to choose where i put my energy to be
very energy
very deliberate about where i put my attention
i know this is my work and this is my power i know this
and i know the power of it and i’ve seen it over and over
i put my energy on what i appreciate
what i like to see what feels good i put my energy on
what feels good and i pay attention
to where i’m placing my attention
i choose to notice the abundance
all around me god’s gifts all around me
the love all around me the blessings
all around me and how i always have more than enough
i love that i have everything i need
that i’m loved and cared for that
i have a caring and loving family
that i have a home that i love
a neighborhood that i love
a city that i love
a life that i love
that we can afford our bilsls that
that our business is thriving and
it helps people that
so gratefu lfor so much to be
grateful for
for a warm home for a
warm blanket for warm clothes
for plenty of weed
to get to go to the store when i want!
for plenty of food!
for plenty of pizza!!
for so many birthday gifts i’ve already
so grateful for love for the
feeling of life
love the connection to love
the connection to the
source of life the meaning of life
the flow of life
the flow of life the flow
of life the flow of life the
flow of life
i am the flow i am god
i am life i am the flow i am
god i am life i am the flow
i am god i am life
i am the energy i am the energy i
am what i focus on a
i am what i focus on i am
the sotry
story i tell
i am the
story i tell i am the story
i love doing this work
the energy work the energy work
the feeling work
the emotion work
the switch to choosing how i want to feel
or accepting everything that is really
accepting everything that is
and just going with it and that’s all i
can ever do i love that
i know the secret to life and
get to celebrate it
i love that i know the secret to life
i know the secret to life
i love that i know it i lovethat
that i know it i love that it arleady
alredy is
already is i love that life already
i love
that there are so many blessings in
every moment i love tha t
that i’m always getting exactly what
i want and need i love tha i get to love
and feel loved i love that
i get to love life i love that i know life
loves me i love that i know
life loves me.
i get to choose where i put
my focus i get to choose the version i prefer
i get to choose teh v
the version i create i get
to i get to choose the
version i create i cget
get to choose where i float the
creative energy i love that i know this
i love that i know this
i love that i know this
that i feel the energy of life that i know teh
energy of life that i can always return to the energy of
life t
always return to creative energy
rather than
resistant energy
and that’s all it is
are you creating or resisting
i mean you’re always creating no matter what but
are you at the wheel?
grateful to feel god in this moment
connected to god in this moment
knowing god in this moment
communing with god
being god allowing the god self
allowing myself to be teh god
the god i knwo i am and celebrating that
knowledget that
that alignment that love that
that fcus
focus that focus where
am i placing the energy where am i
moving the energy and i love that i’s
that easy
i love that i know life is easy
i love that i get to choose teh i create
it with how i feel i kow
i know i’m creating my life
every moment i now i’m
i know i’m creating my life
every second
i am
i am this moment i am this moment
totally confident
totally fulfilled
totally focused
i know this i know this is life
and life is this easy i love that i know the
secret to life ia m a
i am aware i am aware i am aware
i am aware i am aware i am
of the energy i am aware of the
version i am always creating i am
aware of the emotions and
role in them i love that i get to choose
to feel how i want to feel right now
that i get to choose alignment
right now that i get to feel the effects of the work right now
i do this work to remember my
only job is to feel how god would feel my
only job is to feel how god would feel
that’s my supply that’s my supply
i know that’s my supply that feeling is my
number one focus and the only thing
worth seeking in life
i love that i know this and i get to feel it
that i get to feel the meaning of life that i know the
meaning of life
i love that it’s working
i love that life is already perfect i love that
i have access to this feeling i know the work
i know the only work i know the
only work
entire focus
entire focus
entire focus
i know this i nkow this
i know this
i nkow if i want to feel
see more
get more
i give more
to the process to the practice of devotion
today i am devoted to how i feel to creating not
resisting today i am devoted to me a
nd i a
and i know i am able to create the version i prefer
that i can allow myself to do that in every
instance and i love hat i can tha
i love that i can i love that i get to and
it’s just that easy