feels like a good day

so grateful to wake up feeling good
to get to open my window to get to feel the air to
get to smell the air to get to be the air

so grateful to wake up feeling good to get to feel good
to get to feel life flowing hrough me
through me to get to be life to get to love life to
get to love this moment i get to love
this moment
i get to relax into this moment
i get to breathe i get to just be i get to bask i get
to bask in the moment i get to feel good in themoment
i get to feel that feeling and milk it
knowing its my creative power

i love that i’ve been noticing
when i’m creating something i don’t want and it’s that easy to choose
the version i do want
it’s that easy to say i’d prefer love instead
i’d prefer joy instead and i love that i
get to choose that that i have accesss to the feeling
and i get to choose it

grateful to be here chosoing
how i want to feel tuning myself to god

i am tuning myself to god and that’s all i cand do
that’s all i can do is tune myself to the vibration of god
i love that i get to i love that i get to
i love that
i get to choose how i feel how i enter the day
the energy

i love that i ge tto feel the massive energy of the day

massive potential of the day and i can feel my enthusiasm for it
i can

feel my enthusiasm for it i can feel my enthusiasm for it
i love that i get to i love that i get to

choose i love that i get to i love that i get to i love that
i get to choose i love that

i get to feel the energy of god flowing through me
i love that i know that i am god i love that i know that ia m god
i love that i know that i am god i love that i

get to choose how i feel i love that i get to choose the
energy oi love
i love that i get to choose the breath in and the breath out
i get to choose the

i’m here and i feel the god self i feel tuned in tapped in turned on

i love that i know the feeling i love that
i get to choose it i love that i nkow it’s only me that i
get to choose that i
get to choose

that i get to choose to feel it i get to choose to feel it
i get to choose to feel it i get to choose to feel it i get

to choose to feel the feelign the focus
i get to live life for me i

get to live life for mand a

i love that i get to feel the energy of the day
i love that
i get to feel the energy of the day i get to feel the god self

here and now

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is indiviidualized a sme

the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing
abundance the rich omnipresent substance
of the univ

i love that i know i love that i kno wthat i am
god that it’s all up to me that i g

get to have fun i love that i get to have fun
i love that i get to feel the lust for life
enthusiasm for life

feeling creates that attention creartes
and i love that i get to feel it get to know it
i love that i get to focus
on the turht

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillemnt
i am totally fulfilled

iam now aware of this truth i have found the
secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of diviine abundance is eternally operating
in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which ci s

i get to feel good i get to celebrate the day
i get to keep allowing it i love the

feeling the feeling of the switch i love the

feeling of the switch i love that the switch is on
i love that i’m on i love that i ge tto feel
the feeling of enjoying life i love tha i
get to fele

feeling of loviing life i love th

i love that i get to have big fun

we’re having big fun!!

i love that i get to love the day i et

get to jump into the day i get to
jump into the flow i get to love the lfow i
get to love the flow i get to
be the flow i get to be the

flow i am the flow i am the flow
i am the flow i am the flow of god i love the

flow of the og

i love that i am the flow of god
i get to choose teh feeling now i get to choose teh
feeling now
that something amazingly awesoem is oging
to happen

i love that something amazingly awesome is going to happen

i loe that i know something amazingly awesome is going to happen i love that
i get to feel it i love that i get
to be it i love that i get to love it i

get to love life because it is an amazingly asesome
i get to love it
i get to love i get to live it and love it i get to love this

i get to jump intothe day i get to celebrate the day !