just choose and move on
and that is a lot of the practice
so really ever moment is giving you the choicee
chance to make that choice
the chance to make that choice
just choose and move on
just choose and move on
and that is the work
i know that is the only work
and honing
that power
to choose is all there is
so now i choose so now i choose
to have a good day and i do
and reallyt he con
the contrast always help sme do
helps me do that
helps me focus on what i really
just choose and then it is
just choose
and then it is
just choose and then it is and i love that
i know that i can always align with the
version i choose
not that i have to push any version
or down
but i can always choose the version
i look for
the ch
version i
the version i invite
it feels good to invite the version i prefer
to let my guard down to love
and look for love
to love and look for love
it feels good it feels good
to love it
feels good to love it feels good
to love it
feels good to love
i allow myself to feel uplifted
to feel uplifted to
feel uplifted i allow myself
to lift the veil
lift the sheild and love
i allow myself to love
i allow myself to love
i observer and ;love
i observe and love
i allow myself
to love myself
today i choose to love today i choose to love fully
today i choose to love
fully today i choose to love fully
today i choose joy and i allow love to flow
freely through me i allow love to flow
through me i allow love to flow thr
freely through me i focus on what really matters i focus
on love i focus on love and allow love
to flow throu
freely thorugh me and that’s what
the contrast helps me
i love myself and i love others
i love myself and it allow me to love others
i choose love i choose love ia llow myself
to love and that
is the focus on this day
and i can do it i can
lift the sheild and allow
love to flow and th
that love is for me
first i love me
first i love me
first i love me
i love kelly cree
i love kelly cree
i love kelly cree
and it feels good it feels good
to love me
to love me for no reaosn
to not need a reason
to know that every season passes
and i can love myself through all of them
i love myself through
no matter the
season of my soul
matter the season of my soul
and by doing so by doing so
becuase i feel too raw inside
to open up my armour
to show the bleeding guts inside
so i have to keep them wrapped neatly
and in doing so i’m
not letting any of the love out
by wrapping my heart in
it can’t breath
but if i unwrap it
it’s too gross too
much too much main too much
gore too much to process
too much to let go
too much to replay over and over in my mind
not because i don’t know better
but because i feel somehow obligated
to keep reliving it and then
keep wrapping my bloody guts up again
in a nice human costume
just be i don’t have to try i don’t have
to try i don’t have to force anything
or do anything for show
i can just be just relax into the
day and ust be
just be and that’s all i can really do
just focus on something else
just focus on something else
just observe
just observe that’s all i can do and that’s
all i can really do
just just just
drop out
drop out of individual perspective
and know that i am all things
i am all things
i can just relax and bee that
be that
i know that i am all things
and i never have to try
it feel goos
feels good
to just
be it feels good to just be it feels good
to just be just let go
and just be
i don’ thave to do any thing
take any action
just feel and just be
just be it feels good to just
be i don’t have to take any action
i can just feel
just feel who i am what i am
just feel the feelings i
wish i could express with words
jst f
just feel them just relax in the moment
and just feel them
just feel them and the rest follows just
feel how i want to feel and the rest follwos
i choose how i want to feel
and ther est
the rest follows
just zoom out
just drop ot o
out of life
just drop out of life
just feel the way i want to
feel that’s all i can ever do
is feel the way i want to feel
and that makes life easy
i don’t have to do
i don’t have to take any action
i don’t have to care what others think
i can jst feel the feeling i want
to feel i can just fee lthe feeling i want to feel
i want to feel i can just feel the feeling
i want to feel
i choose
i choose to just be i choose
to feel for the feelings i want to feel
i feel and then ifeel
feel and then
i am energy i am made up of energy
that’s all i am
that’s all there
and all i can
is be the version i want to be
today i will just be