the only work the focus work
the feeling work grateful to do the energy work
so grateful to feel connected
so grateful for deliveries
for pickles!!
and granola
and pet spray and litter
so grateful for deliecio
delicions fresh food
for vegetables
so grateful for a wife and family that love me
so grateful to feel good now to feel the
flow t
to feel the energy now to flip the switch now t
o do thi
do this work right now to know t
there’s no journey only moment
so grateful i know this so grateful to know
to feel this to always be aware
of my state of being
and know that
the awareness is my source and my supply
i kow that
i know that all of life is
an outpicturing of my state of being
i love that it’s easy to focus
i love that it’s easy
easy to cf
feel the way i want to feel to ask myself
if that’s how i watn to feel and then choose
the feeling i do prefer
or just milk the feeling that
feels good in this here and now
and know that
teh turht
the future
doesn’t matter
its easy to focus
to focus on how i feel
to focus on the
the deovtion
devotion to the mathre
the devotion to the feeling
its easy to focus on the feeling
its easy to place my fcous
focus on that which i want more fo
of not what i dont wnat
but what i d
what i do like about my life i love that
i get to choose
i love feeling appreciated i love hwen
people i respect also respect me
i love the good times that were had
and gratefulf or the memories
i love haning out on a boat on the lake!!
i love waking up feeling good i love that
waking up to a new sub!!!
i love the daily div
i love that
i love
i love our work i love that
we just keep pushing it i love that its
always evolving i love t
the better it gets i love that i
get to choose to love myself
and my lfie i love
that i
get to chosoe to feel good now
to feel warm now
to find the eternal fire of the sould
and warm
myself beside it
i love that i get to dovte
devote myself to how i want to feel
i love that i get to devote myself ho
to how i want to feel and then i get to choose
that feeling right now i love that
i never have to dewll
on anything that isn’t how i feel in this present
moment and i know that its
its all on ly
ever me
its easy to put my entire focus
on the god within entire focus
and that is the switch its easy
to jump into god
jump into god knowing that
god is
answering your ever call i love that i know
this i love that god is always answering every day
call i love that i can let the rest go and just
fully enjoy and embrace this moment
for all that i have to
be gratefulf or all that i have to
be grateful for i can
fully embrace and celebrate this moment
feeling how
how i want to feel right now
i feel hw i want
how i want to feel right now
it already is
i make the switch
i choose mei choose this here and now
i choose this moment
gratful t
to do the feeling work the awareness work
to be aware of the
signal i am sending
am i sending the signal of abundance?
am i sending the signal of love??
am i sending wha i want
what i want to receive??
am i match??
i know it’s only ever me and that’s
why i’m devoted to how i feel
i am conscious off how i feel
i am conscious of the god self
i am conscious
that i am the crato
creator that i think things
i feel things and that’s how they
are i’ve
made it that
only i can make it
i made it that way and i can
always remake it
i love tha ti know this
i know no
no person
no person
or condition
nothing outside of me is the
answer to wholeness
completeness already is i love that
i know i’m already complete
and i think i am not complte
that i need to add something to
who i am to be fully me
to fully feel
i think that i need something outside
of me to feel passionate but i can
always find that passion within
i love that i know this ilove
i love that i know this
that i can choose my own validation
that i can flip the switch
and be validated
and knowledge
of spirit
appears as every visible
form and experience
that i could possibly imagine
it already is
whatever i think i dont have
alredy exists
i know the secret to life
the magick of life i know it
get to choose
i never have to worry or wonder becuse i
i get to chose
i get to choose!!
i love that i know what my supply
is i love that i know what my power is
i love that
i kno w
who and what
i am
i know
who and what
i am
i get to choose and that is the only work
making the choice
flipping the switch
being aware of my state of being
and flipping to god i
flipping the on switch
turning on to god
whenever i notice its cut off
i love that i get to chosoe this
i love that i get to
do this work i love that i’m doing the work
and seeing the effects
i love that this is the only work t
he feeling work is the only work and the
only thing that could ever bring about