truly grateful to feel
calmly blissful in this moment
grateful to love
and feel loved
to work on projects and have fun
so grateful to do me
to do what i need to do to feel good first
it feels good to
feel good first to feel good now
to feel calmly blissful in this
here and now
for the time
for the life i’ve made for myself
where i get to do whatever i want
whenever i want
thank you for this here and now
for this moment for good work athta
that is fun and feels good thank you
for the time the time that always comes
thank you for the true love
and appreciation i feel for my life
thank you for the sounds
i’m so grateful i can hear
thank you thank you thank you
thank you for this here and now i feel calmly fliss
blissful in this here and now
i feel life flowing through me
at the perfect pace
i feel the knowing that everything is unfolding
in the perfect time
i feel the knowing that life is good
i feel the
elevated feeling of the vortex
where i am just floating
and knowing that life is good
so grateful for this knowledge
for the knowledge of love
knowing that i can alwasy just
just choose love for myself and this moment
i choose love for everything that is
and because of it
i feel really really good
calmly good
calmly blissful
i feel blissful knowing that
life is unfolding without me
without my interference
or input
or trying or forcing or making
or striving
it will keep unfolding
and the magick of life
is that i get to watch it
i get to watch it go by and no matter
what happens
its just like a movie
happy or side
but really doesn’t affect the core
of who i am
so grateful for where i am
to get in the vortex and then so
grateful to get in the vortex and then
to love this here and now
to feel elevated in this here and now
to look for
and experience
a magickal life
that i know is
i know this universal truth
that i and so many others have
is real
it is true and i know this
through life experience
therefore i am totally
letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affairs
i love that i know this i lovethat
i can let go completey
and just choose love i love
that i get to choose love for myself
i love the relief
of choosing love for myself
i love that i can do it i love that
i can do it i love that i can
do it i love that i get to
love myself
i feel good now i feel good now
i know i never have to
ever wonder or worry because i
choose how i feel and how i feel
is not based on what happens
it is based on my connection to god
because when i feel bad
it only means
i am separate
from god and i go back to god
then i feel good
i am here back to god
filled with love for everything and
every moment and it is my choice
cultivated through practice
through practice
i choose to love myself and feel good
through practice
i choose to love myself and feel good
i feel good i feel elevated i feel happy in
my life and that comes with choice
with practice with love by choosing to
look at every single thing with love and
it feels good it feels good to come
back to cnet
center to feel at home feeling good
to feel comforatable feeling good about my ife
it feels good to feel good about my life
to feel comforatble
expecting the best
thank you thank you for this day thank you for this
awesome day thank you for this moment
thank you for this moment
so grateful for this moment
so grateful all there is is this moment
this is all there is this is all there is
not a single other thing matters
it feels good to always
so grateful to love
and feel loved and know
this is it
i already have it all so
grateful to know
i already have it all and nothing
else matters
i am
here now
so grateful for this day
to feel good to feel god in me
and to feel myself
making the choice making the choice
to feel the magick of life
making the choice to allow
the magick of life
to flow through me
i know i am magick i know
i am god and every moment
that i make the god
choice to look at life
through the eyes of god
i feel better and that’s
all i could hope to do is
feel good int his
this very moment
that’s the best i can do
that is the best i can ever
do is to make the choice to feel
good in this very moment
and not to fuck p
the possibilities
the infinite possibilities
by looking for them
you can’t look at the quantum
computer becuase it
it makes
it forces
i know who i am i know who i am
i know i am
god in human form
i know i am the one and only
creator of my life
i know this for sure
i know that every ome
moment i can choose
love for no reason
and my life will keep unfolding perfectly
so gratefl to p
to practice allowing
to vibrate at the level i want to be at
to allow the best of life
to flow to me
i am allowing the best of life
i allow the best of life and i know that
that life
cannot reflect
something different
than my desires