conscious of my consciousness

so grateful i am aware of how i feel the i know that
you can’t break the mirror and expect what’s reflected in it to change

and i know that for a fact so grateful
to know for a fact it’s always me and that when
i decide to change the energy
then the world changes accordingly and that is

universal law

so grateful i am aware of this
so grateful i know for a fact that

all of life reflects me and its never outsiide ofme
whatever i accuse others of doing that is what i’m doing
and i’m so grateful know ti know this
so grateful i get to celebrate it

so grateful i get to celebrate it

so grateful i get to celebrate it
so grateful i get to celebrate it

know the truth and i come here to tune myself
so grateful to remember that it’s only me
the better it gets so grateful to embody the best version of myself
to decide how i want to feel and then feel it

i’m here i’m here i’m here
looking in the mirror and i know that’s all it is
that’s all it is

i know that’s all it is
i know that’s all it is

thank you thank you thank you for the consciousness of my consciousness
that i am aware that life only efelc
reflects me and the easier it gets to recognize that
to know that for sure and to live accordingly

to relax into the way i would prefer to feel

to relax into the way i would prefer to feel

i can i always relax in that knowledge
knowing that all of life changes every instant
i love that i know this and i get to celebrate

it that i get to go throgh
through life knowing my power i love that i
get to go through life knowing my power

i feel it i feel the release of it i feel the
resonance with it that t

it being the one and only truth that life
only ever reflects me reflects how i feel in my subconscious
life only ever

reflects me reflects me

and ‘m so
i’m so ever


overjoyed to be here remembering that truth
celebrating teh feeling of

the truth that all of life
changes in an instang

alll of life
changes every instant and i know that
grateful to be back a

to alignment

back to love
so grateful to be back to alignment
back to love

so grateful to feel grateful
to remember how lucky i am to realgn with the truth

to realign with love and allow msye

myself somegraceto

to be patient with myself
to be loving with myself it feels good to
be patient with mysel f

to be loving with myself
it feels good to take responsibiilty for how if eel !!

and the version i create!!

it feels good to feel relieed that i dealt with
it and was aware of it

aware of how my relaity was reflecting
knoinwg htat my reality can onlly ever affect !!

reflect me

i’m here becusae i know that i do the work
knowing that i tap into that feeling knowing that the feeling work is the
only work i take responsbility for that and i do it

i take responsibility for how i feel
i take responsibility for how i feel

so gratful tofe
for the feeling of me for the power of

so grateful to remember the feeling ofme
knowing that this is the only work

removing myself rom from “society”

renouncing my humanahood
renouncing my humanhood

thank you fro

thank you for the god self
for the consciousness of the god self
for the contrast the ha

that ahpe
helps me focus helps me remember who i am

so grateful for the focus that ehps me
so gratful for the life experience that guides me
knowing that ti’s all a game andi get to decide so grateful to know
this and live by it so grateful iknow the
i know the secret to life

that it’s only ever me and i’m doing the work
to be better at realzing that and

shifint the energy to here i a

i want it to be i shit the energy to where i want it
to be and i know that is life’s only wor i l

i love that i knwo thi love ti
i love that i knwo thi
that i kno wth
i know this
i love that i know this

i feel completely at ease in this moment
knowing the truth of life i know that ia m taken
care of i know that infinite abundance is alwasy flowing to and throgh me

i get to feel it now and then it
is and allof life reflects that

i get to feel it now and then it is
i get to feel it now and then it is

i get to feel it now and then it is and i love that i
get to fel g

feel it i love that i get to feel it
i love that i get to feel ti

the connection to self
to the truth to god
i love that i know that all of life refelcts

how i feel sograteful
to feel the trth of life
to celebrate that truth

i know it’s only ever me and i celebrate that
truth i celebrate the contrast that helps me
focus that helps me align the energy and remember the truth

remember the truth of how iw ant to lfie
to remember that all it takes is a little faith

i love that i know i love that i get to feel the feeling i love that
i already do and i know the work always works i love
that i get to enjoy my life right now i love that
i get to enjoy my life right now and feel the
feeling of connecion with god

of remembering that its only ever me
and i’m doing that more everyday

remembering that its’ a mirror
andyou can’t break the mirror and expect what’s reflected to change
its only ever me and and it
only refelcts me

its only me
its only me and i am the one and only creator