling
and i love that i can always do the work
within first
and then the
my life reflects that
the water
refelctss t
reflects that
so i’m glad i get to
choose how i feel andthen
then see my reality reflect that
i get to chosoe to feel ggo
good about myself i love myself
i love myself i love
i love
look for reasons to feel good
reasons go love
to love ysel
myself and if i hear myself
thinking negative thougths about myself
i can shut them donw
and i can choose to fel t
the feeling iw ant
the feeling of love i can chosoe to feel
that now
i feel the feeling and i know that life
is a feeling i know i’ve been here before and i know
i know like all the other times
before i can make the choice
to feel myself
to be in love with myself
to feel confident in myself
to feel secrure
secure in who ia m
to feel certain in who i am
it feels good to feel certain
in who i am
to feel certain that i always
have the god sef fl
self flowing through me and that
the god self and ca
can always make the choice
to love
i am training my attentoin
i train my attention i train my attention
and i make the choice
to love myself uflly
to love myself
i can notice the feeling of
self loathing
and choose not to feel it
i can notice the thougths
of beatingmyself
and turn them into praise
there is so much i can praise
ther eis so much
i can love about myself
and my life
i love the better it gets
i get to choose the wy i
the way i see myself the thoughts i think
about myself and m life
and it’s always a choice
ti’s a
it’s always a choice where my focus is
and it’s a matter of asking myself
is that the version you prefer?
and then making the choice to make
the version iw ant
to switch o the v
the version i want
i’m happy
i feel good in my life i feel good about
who i am i feel ggood
good aobut about my life
i feel at ease in my life
i feel life
flowing easily
to and through me
i feel
the life
force the energy flowing through me
and not getting stuck
hung up on old vibrations
or thought patterns
i feel the power of the focus the
resonance of the focus
the feeling of the focusi feel
i feel the feeling of the focus
feeling of love that i seek
is always right here with me
i hve
i have it right here and
within and i can always choose to look
toward it to
to look toward and feel for
the version i prefer and is ay
thank you
i know who i am i know that
i am god in human form
and that if i dont like something
i can choose the other version
and then it
and it feels so much better to choose
the version i prefer
it feels so mcuh better
to choose the version i prefer
i choose it and i feel good
i feel the certainty of life
and i feel a lust for life
i love for myselfnad my
and my life
when i choose the toher
the other side of the wave