flip the switch instantly and that’s all i can do

all i can do is flip the swithc
flip the swithc instantly
flip the swithc

instantly flilp the swithc

its so eay to come here and remember
the god feeling to rmembe th god feeling the
god feelin to come
here and remember the god feeling its so esaht
esay to come here to f

why am i here to remember
the one and ony truth attentoin creates ia
attention cretes e
creates attentoin creates

atttention creates

to rmemeber that is not my source ia m
my source ia m my srouce ia m
my source ia llow life to come

t be i allow the best to come tom e

its so eay to al
to let it all go dto cme to come back to me
tis so easyt o come bc k to me

to how i want to feel to how i want to
live to how iw ant to feel to how i want to

tolive and i t to make the choice
i know the power of me and i make the choice
to feel it to call it back i call it back
and i love that i get ti love that life helps me
i love hat i know

its me itasl all me i am the source foe
of me i know

i knwo that i am
i get to feel it now i get to feel the flow here and now

here and now
here and now

here and now here and now

here and now i

here and now i get to feel the feeling here and now here and now now
the feeling here and now the

the focus choose the focus
choose the focus
choose the go feleing thatl
all i can do
is catch


fele for it til i catch it athst’ alcla
all ic and o feel for the truth until i catch it but i knw i a
always catch it and i kn
thats’ call i can
can do i knwo thatl ife is in waves na

i dont have to care is the secret to life
i know that not caring

putting my energy there not putting my ernegy
there is the secret to life putting i here
at the source of attetion
i put my attentoin at its srouce and thast all ic an do

i love doing this work bbecaue is
it brings me back tot he truth that

i am the source that i ma
am the one and only soruce that

my proximity to god is my supply
that ia m
creatiing it evymint in never have to
wonder i never have to wonder

jus choose its soe asy
its so easy tis so easy i love t
i love that i g
it c

i choose and it si choose and it is
i choose and it is

i choose the feeling here d nwo
i choose the

i know i come here to rememe the truth i
to remember the truth to ermember
that is me to rem

reemmber my proximint to o
god and i love that i get ti love that i knwo the one and only truth
i love that
i get to feel it now that i get to come
bac to me
that i b

get to coma eback to the center of me
that i get to choose me that i get to do me
that i get to feel me get to feel the
god fosel f
i love that id ont ha

dont care i love
that im indifferent i love that i
get to practice it i love that i dont
care waht ahppens i love tha

it doesnt matter it doesnt a
matter and i knwo this i know this
i am th

aware of ho
how i feel i am aware of how i feel so g
raetuflt o

remember the truht of me to take control
of my ownl ife wagain to tak d
back my power to be in charge of how i feel again

to get to be in charget of how iw feel

what do i want


security love

im here im here im h
here im here

im what do i want what to do iwant
to never care again to enjoy life to feel
good in my fleit ot enjoy my
lfei to feel good nwo
to feel the god self
i wnat to feel the god self the knwoing
self the aware self the

creative self knowignt hat im ceatign
it that i can allow myself to say yes to it
i can allow myself
to say yes to god

i can say ye to trutns
t god i can let go ocmpetley an dtrust god

i love that i get to keep up the good work
just be awrae of how i feel and

ask myself how i want to fele how do i want to feel

at ease relaxed
inspired fun
the flow flowing


what do i want
to not care to move on with my life
to feel god
to feel god to go backt o where i was before
to feel like

i did before tiems
so sure so knwoig of gods power

of the god as me i want ot feel the
god as me i want to detach from
the external and feel te gpd as me

stop letting them control me and do me

letting them control me
and do me

letting them control me
and do me

so grateful to do me to do me to find me again
to find me again to remember who i am
to choose me to get addicted to the god wtihin
to know the god within
toi know t
to know the god within gain

i get to i get to choose the god within
i get to choose the god

i get to
choose the god within i get to choose the god