just be grateful

I don’t have to care about
other people’s actions or behavior and frankly I
don’t I know don’t

I really don’t care so
why am I annoyed looking for something to
be annoyed about I supposed

it’s like an automatic reaction with no
foundation and I know that I can just choose how I want to
feel and life will reflect that I

that iknow that I know that

I can always make the choice
to feel how I want to feel and it’s only
ever me I am the one making the choice to feel how I want

to feel and I can make the choice to feel good I can
make the hcoie

choice to feel good I get ott

to make the choice to celebrate I get to make the choice
to celelbrate to celebrate life

today I get to make the choice to celebrate life

to say thank you today I get tom ake the
to make the choicet o

to say thank you today I get to make the choice
to say thank you and not take things personally

I know that I can do that I can choose to
do thw eo

the work this work I can choose to do this work
and let the rest go I can choose to focus on my

my own work my own thoughts feelings and emotions

I get to make the choice
because it’s only ever me and the only thing
I can ever do is make the choice

to feel empowered in my own life
that’s all I can ever do is make the choice
to feel empowered in my own life

I can cowgirl up and love myself I can

do the work and let it go

what is ghe so

the source what is the real reason?

even though I’m annoyed
even though I can’t stand the person that
is helping me

that is providing for me really
paying all my bills

I still love myself
even though I despise working for other people
and I never want to do it again

I still love and appreciate myself

even though I hate the middle man
and it gets so annoying

why why why am I do

so annoyed I know I am the source I know that I
am annoyed at having to

answer to anyone

but I can just choose to let it go
and enjoy the day I can

always tuen th

turn the boat and say thank you I can always turn the boat and say
thank you and remember that I never have to care

I can remember that I never have to care and choose to feel how I want to feel

I can choose to feel how I want to feel I can choose to feel how I want to feel

I can choose to feel how I want to feel I can choose
to feel how I want to feel I an choo

can choose to feel how I want to feel I can choose to feel how I want to feel
I can choose to feel how I awnt to

want to feel I can choose to celebrate this day
and let go of the bullshit that isn ‘t even

real I can choose not to think avout that
about that not to care about htat I
can choose not to think about hta it

I can choose to be my best slef I can

choose to be my best self I can choose
to be the best

versoin of myself I can choose the

version of myself to look toward
toward go to feel how god would feel I an choose

choos to bein the vortex to feel good and let the
rest go I can choose to love myself I cn

can choose to love myself to feel good I can
feel good I can feel good I can feel good feel the feeling of

feel the feeling of god I can say thank you to this here nd

and now and all I can do is enjoy this day all I can
do is choose to feel good in this here and now all I can do

is choose to feel good in this here andn ow

this here andn ow

should I even bother trying to get to the
root cause or should I just ing

ignore it and move on I think just
ignore and jcho

choose to enjoy the day

my life isn’t dependent on them it’s not dependent on them

it is only dependent on my own vibration on how I feel
and I know that I an always release resistance

but I just wish I could get to the bottom of
why I am so annoyed

pent up frustration?

like why do I care

they took forever to write back
and then they had edits
its nothing out of the ordinary

its becaue I tak

take it personally when it’s not

personal I know that I can

just choose to feel how iw ant to feel
and I know that

works every time

I know that

I can always make the choice to feel how iw ant
to feela nd that this is my only work

the more I look for the magick life the more I look for the magick
life the more I see it the

more I choose to raise my vibreation

vibration the more I choose to raise my vibration the more
I choose to raise my vibration the mor eit

it reaise

raises and I can choose to feel good and
optimistic about my life right now

I can make the choice to
feel grateful and then ;I am

then I am grateful

I can choose to think about something else

I can choose to count I can c

choose to love I can choose to look for what I want to
see I can choose to dothe

the magick work I can choose to feel how I awnt

to feel I

they are the ones that should be kissing my feet!