already feeling so much better

because the work always works i
get to look for what is right in my life
i love the flow flowing i love
that ppeople wahtn
want my help i love
my skills i love that i am a good designer and i know it
i love that people love me
that everyone loves me

i love that i love me i love that i dont
have to feel stressed i love that its not my problem
i lovee that i get to remain in the

on the outside looking it in i li i love
that i dont’ let anything affect me i love that
i am the source i love that

i am secure
in my sense of self i am secure in my
sense of self

my sense of self is not so fragile
as to be built around the
wants needs or actions of someone else

i love that i dont care
and that’s the feeling i prefer i love th
feeling of not caring i love
that i ndon

dont have to that i nev

never have to care!!

already feeling better because the work
works feeling good works lettin it go works

not caring works being my own source works

keeping my mind and thoughs off this world works

making the choice and never wondering
making the choice to stand up to my thouths to

to my ego to the part of me that wants to
be separate when i know tis only
me i know its only me i feelthe feelin g

the feeling of em and that’s all ill ever need i feel the feeling of me a
nd that is

all i need i love that i nkwo thsi
that i get to stand up to my thoughts i
that i get ot refuse to suffer
that i get to

remember the truth of the

me that the ocntr
contrast helps me focus
helpls me e

remembe what i prefer that its only

to feel good no matter what
to no bet affected to not be aff

i love that i dont have to care
that that

isn’t my life my inner world is my life
my inner world is my life

that is the only life that is the only life
and evverything else is a refelction
i love that i nkow this and i get to choose it
that the contrast



helps me focus helps me remember who ia m
i love that the contrast helps me remember who i am
i love that the contrat

helps me remember i love that i feel secure in my god self
i feel secure in the god self i feel secure in the choice

knowing that when i see what i dotn like

thats an opportunity to use the magick
i love that is work sworks
i love

that i am the mast of

of the feeling i am the master of the feeling

i neverr have to think about the future
i can just choose king

choose knoinw g

i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the abundanct
all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god
appear ast he abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

i love that i dont care i love
that i have my own life i love ha
that i have my own life

my own instrument
through wi

which to experience life i know that
life is always showing me my inner world
i l

i know that its always me i know that life
con only show me ahw

whta i am
i know that life i can only show me wht i am
and i love feeling the confidence of me
the knowing of me i love

feeling the knowing of me i love
feeling the knowing of me i lovee that

the divine presence


is the sourcce and substance of all my good

i feel the power of me i feel the flow of me
i feel the poweer of me

i am the power of me i know the poweer of me i know the

the poweer ofme the
divine presence I AM

is the srouce and substance oof all my
good so grateufl to get to go an

on an adventrue
to get to be here now to feel the
feeling now t

to feel the feeling now
to feel the fll

feeling now to feel the feeling now
to feel
the feeling now

its a good day to have a good day
for no reason
its a good day

to tune o the feeling of god
to the feeling of i am
to the withness

to the witness to not needing approval
i love that i dont need approval i love that
i get to have fun and be light i love that
i am the light i get to choose to be the light
and its that

easy itas

easy to choos to be the light ot
choose be the love to choose to be the light
to choose to be the love

its a good day to have a good day
to be grateful for thw at
what i have to feel grateufl for what i ahve to look for
what i want to see to look for love

to look for love to lookf or love
the feeling the root the root

the root in
the infinite self the infinite self
that is so


anything on the surface
its so much deeper
than the phy

physical its so much deeper than
that and i know i know i get to choose to love
i get ot choose to be the

sourcce the answer is always love the answer is alwys love
the feeling is always love th

and i am the source of it
i dont need it

i am ait