feels good to feel good

feels good to feel goo dand
and do the work of feeling good
the fo

work of loving everything do the work
of loving everything
do the work ofloving

so grateful everything is working out for me
so grateful life is good

so grateful life is good
so grateful life is good

so grateful to vibrate with the version i prefer
so grateful

to choose how i want to feel to
do the work of doing

this work of choosing how i want to feel

of feeling grateful it feels good to
feel grateful to choose gratitude in this
here and now to choose to be grateful

that i have work!!

i feel good now

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsbility
is to be aware of this truth

feels good to allow
feels good to allow
to allow to allow the
to allow the feeling to
allow the feeling

to allow the feeling to
allow life to flow through me

to remember exactly who and waht i wa

what i am
exactly what i am
and that is the one and only
creator of my life experience
and i know this

i know i am the one and only
creator of my life experience

i know that i am the o

am the one and only creator of my life
experience and i love that i getot

to choose

get to choose love cho

get tochh
to choose the version i vibration

in unison with

and it’s the beautiful version
i know this i know i love that i know this
so fully i fully fully know this

for a fact
that life is always unfolding in my favor and i can
always trust every single thing that

and while it is my pleasure to discern preferences

it is not my role to


things happen
to force things into place

it is my role to trust the unfolding
and trust where life takes my body

i rust

i trust where life takes me and that’s all i can
ever do

i trust i rust
i trust where life takes me
and i know that is the feeling of
god that is th god
the god feeling i love that i know

the god feeling and know that
the con

only currency in life is that feeling

no need to fight
wars over something


has infinite access to

so grateful i know so grateful
i know it’s all about how i feel right

now i’ll never feel different in the fu

future if i don’t make the choice
to feel good now to choose love now

that’s all i can ever do
is choose love

i won’t figure it out
i won’t hammer it in to place

all i can do
is choose love

grateful to do the only work
to choose how i want to feel now
to k

keep winning

so grateful to keep winning
so g

grateful to keep winning to keep
winning so grateful to keep winning

so grateful to do this work
to feel goo din

good in my life
to have work that i love

so grateful for work that
i love so grateful

so grateful to feel good to feel g

to feel good now to feel
good to feel good now to feel good now
to feel the feeling i want to feel

right now i love that
i get to feel good i loveth

that i get to feel good now i
i love that i get to feel good now i love

that i get to

feel good now

feel how iwan want to feel now
celebrate life now love me now
love everything right now

knowing everything is love
making the switch to love

making the switch to love
making the switch to love

it feels good to just make the choice
to love it feels good to make
the choice to love to

love everything to break
everything open with love it feels good to
feel good and love it feels

good to feel good and love
it feels good t

to feel good and love it feels good
to feel good and love
it feels

it feels good to use m po
my power to know my power it feels good
to topa

tap into

to relax into my power
it feels good to rlea

relax into my power

relax into my power

i love myself i

love myself i

love myself i love
i love that
i get

to love mysef

i loe

i kow the the truth
of who i am and that is love and
as long as i can operate on that

that is all that matters
it feels godo to

good to tap into love it feels
good to tap into love
it feels good to taop

tap into love
it feels good to tap into love
to say yes to

say yes thank you yes thank you
it feels good to say yes thank you

yes thank you

i get to feel good now i get to feel
good now i allow the god self to flow
through me

now i feel gdoo

good now i get to love
i get to love i get to love

i get to love
i get to love

it feels good to practice
to be on my best shit
to know who i am

want i am and dive into that
dive into who i am

knowing i am the creator

that i get to look forw hat

what i want to see
i look for what i wnat to

see ido

i do this work
and then i can help others know

but i know it’s all me
and i love that i get to do the work
every day i love the

the better it gets i love making the cohic

choice to let it
go i love making the choice

to stress

or worry

i never have to
stress of worry
i let it go

i let go of stress
and worry