since that’s all I can do
just focus on how i want to feel
focus on how I want to live and that’s all i can
do is do me all i can do is choose to feel how i
want to feel to look forward to feel ing thooc
good to choose to feel good right now
i can choose to feel good right now feel how i want to feel
right now and that
doesn’t have to depend on anything
on any action it certaintly doesn’t!
i don’th ave to DO anything and i know that
i almost feel better when i’m just doing me
when i’m just focusing on how EYE want to feel
and i know that’s all that matters
i love that the contrast gives me freedom
i love that at any moment
i can choose to feel good i can choose to go within
and forget the rest i love that i know i don’t have
to worry that ai can d
i can always choose to feel good to celebbrate life
to let go do tfeel free
to feel free so gratefult o feel
free to feel free to allow life to flow and
through me to say yes to life as it comes to
and through me
to say yese to life
so gratefult o say yes to life
to feel good in my life
so grateful to feel good in my life
to feel good in my life
to feel good
in my life to not care about ther est t