it’s a mindset

it’s a mindset and i’ts up to me to choose
how i want to think and feel do i want to be
hypercritical of myself
or do i want to love myself to

do i want to look for reasons to feel good about myself
i have to ask myself who

profits from this thought pattern and i know it’s something
that’s been beat into me that i shold lo

always be looking for flaws in myself and i’m so grateful that
i can move past that thought pattern

so grateful to get to do the work the work
the work of feeling toward how iw ant to feel the mindset work the attention work the training my attention
the training my focus

that i get to feel good now matter what

it’s only ever a mindset it’s only ever
how i decide to feel decide to feel deciee to
feel decide to feel it’s a mindset
and i get to choose how i feel about myself

and it’s only me i don’t have to compare

and mostly i’m mad tired
over the fact that i’m letting one choice
ruin myi day

my day ruin multiple days and that is the work i need to do

the perception work the attention trainin
where am i placing my attention
is it in looking for flaws or
is it in loving myself

only i get to choose how i feel only

ALL it ever is is a mindset
to choose to feel good about myself
because i REFUSE


feel bad about myself i refuse to feel bad about myself
to llo

look for flas things
that need to change instead i look for things to love
i look for things to love

i love how far i’ve come i love
how easy it is to feel good about mmyself
i love that the

the contrast always creates and i’m learning how to
live my best i’m learning how to

it’s a practice i’ts

it’s a practice of feelingg ood
good feeling good feeling good

feeling good it’s a practice
and it’s a devotion
it’s not the mantra it’s the devotion to the mantra

devotion to loving myself
and allowing life and


to pass through me lol
not getting so hung up and just
looking for ways to love myself
i know it’s a mindset and i know

it’s attention and focus training
and i know ic

i can do both of those
i get to choose how i feel i get to

choose how i feel i get to choose how i feel

i get to choose what i look at
i get to choose how i feel i get to
choose how i feel i get to choose
how if eel

i know it’s not a competition
and ig et to choose how i want to feel about myself
i love that i
get to choose i love that
i get to choose i love that
i get to choose i love that

i get to choose i love that i

get to choose i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose i get to choose

the mindset am i going to choose to look for reasons to hate
on myself or love on myself???

i get to choose i get to choose the lifestyle

i know it snot just about

one thing that i ate

its an addictive patten of
of thought i get stuck in
looking for flaws and reasons to feel bad
when i can alwys choose
to love myself to feel good about myself
to feel good about myself i know that

all of life is a feeling i know that life
is a feeling and i get to choose that feeling right now

i don’t need evidence

i get to choose it i get to choose to feel good now
to love myself right now
and not look for flaws fbu

but reasons to feel good t
reasons to celebrate

its jsut a thought it’s just a feeling
and if i hold on to it

that’s whta makes it “stick”

and i know that i can just let it go
and that is my power i know that is my power
and i’m

am i going to choose my personal power
or am i going to let

messaging get in my head????

am i going to choose to love myself no matter what??

or am i going to choose to feel bad for no reason??

i know it’s a pattern
i know it’s thought i know that i can choose the hought
though i can choose the focus
and i ca

get to choose how i feel i love that i know this
i love that it’s a

a life long

i know i can’t ever geet there

arrive there

it’s a life long practice of choosing to love myself
i get to choose i get to choose
to love myself that is all i can do

that is the best choice i can make

to not think twice about it
to drop it and never think of it again

just drop it and choose to lthin

to focus on something esle
i love i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to choose
i love that
i get to choose to love myself and that’s the only
choice i need to make

i know that feeling bad about myself
feels bad and i get to choose to feel good enough

i release the brainswashing and
decide to love myself to look for reasons to
feel good to feel good to know

it’s only ever me

i love that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose to feel good to rise about

above the negative thought patterns
to decide
to discern to prefer
something new

to take charge of my mindset
and tha’ts all it is

am i going to allow myself to think
by default or am i going to choose th thought
the thoughts i want to think about myself??

i choose to love myself!!

i choose to love this dasy!!