just keep up the good work

keep practicing the thoughts i want to
think and i don’t have to answer to anyone
for wanting to do that
to take care of my thoughts to think the
thoughts i want to think

i get to do the work for me
and only me it’ sonly ever
it’s only ever me and i love that i can practice the thoughts i
want to think i can practice

what i look for what i notice
grows and i love that i know this
i love doing the only work that matters
and tha’ts the work of

loving myself

i love myself i love myself
i love myself i love myself and i love
that i can always

choose to feel gratitude in
the here and now

just keep up the good work
and it it

if it takes practicing all day

oh well it’s worth it
it’s worth it and i don’ thave to
apologize for wanting to train my thoughts
and i don’t have to explain it

i can do it for me train my thoughts
for me because i want to feel good
and i

refuse to suffer

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
and the

the more i practice feeling good
and loving myself and feeling the way i want
to feel the
easier it gets

thank you thank you thank you
today i am celebrating this day!!

thank you thank you thank you

it’s all a matter of
practice of where i place my attention
and i love placing my
attention on the version i prefer

i get to choose i get to choose
how i feel and then life
reflects that i love that i get to choose how i feel
i love that i know it’s just
a petter

pattern of thought and i love
that i can break

i can choose to think other thougths
i can

i can choose to pick up
a different pattern of thought
and just say
tahnk you and htis


helps me do that today i am

of my thougths
and i can say thank you
and make the choice

to fele good