
celebrate the life

the knowledge celebrate knowing what i know
knowing what i know celebrate the secret to life
the god self celebrate the secret to life
the god self allow the god self to do the work

allow the knowledgee to do the work
be brave enough to check out be

brave enough to drop out to only focus on the god self on the
on the truth on solutions only focus on solutions

be brave enough

to focus on what i know on the truth
i am brave enough to feel the truth to know the
truth to live the truth
so grateful to live the truth to live what i know

to live what i know so grateful to live what i know to
live what i know so grateful to live what i know

to know life to know the secret to life to know there is
life in everything

i celebrate knowing the truth of life
i celebrate knowing the truth of life
knowing that everything is solution

everything is helping me

either helping me ask
or shore up what i want and i love that i knkow this
i love the better it gets i lov that

that life is just a feelig i know i know that life
is just a feeling

so grateful to know to align
with solutions to align with knoweldge

knowledge to align with gratitude
to align with what i know and feel good aboutt he
knowing the truth so grateful to kknow th

to know the truth of life
and to know that
minor setbacks just don’t matter and there’s
always a solution
waiting i know that there’s always a solution waiting
there’s always a solution
there and i love that i know this l ove that
i know i love that i know

the secret to life and its not
to chsaew

chase money i love that i know that life
loves mea nd owes me
i know i am a money magnet i know that life flows

easily through me i know that life
is a feeling and i feel it now i know that lie is

life is a feelig life is a feelig and
i feel it now life is a feeling and i feel it now

the magick of life the feeling of life
knowing that life is so much bigger than the small things

knowing that i hal
can always zoom out i can always zoom out
and remmeber

nothing atters
matters just allow and say thank you
just allow and say thank you ust

just allow and say thank you

i feel the magick of life
i feel the source of life
i feel
bigger than life
i feel zoomed

out on life i feel the enjoyment of the
moment the gratitude for the moment
knowing that we are doing it
that we did it we did it
feeling that we

did it it feels good it feels good
it feels good

thank you for the knowledge
thank you for the knkowl

for the focus on teh truth
the truth i know the truth

i know the truth of life i know the
truth of life i know its only ever me
i now i

i know i am the creator i am
i know ia m the
i am gthe

the creator the one and only

and i know that life is
always showing me evidence of that

i love that we worked on our site maitenence
i love that we can do most things
i love that wee hae

we have options for when we can’t
fix soemthing
i love that there is always enough
that we can always

afford to pay someone generously
to help us out i love that i know thier

there’s always a solution and the solution
is always in the tuning i know that the

solution is always in the tuning of the self toward
god and then solution is allowed to come but

when there is

attention on the problem
knowledge of the problem


and now i am focused on the solution
knowing that the problem

doesn’t matter

only the solution

i love that i know my only option is to not
care just don’t care just enjoy it
just enjoy life just enjoy the process say yes
to the process
enjoy the process

enjoy everything that is say yes
to everthing that

expand to fill it expand to fill
it say yes to it and then you’re enjoying
life then you’re getting the more

most out of life and that’s all you can really o
hope for

enjoyable moments
that’s all there really is and i lo

love that i know that is my source and my supply
not the shcool

school not subs not income

but god

connection to go living the life god would
living life as god and allow the rst
saying yes and allowing the rest.

so grateful to know the truth
and its to give up just give up
and enjoy life
enjoy what

i have right now
enjoy the roce
process enjoy everything that is
and pay attention
to how i feel
as long as i am with god
feeling how god would feel then

that’s all that matters that’s
all i need that’s all i ever need is the connection
with god i lift

up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know that
the divine presence i am
is the rous

source and substance of all my good

i know the path of life
and i’m brave enough to follow it i know the
god life the god

i know the god life i know the
god self and i’m living the god self
and i know that’s all i can evre do