every single thing is working out in my favor

life is in mfavor god is in my favor i feel charged up
becaue i now life is in my favor
i feel

energized becaues i nkwo that everything that ahp
happens sis for i fee
me i feel energized knowig gods pwoer
i ger

totally fulfilled and its right here with me
becaue im so happy becaue im so happy i get ot feeel

totally fulfilled i love that i get to i love that ig et to feel love
now that i get to choose how iw atnt ofeel right now that i get to feel llove now
be love now

i am totally fulfilled


attention on its ii am i cam he oen and only crreator
i am the one and nly cceator

aleayd is tit already is it alreayd is
it alrayd is
it alreayd is

i am totally fulfilled i am
the energy that creates world si allow
the best of life
i allow the best o flife to keep flowing

i love that life is god i love that
i know life loves me i love that the
the rent is paid i love that the
bills are paid i love that i get to do this work i love
aht i get to i love that i nwo i love

i know the pwer of me i trust the powr of me
i choose the power of mi choose a new

story i choose a nwe
story and its so esay to choose
ts so easy
to choose a new story

i get to choose a new story i get to choose
easy and

ease and flow ease and flow

and flow ease and flo

i never hae to wonder i never have to wonder and i
choose the fleeling of god

i choose the feeling of god the knwoing of god the

of attention on itself
the celebrat of
feeling how iw atnt o feel

and knowint
it already is

i know i know teh one an only feeling i seek
i know the

one and only feeling i seekand its the feeling of god

the way god feels its tehs ay god god
feels and i have acces to it ever moment and nothing
can ever take it away

i have the feelig of god
i am god and nohting can eer take it away

i never have to wonder
i never have to wonder

i never have to wonder just enjoy
just expand to fill this moment
and let life take me

just expand to fill this moment and life
let liffe to dhte res ti love that i get to i love

that i ge tto just allow the heart to expand
to feel

fill the here adn now an
allow myself to feel the
surrender to god

to relase

release doing nd cmopletlye surrender

i love that i get to celebart life
get to

celebrate life get to be the
to be thee

the eerngy i gwnat want to see i love that
i get to
be the energy i nat to see i love that its easy

to be it i love that its esay to be it

i love that i nwo i low
i love that i knwo the one ando nly secret to life
taht tis always

me and life alway follsows so grateful to be int he practice
so gateful to remember in

every oment its always me and then
life followss

its neve them its always me

its alwys me and i never have to wonder
i nkwo that god lovesme

and its always givien mg e
me infinite abundance in
evey second i know