grateful for this day

grateful we got up early!
my biggest wish! and it was easy !

i love enjoying the day i love
completion i love having a list of tihngs to
do i love having work i love that
i didn’t get fired

which i was never in jeapordy of
in the first place
i love all my clients i love that
they are all awesome i love that
life is good to me and loves me
i love

wife is good to me and loves me i love
loving the life i have
i love loving the life i have

i love the better it gets i love that
i get to make the choice
to realx

relax intot he here andnow

relax into the day i love
that i get to relax into the day i love
that i get to relax into the day i love that
get to feel good now feel the

magick of me
feel he magick of knowing
the magick of making the choice

i love leaning intot he flow
i love that it
always works i love that i know
my mood is my work and the
more i can do to feel good

the more that
will spill over into the rest of my life i love
that i grt to

to choose to relax into the flow i lov

letting go and forgiving i love
practicing forgiveness

i love that i can do it
i can be

nice kelly

i can switch it
up i can enter a new era

kind kelly i am kind kellly
i am
kind kelly i am kind i am kind
i am kind i am kind

i know that
being kind doens’t mean

letting my guard down
it eans

coming into my power it means
using life to it’s fullest potential

it means being kind for me i can
be kind and loving for me
and know

that life always reflects that i love that
i can just be kind and loving
and that

is the answeer to

to everything i love that
i can just be kind and loving
and that is the answer to everything i love
taking care of me first i love
doing the work to take care of me i love that

i can alwaysa feel
feel relax
relaxed i can always let go i can always be a
vibrational match i can

always be a vibrational match
i can always be a vibrational

i am a match to ease and flow
i am a match to making the coihce
choice i know that
ai can only

i can only ever make the choice
and the more i give the more

i receive
and that’s in everything

the more i give to the vortex the more
i receive the more motion
i make toward the vortex
the more it makes toward me
and i love remembering that
i know that attention creates
and the more i relax

and get out of the way
to moorel if e

life lows
flows perfectly through me

i love feeling good in my life
i love liking myself i love
loving myself i love
feeling good in my life i love

liking my lifei wnat
i love wnating
wanting to live my life i love
feeling the good life flowing through me

i love feeling energized by life
i love taking the big leap into life
i love choosing nknowin

knowing i come here to practice the feeling of knowing
i know that is all there is


the feeling of knowing the feeling
of truly getting out of the way
i get out of the way

because i know for a fact that
life is on my side i know t

for a fact

that life is onn my side
i know for a fact

that life is on my side

i know for a fact that life is on my side
i know for a fact that
life is on my side

i know for a fact
i can tust my

trust in my instincts
trust what i want to do trust
the feeling i know i can
always trust the feeling i know
i can always trust the feeling i can

always trust the feeling i love that
i know i can always trust the
feeling of the flow i love

doing thiw

this work and remembering

who i am i love feeling
energized in my life
i love feeling life


life is good i love
feeling like liif

life is good i love
relaxing i love that i can
relax into the here and now
i can choose the feeling of
knwoing i can

choose the feeling of connection
i can choose the
feeling i can choose the feeling

of love
without attachment
i can feel the
feeling of ease and flow
i feel the feeling
of ease and flow i

feel the i love feeling the ease and flow
of life choosing the way i want to feel

choosing my beliefs choosing what i look

consciously the
version i create
and i knowi can
i can do it i

i can let my guard down more and more
and trust

i trust
i trust the process of life
i trust the
unfolding of things
i know that
ai can

can just get out of the way
i am out of the way
and i am looking for what i want to see
and iknow it’s

that easy i love feeling excited about life
because i know i love allowing the
excitement to flow through i love
to live i love enjoying my life
i love

being ok with life i love
loving life i love
loving life i love

loving life i love
loving life i love getting out of the way
i love that i am allowing life
to flow through me i love that i am
allowing it i love

that i am on a clous i love
i love that i am on a cloud
i am allowing life to be good i a

i love that life is good i love that
there is so much to love i love that
we have a free place to life

plenty of money!!

i love that i know everything is owrking
working out and i never have to wonder
i love letting it come to me
i love making the choice to get out of the way
i love that i know

it always comes i love that
it just doens’t

doesn’t matter
because i can sho

choose the feeling first i love that
it just doesn’t matter
becuause i can

i can always choose the feeling first i love
that i can


choose the hfeeling
first i love that
i et

get to choose certainty i love
that i

i love doing this work
the iterating
on the feeling is all there is
and i have access to feeling good

i know that i have access to feeling good
i can sit here and tune myself until i’m
in the vortex
i’m in the vortex i’m

in the vortex i’m in the vortex i’m in the
and the more i tune myself he

the more in tune i come with source
the more i feel for source the more i feel
source energy flowing through me

i feel source energy flowing through me
i can do the owrk
i do the work the work
the work

the work the work this is the only; work
the only work is feeling good this

is the only work i can
ever do is focus on feeling good
relax into the feeling good

feeling of lifei re
i relax into the feeling good
feeling of life i relax into
feeling goodi

i relax into feeling good and i love
thta i have the tools to do this
i feel good i feel good
i feel goo

i am in thae vo
the vortex i am in the vortex

i love thatl ife is good for me
i love that
everything worked out i love my casts
i love

my computer!!

i love that we don’t havet o d
shop the bargain bin

i love orders i love
that i our shit is in stores

i love blue sky!!!