feels good to feel good

to foucs to do the work for me to focus on me it feels good
to focus on me to focus within to focus to my center

it feels good to focus to focus for me to focus on me
on what i want on what i feel on the feeling of me
on the center ofme it

it feels good to focus ont he center of me

it feels good to feel good to feel elevated to totally foc us
focus within to turn the focus toward the god within it feels good to
turn my focus to the god within and let my entire focus

reside there

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding and knowledge of the
all providing activity of the divine mind within em

is my supply i love that i know this i lovet ath
that ia can always return to the supply within i love that i can lway s

always return to the god within

return to the god within i lovet he time
time and space to foc uus on

focus within focus on me make the

make the time to focus on me it feels good to make the time

to focus on me it feels good to sit in a chair
it feels good to feel good to raise my mood

it feels good to knowt hat i can
that i can always raise my mood i can always

feel good i can always feel good i ca

i can always feel good i can always feel good
i can always
feel good

i love making the choice to feel good
for me i love making the choice to

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding and knowledge of the all providing
activity of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimtie

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

it feels good to get some time and spaceto
to focus on me and t

return to center to remember who i am
to feel good for me to

focus on my center and what i want and how i want to feel
it feels good to connect to the

the feeling cneter center and remember who i am
to remember that it’s easy to feel good it’s easy to look for what i want
to see

it’s easy to say yes to everything that is
it’s easy to say yes to everything that is
to trust the flow its eay to trust the flow

it’s easy to trust the flow i

it’s easy to trust the flow to truth the flow
to feel good to return to center

focus toward center and feel the truth of llife

i feel the truth of life i feelthe truth
of life flowing through me i feel the

trusth of

truth of life flowing thorugh me
i feel the

the good life flowing through me i feel good i feel the flow
i feel the flow flowing through me i feel

secure in this moment in the god self knkowing th
knowing that that god self awayw

always knows the flow always knows

the flow alwysa knows
and it feels good to get some time to

make some time to connect to self to what i want

to my hopse

my dreams my desires

my here and now it feels good to feel t4

me to find myself to find myself

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply my awareness understanding
and knowledge of the all providing
activity of the divine mind within me is my supply .

what is the truth
what do i want to feel good to feel at ease to
feel happy in my life celebratory in my life and if eel

all those things i feel all those things in this
here and now i feel the power ofme i f

i feelt he power of me i feel the power of me
i feel the

power of me i focus within and i feel me i feel me

i know that no person
place or condiditon
is my supply

my awareness understnaind
andk nowledge of the all providing activity ofthie

the divine mind within me is my supply

my consicousness of this truth
its h

is unlimied therefor
my supply is unlimited

therefore my supply is unlimited

my supply is unlimited

i love that i know that my supply is unlimited
i love having the space and time
to do

whatever i wwant
to do whatever i want to feel however i want

to truth my own gut to trust
my own instincts to feel good for me

to do for myself instead of everyone else it feels good
to feel good for me
and only me it feels good to feel good

just for me

for the sake of me

for the sake of me feeling good

i know that money isnot my supply
no person place or condidtion
condition is my suppy

my awareness understanding and knowledge of the all providing
activity of the divine mind within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i love having the reminder that i don’t need anything
to be a certain way

no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding and knowledge

of the all providing activi

ty of the divine mind within me
is my supply my consciousness of this turht
truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

it feels good to break free
of the

habits and feel for what feels good and i now that
that is all i can ever do

that is all i can ever do is feel for what
feels best and forget the rest
and it feels so good

to forget the rest