god is lavish

so grateful i get to enjoy life
get to enjoy life get to enjoy every minute
so grateful for warm days
and the rent is paid and the taxes are done so
grateful for the flow
the feeling of the flow
the flow flowing through me so grateful for this day
so grateful to be retired
so grateful to live the life of a millionaire

so grateful i know this is the only work
so grateful i can always trust god trust the feeling trust
the god flow so grateful i know the flow of life
i know the flow of life i know the
flow of life i knwo the fl

i know the flow of life the magick of life the magick of life
them agick
the magick of life the god self so grateful i know the god self
and i can always align with the god self
so grateful i get to feel good now i get to feel good now i get to
feel the flow right now i get to feel good now
i get to feel good now

get to feel good now

so grateful i know the flow so
grateful i know the god self i know the
only work i know this work
so grateful i can always choose to feel good
right now i can always choose to feel good

right now i can choose the god flow right now i choose fun
right now i choose

celebrating life
right now

no matter what i love that i gte to choose i love that
life is working out perfectly for me
i love that i don’t have to care i love that
i don’t have to care i love that
i don’t have to care

grateful to be aware of negative emotion
and release it so grateful to be aware of negative
emotion and release it
so grateful so grateful so

grateful so grateful to feel good to feel love
to send the signal of love to sned the
signal of lofe

so grateful to send the signal of love
the signal of love
so grateful

to send the signal o flo

of love

i get to choose it i get to choose it
get to be aware of it
and i get to choose more and more i get to
choose release negative me

emotion and judgement
i get

i can choose to release i can choose
to release i choose to release
i choose
to release the feeling
of feleing

feeling bad of feeling tight and
choose always
the lai

alignment with source
so gratefult o remember to
and to practice feeling how i want to feel to know this
is the only work the alignment
is the only work and so grateful i know this
i know this i know this

i know that i get to choose the feeling
i get to choose
the feeling

so grateful i know the god self
so grateful i know it’s only ever a feeling
it’s a feeling i get to feel right now

and i don’t have to get there all at once
but i can be aware of how i feel and
i can be

i can stand up to negative emotion
i can refuse to let it mmake

make me feel bad i can refuse to allow things
t ma

to make me feel good ig et to
i can replace the chatter i love that i get to choose it
i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel ti
i love that i get to feel it i love that i
get to feel it

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe
this all proficind

providing source
of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me

the reality of me

i get to choose how i feel i
get to choose how i fele i g
i get to choose how i feel how i feel how
i feel i get to choose how i feel
i get to

to choose to feel good i get to choose
to feel good i get to choose to feel good
i get to choose to feel good

i get to choose to feel good i get to choose
how i feel i get to

make the choice
so gratefult od o
to do the work to know it’s only ever me
so gratefult o know

to know it’s only i love that i
get to choose i loe th
i love that i get o

to choose i love that i get to choose
to releae negative me

emotion that i knw that i know
that everything in life

is me i know that
everything in life
is me i know that
everything in life
is me

it’s me it’s only ever me
and how i decide to feel about myself

it’s only ever me it’s only ever me
it’s only
ever me it’s only ever me and the god feeling is love

so gratefult o choose the feeling of love
to be aware of the version i create to be aware
of how i feel to get to choose to enjoy life
to choose to enjoy life

so grateful i get to choose i
get to choose the life i live i love
that i get to choose the life i live

just by choosing how i feel and
so grateful to feel empowered by that knowledge
to get to celebrate life
every day
so gratefult o get to enjoy
and celebrate life

every day

so grateful so grateful fo
so grateful for this feeling of the for the god feeling
for the god connection
so grateful for the god connection

to choose the god eonn

connection to choose in each moment
to create the version i want and to see the

effects of the practice

in everything to make the choice
to feel good all day

to do the work to feel good all day
and i know it make s a

a difference in my life
so grateful to do the god work
and feel the god love in everything