Focus on Spirit

Today, i intend to focus on
looking at life through the
lens of spirit

today i intend to look at life
the way spirit would today i intend to
behave as if i am


because i am

and i know i don’t
have to be afraid of trusting

of trusting myself

and i don’t have to be afraid to stand up

for what is right i
don’t have to be afraid to stand
up for my spirit self
and simply

send the signal of love
i know all i can ever do is
love and if i am not loving
i am creating something
that is not love

creating something
out of hate and who
wants that do today i intend to
create with love

to open up my heart chakra
and live life as i am


today i intend to
behave as if i am
totally spirit

because i am

today i intend to do the
work of loving myself
and others

for my health
for my own well being i send
the signal of love to
everything i experience

for my health

for my own

well being
i am devoted to spirit
devoted to love i am
to the loving

i am devoted to god and i know
that means sending the
signal of love and knowing
that everything is
going my way

i know who i am
and i know that i am god
i know that i am
the one creating my reality

and i can always ask myself
am i the creator?
and i know the answer so
i make the choice to

create the version i prefer
and i don’t have to
take on other people’s
negativity or opinions

today i intend to stick
to my loving perpsective

for my health
today i intend to feel good
about life i intend to love life
and allow the healing of spirit
to flow through me

i love that the contrast helps me
focus i love that i know everything is
an indicator and when i live
life from the heart perspective
i allow love to flow
into my life i know life can only follow the
feeling so i do


to emit

a signal of love i send the
signal of love because i know who i am
i am

awake and i know that
we are all one i am awake and i know
that life can only reflect me
i am awake and i know that
the more i practice


the better i feel i know its
that easy to feel good i know its easy t
o feel good i now it

i know its easy to enjy life
i know its easy to allow the flow
of spirit to flow through mei know
its easy to love

everything because i know
everything is me i know i am
creating it all

it is all a reflection
of me so its easy to love

so grateful for the contrast
that helps me focus so
grateful to feel the feeling right now
to choose to love my life in
this here and now i

make the choice
to love my life in this here andnow
and then life

fun and easy
i get to say yes
thank you
and the only one that
can send the signal

of anything

is me

yes, thank you

i love doing the work i love
feeling good i love

i love feeling complete i love
that i know it sonly

its only me i love that i have
the power to love i love that i have
the power to love
and know

that life

is only me

i know that life loves me i know

i know that i am love
and i am life
i am all of it i am

only a feeling
i am a signal i am a feeling
i am god i know that i am
god and everything is in this
here and now

the more i
raise my vibration
the more i send the signal of love

the more i send the
signal of love all there is is love
and today

i intend to love
its easy to love its easy to feel good and its
easy to focus on the gifts from the

today i am
my attention
i am focusing on what i want
and i am saying


to everything
i know life

is just a matter of focus
or relaxing rather

into the here and now i know that
love already exists and i can
surrender and relax into it in this
here and now i

relax into this here and now
and feel the feeling i want to feel i

feel the feeling i want to feel
i make the choice to feel the
feeling i want to feel

i choose the feeling of feeling
complete in this here and now
and i know its up to me to make the choice
to create the version
of reality i prefer

i love doing the work i love
feeling good and that’s all that matters
the work is all that matters
and i can let the rest go

i can look for what i want to see i

can look for what i want to see
and then i see it

i can let go of the rest
let go of the hate
and the resistance
and what is left
is pure i don’t have to think about
what i don’t want

i can look for things to be
grateful for and say yes thank you
and this helps me stay focused on

creating the version i prefer

i know i am

the one
and only

creator of my reality
and that
is fun!!

i make the choice to look for
what i want to see and i make the choice
of feeling
complete in this here and now
i know i am complete in this
here and now and i

make the choice to
feel that way

nothing can get in the way
of how i feel