grateful for the feeling

grateful to get tosmoke as much
weed as i want

grateful to be retired brateful to get goo

cooked for every day
so grateful to do my clessas and they feeling good so graeful

to flro
for the time

and space to do me

to get hung up on a good feeling
and malik
milk it and milk it and milk it

so gateful to know life is good to gt to
chosoe teh feeling of life so grateufl to melk
to milk the feeling to kno the feleing to

know the feeling
to come there to remember the creative feeling of me

to knwo that
to know that i cca
get to ch

choose get to create get to ccreate
in every moment ath

llife is helping me sk ask m
for more more more and i love that i get to do
to say yes to it i loe th
athat i get to say yes to it get to lal

allow life love to flow through me
so grateufl for good food to eat evey day so grateful
to get to love life so

grateful to get to love life to get tlove
where i am right now to get tho choose how i watn to feen

i get to choose how i watn to feel and wathc life unfold
in that way

i get to choose the feleing rihgt here and now
i get t

to choosee the feeling

i get to choose teh feeling of knowing i get to
choose teh feeling i want to fel

feel right now i knwo the feeling
i love that i get to feel good and allow
the feeling of god to flow through me
the knowledge of god to flow through me

i love that i ge tto i love i love that
i get to take the time

make the timet o mmilk
the feeling i love feeling the powr

power of me i love feeling the power of me
i love

i love feeling the power of me i love
feelin gthe the power of me i love

that i get to just feel the feeling i
i get to just feel the feeling i ge tot just feel t

i get to feel wh
the feeling

i get to feel how i want to feel i get to feel
the feeling i want to feel i love
i love loving myself i love that
i get to love myself

i love that i get to feel sexy i love that
i get to choose to feel good i get to cchoose to feel
good in my body love my body i love
that i get to i love that i get to feel hot i love that
i get to choose to be hot i lovee that
i ge to choose to feel hot i love that i get to choose to feel hot

i lovee that i get t i i lovee that i get to

i love that it already is i love that
theres so much to celebrate in every moment
i love that life i sgood

i love that
life is good for here
me here and now there and now

here and now i love that i get to ccelebrate li love that
i get to celebrate i love that
i get to

celebrate i love that i get to feel good nwo i love
that life loves me i love that id ont have to do a
thing just ask i love hat i

that i just imagine it and it is
i lovee tha ti nkow that it already is because i am
it i love that life is fun and asy
i love that life is flowing
perfectly through me

i love that i get to allow my heart to sing no matter
what i love ccomein
coming here to feel my heart sing i love
that i can fixate on the

that feeling and it builds and bulds
i love seeing the effects of the ra
practice i love that its so easy to feel
good to know the effects of feeling good i love
that ig et to i love that i

get to feel the magick of life
that i get to knwo the magick of life
that i get to feel the

feeling first that i get to practice
feeling the feelig

feeling the feeling first feeling the feeling
of how iw atn to feel
and that makes it i know this i know htis
for a fact
i know this is true i know is all the
feeling i know that

how i feel creates my world
in every moment

instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires

as as the princple of supply in action

it is imposs

i love that i kow that all of life

follows an expectation and
an imagination i love that i can allow myself
to imagine it

i can allow myself to imagine it i can
allow myself to imagine it to imagine life

to allow life to flow through me
to allow god to be everything that its it

is to allow the tao to leave nothing undone
just allowing myself to see the presence of god in everything
noticing the presence of god in everything

gratefl to wwant to do my work
to know that all of lfie is going my way
to ccel

celebrate everything so grateufl to
get to celebrate everything

so grateful to get to celebrate teh moment

to feel good now to feel god now
so grateuflt o know god to know the goic

choice to know the magicck of life to get to fixate on the magick
of life iam fixated on that efe

feeling that i know is alreayd iside
inside of me that feelign that i know is always right here
the feeling i get to feel gt to
allow myself to love get to
allow myself to love to allow of

all of my creations to flow