grateful for this day

and for the awareness
that there’s no right or wrong
just the isness of things and i

keep catching myself and i’m proud of that
because that means i’m aware

so gratefl to be aware of how i feel
and the narrative i’m CREATING

in my mind i love that i’m easying and flowing
i love that i get to feel good nwo
i love that i get to feel good nwo i love

that i get to feel the feeling that i get to come here and
focuson the feeling that creates
and i love that i don’t have to trifle with

i love that i;ve moved on i lov that
i get to choose to

transcend the duality
and accept and celebrate everything that is

i accept everything that is
i celebrate everything that is

i celebrate me and know that there isn’t any right or wrong

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me the reality of me

i love that i get to feel good i love that i do feel good

i feel good i love that i feel good in my life i love that i’m
celebrating all of life i love that i get to

i love that i get to i love that i get to that
i get to feel good that i

get to in joy in myself

i love that ig et to feel good i love
that i feel better than ever i love
celebating life
and feeling good i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good

get to feel the flow of life get to feel the flow of life i love that
i get to feel good right now that
the rest

has lifted i love taht i
really dont care and i can just laugh dude

i love that ig et to i love that i get to
feel good get to love me and who i am

no matter what

i ilove that i get to feel good and
i feel better than ever i love that the contrast helps me focus and that
i cana lway

always allow love to flow through me allow
god to flow through me and know that
there isn’t right or wrong

i love that i have the power to let it go
to feel how i want to feel i love that i have the power
to feel how i want to feel

i love that i have the power to feel how i want to feel
i love that i have

the power to feel how

i want to feel i love that i get to feel it
that i get to feel good that i get to choose teh feeling

wishes fulfilled i love that i feel good now
and i dont need a reason

i love having a good day i love waking up feeling good i love mo

milking the feeling for 17 seconds and then 17 more

i love that i get to choose that i love that
i get to feel the feeling now i love that i know the secret to life
and i can trust the rest i love that i can

get out of the way i love that i get to
feel the feeling of love i love that i get to feel the

feeling of love i love that i feel love right now
i love

i love that i feel love right now i love tha t
i feel love right now that
i feel the flow right now i love that
i get to feel good right now i love

that i’m focused on my

on raising my own vibration
i lvoe taht i’m a match to it i love that i now i love that
i love that i know that i get to choose
to feel how i wantt o
to feel i love that i get to choose how i wantnt o
to feel that ig et to feel good

i love that i get to choose to feel good
and not onl t

only that bt ive been practicing and the
feeling is there the

feeling is there naturally and im not chasing it wa

away i love that i’m not
chasing the feeling away
i love that ig et to feel good that
i get to feel good

that i feel good without trying that i know the
feeling is everything and that i see evidence of it

everywhere i love that i know this for a fact

i love that i know this is my life
i love that i’m wasing a

easing and flowing trusting everything that is

celebrating everything that is i love that

today i truly don’t care!!

because i can’t let it make me feel bad

i love that the feeling is here and i feel it
i love that life is singing through me
i love that life is good i love that

life is good and life loves me i love that
life loves me i love that

i get to choose to say thank you to life
that i gt to choose to love life and i

don’t have to let anything get in the way of that

i know all that mmatters is devotion to the
feeling to the way i feel and donig the work

to feel good and i love that today i feel good!!



i’m wasing
easing and flowing i’m allowing life i’m

allowing life to flow through me saying yes to life

i love that if eel good today!!

i love that i feel love today!!

i love that i’m capabale

i’m always capable of feeling love i’m always capable of feeling love

i love that i get to feel it that i
get to love it that i get to feel god

and i get to feel the feeling of god flowing through
me i love that i gt to feel the certainty of life i love that

that i know what it feels like to celebate life
and i get to do it every day