feels good to feel good

i love feelingg ood i love wanting to do class i love when class its fun
i love being in a good mood oi
i love not ar
caring i love that i

get to feel good i lvoe that the work always works
refuseing to thinka lways work s

remembering the one and only turht always wroks
taht its never not me

i love that i get to enjoy my life an
here and now with no hope for anything to change

i get ti g
enjoy my life in this very moment

i love feeling strong i love likeing my body
i love hat we always eat good i l

i love getting my payout i love seeling
my art i love being the one aond ly
only creator and its by

refusing to think i love that i can
get to stand up to my thoughts not
and rfuse to think
i et to refuse to think athat

that’s all it is

just keep feeling for feelings i like
just keep noticing satisfactsion

paying attentio to wher my attention is
paying attetion
to where my attention is and thas’sa ll

all it is that is the power of me and i now its m
ei now the pwer of e i nkwo the power of me

i love feeling good i love the one aond
only focus and that is on attentions source
i focus on attentions source
and thn i

then i always remember the
one and only truth and its that attention
and when i can do that i can let go of everything
and allow life to create based on the god feeling

i feel the god feeling and then
everything is god i feel the god feeling and
then everything is god and that is theon ly
answer to anything
i love that i nkwo thti
this i
that i get to come back to ti
it that i get to remember my power to tahat i get o say thank you
i get to say thank you for eyerhting that
its in my favor

i knowt he only work and i know tis eay
its me and tha’s all i choose ita nd t
tha’ts all i love that i get to have
my cake i love that maone

money comes easy
to us
i love not
holding anything against anyont
i love not holding anything
againse anyone i love
letting it all god and feel greee i love that no one on
owes me anything

i love feeling confient i loe that
i can werea whateer i want i love that my life
in an instantl y i love ti i
i loe the poweer of me and remembeirng it i love that
rmembering the pwer of me
and i just sh
choose it its that esay
hcoose it
its that s
easy i
chosoe it its that easy its that easy

i lovet hat i ge tto feel good g
get to feel it now i get to feel it now i love that
life loves me i ilove that lif flows there

through em i love the better it get si love
not holding anything against anyone
i love

not careing i love feeling free i love
living in the moetn with no fgu

future i lovve that there sno future
there is no future

i nkow the one aond only focus and its
refusing to think

its’ never the tis me its neve them its
me im the source im
the source

of em im the soruce im teh sourcce of me
im the source of how i feel i get to see

i get to decid hwo if eel i choose god i know that godalways
has me god says i dod
eveyrthing perfecly god knows i do everything perfeclty go knwos i do everything

its neer them its me its neve them fo
tis me

its alwya me creatging ites

never not me ccreating its never not
me ccreating i know
that god loves i knwot hat
i know that its i
i im doing everythg perfectl

i nkow the at that im doing everything perfectly

its never them its me its never them its
me m

i am is the treasure i am
is the

the reas
treasure i am is the


its neve them its me