god is lavish unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe
this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me


it’s always there it’s always there
coalescing in my favor

and it’s not hours for dollars
it’s vortex for dollars and dollars
don’t matter becuase

life is always unfolding exactly as it should
an my lonly
onlly responsibility is
to feel good to feel now to
connect with source

god is lavish unfailing
the rich omnipresent substance of the uniferse

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is
individualized as me
the reality of me

my job is not to

force things to happen

it’s to follow the inspiration follow
where life is takingm e
the good feelings

god is lavish




i love that i know this i love remembering
the truth of life

that it’s not about how much i
try to or

make things happen it’s how much i relax into
everyt moment

everyt moment
every moment of life

how much i can find to appreciate
in every moment

so gateful
grateful for how far

i love thatl ife is
life is flowing toward me i love that
there’s so much to love i love

that i know god is lavish
and i never have to make anything happen
because god is constatnly l

constantly lavishing me

i know that abundance is infintie
and not

and there th

there is more than evnou
enough for everyone i love

that it’s a mindset i love
that the contrast helps me focus
i love that everything that happens is in my favor
ad i can

i can alwys choose to align and
especially when i’m feeling the contrast is the best

time to align to transmute and that’s
all that life ever is

that is the power of the awakened

and nothing cna st

can stop or even diminish that power
i love that i know this i love that i know this
i love that i know this i love

that i know

i am god

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infintie pr

prosperity is
individualized as me

the reality of me

all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me the reality of me i love
that i can always trust the flow i love
that i can always trut th

the feeling trust the feeling

trust the inspiration
trust what feels good in the moment
god is always leading me
to the best possible life i love that
i get to feel good now i love

that i get to feel good now i
am celebrating this here and now i feel good now i

feel good now

i AM infinite prosperity

this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of

i know the work i know the focus i know the
only work in

i know the only work is vibrational

the focus is in the now the focus is in the

god is in the now life
is happening right now life is only
right now

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe
this all providing source

i love this day i love this
day i lovet his
this day

i love feeling life flowing through me
i love that igaf

i love that i ever

i love that if eel good feel good knowing
that god is lavish unfailing abundance
and that life i sall

is all about the feeling is all
about the feeling i know thatl ife

life is always working ot for me kno

no matter what
and i never

anything i love hat i kno that i know this is the
only work
only work is remembering that you don’t


anything and that you can alwys leap
and the net will alway app


i an tak
an take the big leap into what feels good to me

to enjoy life!!

fr the for the fun of it
i lovet aking taking the big leap into enjoying lfie

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent





i love this right now i love feleing goo
feelingg ood taking the big leap into

feeling good

god is lavish


i am lavish
i am always being lavished by life
and ik nwo ti know that
i know that and i am


so grateful for how far we’ve come
so grarteful

for how far we’ve come


for payments every day
for being able to eat out almost every day!!

for months!!

to get to take free vacations!!!

that life is always taking care of me
i love that

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substancce of the


this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me
the reality of me

and the mind goes
what if it doens’t work
and wazs it

is ti?

feeling good what if eeling
feeling good doesn’t feel good

but it does

so there you go

never have to wonder
if feeling good is going to feel good

going to be

‘worth it’

because all i want is to feel at ease
and the ease comes from withing

within i know the

comes from within
i know the ease comes from within

god is lavish
god is unfailing
i love feeling
the trust the frust

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

if i every wonder
i can just remind myself this
and feel the peace i want to feel

that i think something outside of me will
bring me
god is lavish
unfailing abundance

i know that life follows the feeling
i just take the leap and dive in

i renounce my humanhood

i believed in physical
but no more!!

today i renounce my humanhood
and allow the gifts that are flowing to me
in every moment