effortless being is my natural state

i love that i nkow and im focused there

i release the tension i release the fist i so
do the work id o the work to
to feel good work

to releae the tensio fo the separate self
i know im not sepaate

its easy to remember the state of effrotless bi

beig to tru
return to god its so easyt o treu
to retunr to god

effortless bieng
is my natural state
i knkow this

i knowthis feeling of effortless eing
is my source and my supply
and its thep lce from whiec
all of life comes i know that i canrela x
in knowig it i

in th

i can relax in the know
i can realx in the love l
of life lust for life
i can realx into love

i cn feel love i reale
the retsi knwo tis all
all me i knwo its all me
i know its all
me i know
i know

i knwo the feeling i know the feeling
is all there is is all there is
and thre re
the rest al

falls away in the magic of

the magic life the magic the mfaci

i know the one and only truth
i know the one and
only truth

i i know

effortless eing ins
is my natural state

effortless being
is my natural state

oneness is my natural state
yes is my natur

natural state god is mynat

natural state
and i know it build s

i know the energy builds i know tis me
i know tis only ee
ever me i never have t wo
to o
wonder i cant woner i know hat
that i cant woner

woner i know the power of m
i never have to wonder and i get to refuse to suffer i know i love hta
i get to reufse to suffer i love that
i get to i
i love

i konw i know i know the rst is falst
i know my true self i now my true self

i know what iam
i m

i know i am awareness
i love th

feeling the realea i love relaxing into life i love
getting to relax into life

effortless being is my natural state

god is lavish unfailing abundance
and that’s the choice i get to mae

do i want to see miralces everywhere

god is lavish
i get to feel it i want
i prefer to have fun i prefer to have fun
and be in love i prefer to have fun
and be in love

i prefer to bbe in love i love that
i get to i lovee that

that i get to i ilovee that i love that
i get to

that i get to choose gods lavishness
and forget the rest i love that i
get to forget tthat the rest i love that i get to r

forget the rest i love that i now that life
always wors
out for me i get to make the choice
get to deman it
i get totell life i love

the one and only truth
its here its the feeling
its teh
the on the

bus feeling and i get to cchoose it now i now its
now i

i know it now i know it i
now i nkow

i know it now

i know it now i know it now i nkow

i know it

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
god is lavish unfailing
god is lavish


effortless being ins my natural

im the boss

im the boss i drive it i drive it
i get to

i’m the boss i’m the boss i’m
the boss i’m the boss a

i get to acct as if

i love that we have

i love that i know
i know through life i now the secret to life

and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

effortless being is my natural states
and im so grateful to remember to frememb

im the boss and i drive it with
the feeling the more i practicce the feeling
the more i tuen into the magic
i tune into the magic
i can c

always choose what i prefer

i know the i tune into the m
i allowagi ci turne
i tune into the magic i tuen

i allow life to flow through me i allow

life to flow through me i alo
allow life to floww through me

i allow life to flow

effortless being
effortless being
is my natural state
i love htat i know this i love that
i know

i love that i now this i
i love that i know

the one and only truth

i know the one and only truth
nd i get to celebrate it
eery day i love htat life is set up to me
be amazingly awesome i love that

that i get to enjoy t
it that i get to be ae
awrae athat all thre is is
and i can always release the belief in the separate elf
i kow there is o

ther is not a separate self
just awareess

it all coes back to awareness

i i allow the best of li
to flwo to me i choose it i choose the
feeling of love
i give

the feeling of
love i give
i give
the feeling of lvoe

i am love i am the
love ia mthe boss i am the boss and i feel the
feeling of the magic fo
of life i tuen in

i tuen itot he magic i une into love
i chooes love i prefer to feel love
i prefer to feel love

i prefer to feel love


i want to say

“everyones being so nice to us”

everythongs everyone is being so nice to us

im totally fulfilled

i dont want to leave
i dont want it to end

im sad its over

have to go back to real life