emotional journey every time

it feels good to do the work
for the contrast that helps me
focus it feels good to keep up the
good work for me to come
back to center for me to decide to feel
good because i want to enjoy life

to make the choice to enjoy
life to stand up to my thoughts it feels good
to stand up to my thoughts it feels good

to keep up the good work do the
only work that matters do the
only work that matters and let the rest fall

into place it feels good to do the only work
that matters it

it feels good to
stand up to my thougths to

to stand up to the evidence
of old vibrations and make the choice

to allow my best life
int his here and now to make the
choice to do the only work

that matters to make a choice for me
to make the choice to tune myself
to the vibration ti feels good

to say thank you to feel the flow flowing

so greateful

grateful i can always

i always get
what i need right now

it feels good to do this work
to make the choice to feel good to let
it all go and get inthe vortex

make the hcoie
the choice to love life to get close to god
to allow god into me
it feels good to love to look for reasons to love
to look for reasons
to be grateful to

get in the vortex and then to make the


emotional journey
every time every time
it feels good to make the

the choice to take the
emotinal journey toknow its
it’s me and to work

work through it by looking for wha i wan t
wnat to see by feeling fo th

for the feeling i want to feel

want to feel the feeling i want to feel it
feels good to allow the feeling i want to feel

to take the


it feels good to take

the emotional

every time it feels good to love myself
to allow the bes t
version of myself it feels good to

allow the best version of myself the
best version of my

me what i want how

i wnat to feel i am focused on how i

want to feel how i want to
i am focused i amfocus
focused on the work doing thw or

the work for me i do the work
for me and let go of the rest
not caring about the

i do the work form

for me i live my best life
here and now for me i tuen m

tune myself forme

raise my vibration for me i doing this
wrok v

i know

i am god in human form
i know life is working out

from em

for me

so grateful life

is alawys working out for me
that i gt to enjoy life righ now

right now so grateful i know that

that th
it feels good to celebrate life
to look for reasons to celebrate

i can look for reasons to celebrate
i can look for reasons to
celebrate i can

i can let go of the rest
i can let go of the rest i can live life
for me i live life for me ho

how i want to live ithow i

how i see my best self i look for
my best self for the best version of
my ife

i look for the best
version of my
life i look for what i wnat

to seei choose the version i prefer

i can always do the vibrational
work in

knowing it’s always vibrational

i prefer to enjoy right now
to say thank you for a

all the blessings to be
to enjoy right now to

be grateful for this
for knowing

what life is pulling through me
i nkow aht

i know i know that i am god in human form
i get to choose to be grateful for this moment

i know that i can

stand up to my thougths i love
standing up to my thoughts and looking for

what i want to see i love that

i can get there

to the center of who i am

i know who i am really am
i know who i am
really am
i nkwoo

i know this work
the work always works

this work always works
and i know i can
always find

myself again
remember who i am

why i am alive
this wroks

i can always rmemeber
remember who i am
come back to cneter

come back to the work and the ore i loo

i look toward center and let the rest go

will feel

i can just decide
not to care i gt to
to make the choice the

choice to remember who i am
and that life

has no choice but to reflect the vibration
i love that i’ve let it go and
to feel good now

it’s just a choice


i know that i am
same regardless of circumstances
and it’s mmy

my choice how i feel so i can
chosoe to

to feel happy in
my surroundings

my life
with everything i have
i can choose to
say thank you

i get to choose to feel grateful
for what i have right now for wher i am
where i am
right now

i get to choose to feel
grateful for where i am
right now
and i know i can always do
the work

and this is the only
work i


this is the only action i can
take and it’s



about how i feel
what i am holding on to
the tightness i feel

the lack

is a choice
a matter of perspective

and i get to choose
from which perspective

i observe