How high can i raise my vibration?

i love believing in myself i love
waking up feeling good i love that its
as easy as placing the intention
as making the choice to feel good
as making the choice to love

it feels good to love and say thank you
for what i have it feels good to reaise my
raise my vibration to say thank you and allow
the flow to flow
to flow

to flow through me i love that
i get to feel good about aht i love
that i get to allow the magick of life to
do the work i love
that life is clamouring

the focus on the flow is

the flow focus on the flow is
all that matters

i love that i can allow life to
be easily i lo
i love that i can allow life to be
easy i love
that i can make the choice
and allow life

i love that i can make
the choice i love that i get to make the choice
i love that lifei s

is going my way i love
that life li

life is going my wya i love

i love that i feel good i love
celebrating me i love that i get to
say i love myself i love that the

techniques are working i love
that i’m raising my vibration
and allowing the
best version of life i ove that i

i love that i am allowing
the best versoin of

version of life to flow through me
i love feeling at ease

i love myself i love myself i love
my god self i love that by allowing i can
celebrate life and allow
the best of life to flow through me i love

that i can completely trust and
get out of the way and allow life
to do the work

i love that the more i get out of
the way the more life flows
through me

i love that the more i


the more i get out of the way
the more the more i get out of the way

i love that there are so many opportunities
to let the flow do it i love that i get to

choose i love remembering who i am and i love
that the work helps me do that i love that i

get to

train my mind toward what i want
i love that is my choice how i look at life i love
that its my choicehow i look at life
i love that ig et o

get to allow it to melt away

allow the rest to melt away i love
that i get to choose to love

i love that i get to choose to be my bst
best me i love that i get to choose to
be my best me
i love htat

that i already am wealthy

i love that i get to feel good
i get to make the

i love that i get to feel goodnow
i get to feel the
feeling i get to feel relief

i get to celebrate i get to

celebrae i love that iknow life
lovesme i love
that i get o raise my vibration i love

that i know the vortex is all that matters
i love taht i know

that i know life is good i love that i know life is good
i can focus on the flow and that is
all that matters i know that only god

can figure it out
i know only god has the solutions and i simply
and discern i love that i knowi

i simply

i simply get to choose

i get to choose i get to make the choice
and then life unfolds that way

its that simple

i get to make the choice and life
unfolds that way

let it go i love letting it go
i loe loo

love looking for the version i prefer

and i know its that easy i love
knowing the magick of life i love
knowing i am the magician

i love that i know i don ot

have to do the work
i can simply choose and allow i love
that i ge tto allow i love
that i am loed i

loved i love that i know life loves me
i love getting to celebrate i love

that i get to celebrate this day i love
doing the work

making the choice to feel good
for me to celebrate this day

for mei love that

i love that i have it all i love
looking for things to be grateful for
i love that life is

always helping ask i love
being aware i love allowing life
to do it i love that i am brave enough
to let go

be happy no matter what

and allow life to make the
choices i know are best for me

yes, thank you!

i love that it always flows

i love that life always flows

i love that life
always flows i love


that i know life lovs me i love that
i know life loves me i love that
there is always so much to love i love that
i can i love that life is flowing
perfeclty through


i feel good and that’s all that
matters i love raising my vibration i love
that its easy
i love

allowing myself to feel good
and celebrate life i love feeling
waves of emotion i love
that its easy to reais e

raise my vibration adn allow
the best of life i love
feeling excited about life i love that its
flowing perfeclty through

me i love that

life is flowing perfectly through me i love
that i can do it i love that i
feel good i love that i know life loves me i love

that i’m not nervous

i’m knowing

i get to choose i get to choose
i get to choose and look for what i want
to see i love that i get to do the work i love
that i am alredy w

already wealthy i love that
i get to choose to have fun with life
and life follows!