here now

focused now
centered now
grounded now

i’m grounded

just like that i’m grounded
here now here

grounded now
at peace now in love with
myself right now
in love with myself right now

i can be my best self right now
and it i’m not living free it’s only me
who is creating that version

only i can choose live free to live
free in this right now and live life form

in this moment i am free
in this moment i am full

now i am centered
now i am focused i am here now

now i am centered
now i am focused now i am
the creator of my reality and i
know this i am

centered inthis
this knowledge and i do the work
to remember who i am
to let everything else go
it feels good

to let everything go and now hol

not hold on it feels good to focus
to want to do the work
to allow the best version of

myself i can do it i can
do it i believe in myself and i
don’t have to care what anyone else thinks
i can allow the best version of myself

i am allowed to see the best version of msyef

myself to see the best version of me in everything

i’m here now i’m focused
i feel good i feel relaxed into life

relaxed inot life
into life
relaxed into knowing i feel
relaxed into knowing

i feel good i feel good ia
allow myself to feel good about myslef

i love myself i feel good about myself
i make the choice to feel good about myself

since when do i care?
since when??

i do me i do me i always do me
and i never have to care what anyone

in this here and now
i choose me i choose my best self
i choose to live as my best self
i choose to love

me no matter what i choose to love what i
is i choose to look at the best version of myself

thank you for this now thank you for the
consciousness to know that i am
the only one ever creating my reality
and if i

want to see something idf

different i have to take
responsibility for that
and also

allow myself
to be easy on it feels good
to let everything
go it feels good t

to jump into this moment
allow the best version of myself
and be kind to myself
celebrate me

celebrate me celebrate me celebrate me

allowing life allowing life
saying yes to live
savoring every moment no matter what

knowing the focus
knowing the god self
the love self it feels good to connect to
connect to love self
the love of self
and the

loving self
the loving self
of the loved self

connect to
the loved

connect to
allowing myself
to feel worthy

of life

it feels good to stand up to my thoughts
it feels good to turst the in

trust the intuition
to feel good now to feel the herat

heart singing
and not be attached to a certain outcomeand

and know and know that there is always more than
enough i love that there is always more than enough i love
that there is always more than

to feel the feleing of knowing that
to feel my best self to allow myself to
feel good about me

i am aware
i am aware of my ghout


feelings and actions

i am connected to self
i am free from resistance

negative thoughts of self
images of self

resistant thougths and im

thoughts and images of self
i am free from resistant thoughts

i am free i love my
i live my life free
i love

live my life for me
i live

my life form e


i feel good i feel excited bout life
bout about life

i feel good i feel good in my life so
grateful for my life

i am aware of my thoughts


they affect my life
i am aware i am now in the

i lift up my mind
and thoughts
to be aware to understand
and to know

that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

it feels good to embody that presence
and let go of everything else
it feels good to
choose the other side of the wave
to choose ot love
to love life right now to
grab life by


for the heart to grab the reigns
for the heart to feel confident

or for the self to
stop diminishing the confidence of the heart

stomping on the
true nature
of the heart

it feels good to
let the heart


let the heart breathe
give the heart some air it feels good todo
to do this work the only work
and feel good in life

celebrate everything that is
and never si

wish for me


jumping into tfee

into feeling good i just want to feel
good in my life and

confident in who i am

confidnet in
confident in life
confident in god
and that is where the

that is what i seek
confidence in what i know
confidence i what i know

knowing that life
can be eanou

enough that life already is enough
knowing that life

already is enough

what do i want?
i want to like mysle
i want to love my llife
to see

feel optimistic about life
to m love
to love who i am
to feel fo

confident in who i am
to feel creative
to keep being creative

to keep doingm y work
pushing my own work
my own ideas

i want to feel good
i want to feel
good i want
to love

myself i love

i want to love myself i love

i want to love my life
i want to wake up feeling good
about life

held back
held down



i want to feel
the opposiite

opposite of exhausted and inow
i know i can right now

and it’s all about focus
the choice to
allow the energy of life to flow
through me