feeling better

because the work wlasyw
always works the feelings always work taking


always always alays works

taking responsiblity always works
talking to myself wla

always workks

awareness alawys works cneterenigna lways workk

the magick alwas works

taking back my power always works
going to bed feeling good always works making the time to go do bed

feeling good always works

responsiblity for how i feel always works
not caring always works

zooming out always works

self awareness always works

looking at mysels like

if someone else
was like this i would be so

grossed out

i get to live the version i get to

alk the walk i get to walk the walk

i love that i get to and it has tnohg
nothing to do with anyone sel
only me only center

only me only center

i want to be happy i want to have fun
i want to feel at ease

i want to feel the ease and flow of life
to remember to lighten up to feel love

that’s what i want to feel i want to love and feel loved
feel loved and happy i want to love and feel happy i can i know

release i know i can release the reset i know the truth of how i

who ia m i know the power of me i nkow the pi know i know the power of me i know the

powero f me i know the power of me i
can look for wat

what i want to see i know that is the secret to everthngi

everything i know that is the secret to life and i’m not going to make it very
far with all this jealousy

i love that i knwo i love tha i ge tto let it go i love tha i g
et to do this wor i love tha i hve a reason i love tha i have a reasoin

i lov ethat i’m feeling better
i’m feeling better i lvme
i’m loving more i’m vf

feeling the love flow throgh e

i feel the truth flowing through me
i remember i get to choose i ek

keep doing the owrk and remembering the choice
the work works the journela

journaling works the honesty works the
self way

awareness works teh devotoin works the devotoiin works

tomorrow i remember who iam to

right now i remember who iamd na st

act accordingliy today i remember who ia m
today i remember who i am right now i remember who ia m

i remember the poweer of me i remember the poer of me i love tha ti knowt his ilove that
get to let the rest go i love that i no

i know

this is the only work

i know the secret to life and can relax in the knoweldge

knowledget hta t
that the activity of diine

divine abundance is eternally opertaing in my life

is imply have to e ware of the flow
the radiation fo

f c

of creative energy which is continuoylsy
easily and affot

effortlessly pouring from from my diving consciousness
i am now aware ia m now in the flow

i remember who iam !!

thank god!!

i rememberr who ia m thank god1!

that work awlasyw works !

the work wlasyw rosk the work always works!!

when only a couple days agao i was at my pinnacle!!

i started to slip and feel jealous
and catch feelings

instead of the flow and then it go worse and worse
until i couldnt break the momentum of the thought pattern

maybe if elt fu
guilgy too

myabe i let it get too good

it got to good
and i started looking to the manifestation

release the fantasy

and bless the moment bless everything that is
listen and say tahnk thank you

thank you for everything that is thank you for all the blessings in my live

life thank you for all the love and support ahnk y

thank you for all the love and support i feel in my life
thank you for the sense of family

thank you for the sense of belonging

thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank kyou

thank you thank you thank you thank you

i can say thank you can just keep saying thank

thank you ican i j
can just keep saying thank you i can take care of me
i ca

i take responsilibyt for me for who ia m i take respoiinsiblty
for mei take

responsiblity for the version i ccreate i love that
i get to wake up feeling good no matter what i love tha t

i know the secret to life i love that i’m feeling good i love that i onw
its’ teh devotoin to f

the feeling that’a


that’s the only thing to seek the
is the placeless place that

that’s the only thing to seek it

is the placeless place
and i’m so grateufl i kow this now i’m so grateful i kknow

i’m so grateful i know and i get to live here
and now in the infinite present

i know i know the secret to life and i know my poer
i love that i remember my power

that iam the source i love that i
remember i am the source

the work wlay

always wa

always works and i know its never not me i love that i now this
i love that i’m in the place of knowing i’m back ina pal

in a place of o

of knowing ilove that i know who

where iam right now where ia m right now
i love that i know here i wm

am right now that i getot
to feel the feeling right now that
i get to feel the feeling right now

i know the power of me
the power of the feeling i know for sure
that the feeling is all ther is

i know for sure eh

the feeling is all there is k

i know for sure the feeling is all ther is