feeling good

i can feel that today is a good day i can
feel that i don’t have to go there i never have to
go there with a thought that doesn’t serve me

i can just choose to enjoy the day
enjoy the here and now
i can choose to enjoy this here and now

i can choose to smile smile
all parts of me inside and
outside i can choose to enjoy choose
to be grateful

choose to allow
choose to allow
i can

smile i can feel the feeling
i can focus on the feeling i can do the work

am i doing the work
or not am i

do i believe in myself??

in my work??

or not??

that’s the in or the out the off or the
on that’s the off or the on

acting as if
acting as if acting as if
acting as if

thank you thank you
thank you

for this here and now
for the ability to smile

no matter what for the ability
to smile no matter what

to sink in to allow to
allow whatever is to flow
through m eto allow
life to flow through me
i allow life to flow through me
i a

i love that anything can happen i love that
we’ve made a bunch in the last couple days
ilove t

i love that ti’s work
it’s working if i

if i look i can see i love that
if i look i can see i love dong

doing it for me knowing this

the only work and doig it
doing it
for me i love
that this is the
only work
i love that

this is the only work this is the only work
this is the only
work i know

that this

is the only work i know that
this is the only work and i get to choose
to feel how i want to feel

to act as if i love that i
get to choose i love that i get to feel it
that i get to smile about it


i will smile about it today i smile about
it todsay i’m

today i’m grateful i’m dealing
with my life i’m grateful
so grateful for everything that is

for everything that i have
for everything that
i already have!!!

so grateful with everything that i already
have and knowing that i don t

need a single thing else
just gratitude
for the pricelessness

in my life alreayd
i love that

there is so much to love
i love that there is so much to love

i love that life
loves me
i love that life love sme

i love that i can just
keep smiling and i never havet o g
to go ther

i don’t have to go
somewhere that feels bad and i
get to choose the


i get to choose
i get to choose
ow i

how i feel and life reflects
that and i love that

that there is so much evidence!!
i love that the income is flowing

i love that we have income!!

i love that it’s from our work
i love that

we’ve come so far i ilove

that our friends say
we are ahead of our time!!

i love that i know this i love
that i’m feeling good feeling
better i love that i’m feeling better
i love that

i feel th

i feel
i feel

the knowing of life i love that
i never have to go there

never have to care
about anything that feels bad and
can just keep smiling

inside and out i love that
i love that it just doesn’t matter

i loe getting to remember
getting to wake up in the here and now
getting to celebrate the
here and now
getting to say yes
to te

to the here and now loving
the here and now
i love

i love waking up i love waking up i love
remembering the
truth i love that it’s working i love
that it’s working
i love tat

that it’s working

so grateful to feel good
to feel at ease where i am
to feel at
ease in the her eand now

here and now and feel the
feeling of knowing
feelig th

the feeling of knowing god
of knowing god in this here and now

of acting as if

it has already occurred

it feels goodt o feel to feel good

so grateful to feel good
to float downstream
to turn the boat to
be aware of the boat

to be aware of the boat

it feels good to turn
the boat to feel good now
to just smile to allow
the smile to flow
to allow the

smile to flow to allow life
to flow a

to allow life to flow to
allow life to allow life to allow
life to allow everything that
is to know it’s

just a mindset

just smile
just feel the feeling
just act as if

act as if
make room for that
it b

become it then see it
the feeling
life acan

can only match
the feeling life

can only match the feeling
it’s all there

it’s all there is

it is universal
law and i know this
and i know that i get to choose
i know that
i get to choose

i knwo that

i know that

i get to chosoe

i get to choose life
i get to choose

life i get to choose the
feeling i get to act as if and that
is my power
as the creator i get to
act as if

and that is my power
as the creator

i am all

i am allowing i am
open to receiving
i am an empty vessel

i am god i am
infinite abundance
i know that
i am and

life reflects my
proximity to that truth
i know that is all life is
and ican

can choose to always
operate in close proximity

to the truth.