so grateful to feel expansive
to choose to feel good first to know
ti’s always
it’s always a match and i always get to choose
how i’m feeling how i’m feeling
and the signal i’m sending
grateful to do the work to feel the feeling
to do the work first nd
and then see the effects and know
that they are all around so
grateful to feel good to feel relief
so gratefult o feel
to feel relief
so grateful to know the truth
so grateful to know the truth
to feel the focus
to feel the god self rising
to feel the knowledge of the god self
so grateful
for everything
never say a negative word again!!!!
never think a negative word
so grateful for all the abundance
in my life that i always have
everything i need and there’s always more
than enough so graetfult o to
to do the work and feel good
knowing that the work always works the work
to see life how i want to
to be aware of my thoughts
to be ware
of t
to be aware
of my thoughts and how they make
me feel to be
aware of the version i create
to be aware of the version i create
grateful to do this work to
turn the focus and see the effects
to e
be aware of what i’m thinking
about to know that what i see
what i experience
is always always always
a print out of what’s within
of what’s within
of what’s within it always always is
and it never can’t be
so great
grateful for the choice foe
for the feeling
so grateful for the feeling
of choice the feeling of
so grateful to know to know that
god is my source and my supply
grateful to renounce my humanhood to
remember who i am
1 day to 2020 vistion
2020 vision
1 day to 2020 vision
so grateful to remember that
thank you for the reminder
so grateful to dot h
do the work every tie
time to be grateful for everything that
is to have
everything we need
to say thank you
so grateful to say thank you
to allow life to flow
through me
to say yes to everything that is
to say yes
to everything that is
to know that i
i am totally fulfilled
so great
grateful to know the truth
to know the work to now
the power of the wrok
so grateful to know the power of the
work the power of the work
so grateful to knw
to know to know the truth
to release all negativity
so grateful to release all resistant
thought to know it’s all me t
it can only reflect me so grateful to know this
so grateful to know this know
the truth to feel the truth flowing through me
to release all resistance and
feel the vibration of god it feels so
good to feel the feeling of god
to feel the resistance of g
free vibration of god to feel the
feeling of it to do the work it feels good to do the work
to do the work
it feels good to do the work
so grateful to know to know thef low
to know the feeling to know the feeling
of god and know that’s all there is
so grateful to love to send the signal of love
to remember who i am
who i want to be it feels good to
remember who ia m
and who i am w
wnat to be
i love that i know that
i lvoe that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose the life
i see
version of life i experience
i love that i getot ch
to choose this
i love that i get to chosoe this
i kow there’s
no such thing as lack
and it feels good
to celebrate this knowledge
to know that this knowledge
is all there is and ther re
the rest follows
there’s no such thing
as lack there’s no such thing
as lack t
i love that i know this i love that
i get to resonate with this
in my life the vibration of god i love that
i can
always feel the feeling of god and
that it’s a switch
grateful for this day grateful for this moment
grateful for this moment
grateful for this moment
for the knowledge so grateful for the knowledge
i love that i know i love that i know
the truth i love feeling
my heart sign i love
feeling my heart sing i love
knowing that life loves me
i love knowing that life loves me i love that
there is so much to love i liove that
i love that i know i love that
life is good and i can connect with the
here and now let the pen move itself and i know that
is possible i know that is all it is
zooming out enough to know that i’m not the
one typing this i’m not the one
moving my fingers
i renounce my humanhood and claim
my divine inheritance as a being of god
i love that afeeling
the feeling of that and i know that
all of life is feeling that feeling
all of life is feeling that feeling this
feelingt he
the knowledge the knowledge
is reflecting me it
can only show me me and i love the
of knowledge!!!
it’s worth it for the moment of coming into the
vortex doing the work to feel good
and then you’re done!!
you don’t need any proof you don’t need to change
anything, you’re genuiinely feeling good
and that’s all you could ever hope for!
so grateful fort he knowledge
so grateful
to know
to know to feel good now
to flip the switch into the now
into love and release
all thoughts and feelings that aren’t that
and i love that i know this
that counting gives me access to this
this total release