
i love having fun and i love that
my life is so fun my life is so fun my life is fun
i love feeling good i love
feeling the flow flowing through me i love
feeling the flow flowing
through me i love

feeling good i love that i get to feel good
and enjoy life i love that
i get to feel good and enjoy life i love that i
get to feel good i love

that i get to feel good i love that i get to feel
good i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good

i love that i ge to c
get to choose knowing get to choose
to jump in

to get to jump in with both


both feet in them agick mat

magick life and i love that
i get to i love that i get ti love that
i love that
i love that i ge t
get to feel i love that
i get to feel good i get to trust the m
the moment

i lovet hat i have everything i ever wanted ilove
that it’s
always right here i love that
i see it every day i love hat
i see evidence
every day i love

that i am creating the version i prefer
i get to do that i get to do that i love
that i get to choose and its only

ever the choice i love that
i get to remember this all day every day

all day every day
all day every day i am
creating i am

i am

i create

i knw its i know its only
eve me and i love feeling teh


both feet in the door i love
that i feel it i love that i
believe in myself that ib elieve
in life hat i

that iknow my god self i love
that i kow my

my god self i love
i love that i know the god self i love
that i know i love that i

already have it i love that i already have it
i love that it’s all right here i love

doing the work feeling the words

flow forth feeling the words flow
forth and knowing they
aren’t mine

i love feeling the love for all things
i love feeling connected to the feeling of god i ilove
feeling connected to the feeling of god
i love feeling connected to the
feeling of god i love
where i

where i am
where i am right now i love

i love i love i love i love
that ig et to
get to choose love get to

buss it
get to let go of the rest

get to let go of the rest
get to let go of the rest

it feels good to let go of ther est
the rest the reset