attention to the attention

and i come back to here to this place
to keep doing the work to keep the feeling
up because i feel good and i want to
milk it i want to
live the good life feel the feeling of the
good life and connect to self
to feel my best self it feels good to allow the feeling of my
best self it feels good to allow the feeling of my best self it feels good to allow the feeling of my best self

it feels good to feel the feeling of my
best self it feels good to
feel good about who i am it feels
feels good to feel good to feel the feeling of me it feels good to

to feel the feeling of me

the foucs of the here and now
and that’s why i com

i come back to the here and now
to feel the feeling in the here and now
to com
come back to center to do the only work that matters
it feels good to do the only work that matters it feels good to do the
only work that matters

to feel good in the here and now to apy

pay attention to my vibration to make
how i feel my number one priority and to milk the feeling

of feeling good it feels good to
milke the feeling of feeling good it
feels good to milk the feeling of

of feeling good it feels good to
milke the feeling go
of feeling good it feels good toc ome
back here and focus to remember
to pay attention to
where my focus

is and it make

it feels good to ame
to make
my mood my number one priority it feels good to love myself
i this here and now it feels good to love myself
in this here and
now to come back to cednter and

and feel the feeling of love the feeling
of knowing
feeling of knowing it feels good
to feel good to feel the feeling of knowing
in this here and now it feels good

to focus in this here and now
and love who i am ro

to feel the feeling of relase

to feel the feeling of yes
it feels good to fee lt
the feeloing of the feeling of yes
and allow myself to

feel it it feels good to come
back to centert

to practce the

the only work that mtt
mattes to make my mood my work and
know that how i feel is the only
thing that ever mattes it feels good
to do the work to pa

attneiton to the focus it feels good
to feel well to love myself it feels good to

make the choice to feel goo di

it feels good to make the choice to
feel good in this here and now it
feels good to

to make the choie tothank you

thank you for this
here and now thank you for all the
experiences i et

get to experience

so grateful to get to do
do things to enjoy where i am
to feel lke a

a leader and trend setter it feels good
to love where ia m and

and blow that up it feels good
toc ome back to center
and remember who i am to remember that

that life is always celebrating me
it feels good to know that it’s
only vibration and that it’s up
to me if i allow life to flow to me it feels good

to allow life to flow through to
me to me it feels good to lift up my mind and heart

it feels good to feel the connection to
remember the magick of life and always stay
focused on it if eels good to feel the
magick of life flowing through me it feels good

to just


thank you for the magick of thi
this here and now and remembering
to remember that this is the only work
the connection is the only work the

the feeling is the only work and thi

this is all i have to remember and the more
i focus into the vortex the better i feel the more
i make the choice to feel good in this

here and now the
better i feel it feels good to feel good right now
to love where i am right now to

to love where i am in this here and now
it feels good to say

yes thankyou

it feels good to love where ia m right
now it

it feels good to love where iam
i am right now it feels good to
love where i am right now it feels
good to love where i am

now to love where i am right now

it feels good to feel the feeling to
allow myself the magick of
whre i

of the here and now to allow myself to
feel good inthis here and now to love
myself inthis here and now and feel the
feeling inthis here and now

for everything

it feels good to know to choose
ti it to choose the life to choose to
feel good to choose to love myself to

send the signal of

it feels good to feel
grounded to feel centered and to
feel calmly blissful about who i am
it feels good to be aware of the pain
of the past and to be working

on letting it go more and more

every day i am letting go of more and more
and i am sending the signal of love more and more
and it feels good to

to take the time to do the only work
to be aware of the feeling

the thought pattern and to be able to let it go
to feel it

slipping away to feel myself
aware of an old vibration and to feel
myself focusing into
a new one that feels beter th

better that feels more suited for who i am
and it feels good to practice feeling how i want to
feel because i kno that

that feelings
create life i know this for a fact
i know that this

is a fact



life and that’s all i ever need to know
to remember that feelings create life
and one tiny instance of

coming into resonance
with the feeling

is all it takes