feeling the effects of the practice

and i can say lately i nkow
my vibration
has felt stagnant

but really not really
i shouldnt even say that

things are really on an upswing

and im feeling very energetic

i ilove that we have a new
system for our money that’s
really working out

i love that life already worked out
for me i love that life
already worked out for me i love

the release of gratitude
i love the release of choosing love
i love the release of
choosing to love myself to
give myself love

to take care of myself
to praise myself
to look for the best in myself

i feel the power of life and im
choosing to aling with

align with it more

i know that the nergy
energy that creates worlds is flowing
through me and the mroe

turn toward it the more i
feel the es

exhiliaration of life

i love feeling a lust for life i love
waking pu feeling up feeling good i love
making the cohie

choice to feel good i love that i can
always practice feeling good i love

that i can do it because it feels good
i can tune myself to love

i feel tuned to love i feel
tuned in tapped in turned on i feel focused in love

i feel focused in love

what am i god
what is my

i allow i get out of thewya

thank you thank you thank you
thank you tha

thank you thank you thank you thank
you thank

you thank you

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

what am i here for what iam
i trying to figure out
wat is my ture

true purpose in coming here to do this work

its to remember my magick powers

i know this ive used them
and i want to use them more

be more in tune with them
focused on the magick of life
less on worrying about petty

surface stuff

im here to remember the magick of me
the magick of love the magick of loving life
the magick
of putting love into life
of being brave enough to love my life

so grateful to be brave enough
to love life to feel passionately good about life
to make the choice
to make the

choice the choice the choice

i know the choice is the power
to jump into the energy of life

justs keep trusting the energy of life

god is lavish unfailing
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source of
infinite prosperity
is individualized as me the reality of me

im feeling ecstatic
im putting
celebratory energy into the world
into life li

im releasing all resistance
and jumping into life
jumping into my best life

jumping into mly best

my best self
im jummping into
my best fels


im allowing the bet


version of myself im allowing the best

versoin of myself

i never have to try i never have to

i can just allow and watch
and discern preferences i love that
i get to chooe i love
that i get to choose to offer myself love
and not beat myself up and i love that
i know this in every moment

thank you thank you for