grateful for ths day
this day grateful to start the day off right doing the
good work and feeling good it feels good to
tap into the infinite power within
to tune myself and feel the
flow flowing through me to know
to have a lust for life to feel that
feeling of loving life fun
running through me
to feel elevated about life to celebrate this here ad now
it feels good to feel good now
to say thank you now tolove
to love this here and now
it feels good to focus to focus on what i know
on what i know about who i am
it feels good to focus on what i know
about who i am it feels good to feel good
i feel good
thank you for the focus for the feeling the god self flowing through
me so grateful iknow the
i know the truth of who i am and ai
i am allowing life to flow fullly
fully through me so grateful for this here and now
to feel elevated by life to feel the flow of life flowing through me
so grateful for this day for the ease and flow ofl ife
so grateful for the ease and flow of life
for love so grateful to feel the feeling of love
so grateful to feel the feeling of love to
feel the feeling of love to feel good now to love life now
it feels good to love life now to love
life now to love life now
it feels good to love
life now it feels good to love
it feels good to lal
to allow to focus in the here and now it
feels good to alo
to focus int his
here and now
to allow the rest to slip away
and love this
i feel good now!!
i feel love now i feel the power of life
flowing through me i feel th
good now i feel good now i feel
free now i feel love now i love
myself in this here and now i love
that life is good i love that life
is good i love where i am right nwo i love
i love that life
is good i love
i love this here and now i love me
i love my life i love my wife i love waking up
feeling good i love that it’s sunny!!
i love that today is a good day i love the
power of the focus on god
i love the power of the good life i love that
i get to choose the good life i love that
i get to choose
how i feel i love that i feel good today
i love that i feel elevated today i love
that i know
i love that ik now everything
is a state of mind i love that i know
eveyrhting is
is vibrational
and that it’s an emotional jorney
every time
grateful to do the work
to know the work grateful to know the work
to feel the work flowing through me
to feel the god self flowing through me
to know the god to feel the god self
flowing through me
to stick to the mantra
to devote
myself to god it feels good to
devote myself to god
to the moment ot know
that the moment is god
it feels good to love the moment
and to love god and to know that
it’s only how i feel all that matters
and the only thing that affects life
is how i feel
people would rather
invent an entire lexicon of blame
rather than take responsbility
for the version they’re perpetuating
i love doing the work i love
feeling the feeling of god flowing thorugh me
i love the pweor
power of the focus in this here and now
i love the
power of the focus in this here andow
i love feeling good i love feeling good i love
feeling the release i love
feeling life
flowing thour
through me i love feeling the
relief of love
of god of returning to go
of letting
everything else go
of not holding on to anything
and allowing life
to flow through me
i love that i know
it’s all about ho wi feelb